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Monday, 22 April 2013

Motivational Monday #11

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Since I started this feature, I have had so many messages saying how much you enjoy it so to those of you who have gotten in touch- thank you, I'm glad to see positivity multiply. 

And again, Happy Monday to you all. Monday's are not a day to dread but a day to embrace as they are the start of something new and a chance to wipe the slate clean and try again. 

Motivational Monday
Today's Motivational Monday (taken from HERE) is one that rings very very true with my personality type.

Sometimes in life, a situation is thrown up at us that invokes immediate emotions and makes us want to share how we feel straight away. A colleague at work could bait you with a derogatory comment or a friend might say something that really riles you. It is natural to want to respond in kind and let them know how you feel.

It would be fair to say that in some circumstances that would be the right action. It would also be pretty fair to say that in a lot of cases, it's not the most efficient. To clarify 'efficient', I mean that it's not always the quickest way to a solution and it's not always the most gentle way either. I believe in gentle. 

Throughout my life (just like you), I've had situations where I have wanted to scream at somebody or I have had someone do something crappy etc. Over time I have developed a bit of a coping mechanism. Do nothing for at least an hour. Unless it's like a life or death grab-someones-hand-before-they-fall-off-the-cliff dealio (which with my weak arms I'd be rubbish at anyway), there is no need to go all guns blazing into something. Take a moment, gather your thoughts, weigh up your options ad consider the consequences. Will you feel so angry tomorrow? Will the anger just throw up a new problem (name calling and swearing are not easily forgotten)? Is there anyone you could talk this through with before you get all-up-in-their-grill? (I'm so down with the lingo).

What I'm saying today is, if this week you find yourself in a stressful situation, take a tiny bit of time to move away from it, assess it and then react. You don't need to do it instantly. More often than not, by giving yourself that space, you will make a much better reaction and the situation will run a lot more smoothly, resulting is a happier life for you. And we all want happy, right?

Is this something you might try this week? If you do give it a whirl, come and tell me in the comments if it worked!



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Barbie and Pie. If you would like to find out more about advertising on this blog, click HERE.


  1. I love your 'Motivational Monday' posts! They make my Mondays seem a lot less Monday-ish haha, thank you Louise! :-)
    x x x

  2. Happy Monday Louise :)

    Chloë x

  3. This is something I think I do quite naturally (thank god). I see a lot of my friends react and get angry towards some of the things you mentioned and things just escalate and get much worse. Not reacting, especially when someone's baiting you, just stops everything in it's tracks before it can get worse. This is definitely a motivational monday I can get fully behind Louise, well done :)

  4. Wow #11 already?!

    Very good advice, Louise :)

  5. So true, I do try and do this although its easier said than done sometimes! Great advise and I really do love these posts.

  6. I love your motivational mondays! I feel so tired right nw but this is so inspiring haha :) Great post!


  7. Louise, you are so wise! :) xx

  8. This one struck a cord with me, I tend to go absolutely crazy when something annoys me or upsets me initially, and then a few hours later I'm left thinking why did I even get that upset over something so silly. Thankyou for this one Louise, it's made me think for sure. You can never take back words left in anger.

    :) <3

  9. This is such good advice! When something or someone annoys me, I back up myself. This way though I am still backing my self up but preventing the horrible consequences. Thank you for this post!
    Rachel x

  10. Love this series :) Totally agree with you on waiting before taking action. Sometimes when we get really emotional we forget to be rational. It's so important to take a moment to calm down and gather thoughts before making a move. Great advice Louise!!

  11. I love reading motivational monday, even though its at the end of the day for me.

    jess xx

  12. great words

  13. This is defiantly one i need at the moment. Work is very stressful at the moment so i will take time to breathe and acess the problem before going in all guns blazing.

    Thanks for another amazing Motivational Monday

    Carrieanne x

  14. This is exactly what I am trying to do at the moment and also trying not to care so much about other people who obviously do not care much about me.

    Great advice and the perfect pick me up on a Monday morning!

  15. I love 'motivational Monday'!

  16. I love this! There are definitely some things that I regret doing that would never have happened if I had just waited a few hours to cool down! Thanks for the advice :) x

  17. I like the idea of doing nothing for an hour first. I need to do that more often.

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  18. I love it. Such wise advise. Yes, I believe we all want happy. I know I do.

  19. something to live by... :)

  20. This is very true! Something I try very hard to do..
    great post :)

  21. Just like everybody else who gathers gleefully around your blog on a Monday morning, I adore these posts. I've never really been much of a Monday morning (in fact, they have been known to turn me into a Class A grouch), but I find your opinion of them very refreshing and am working to integrate that positivity into the start of my own week!

    This one is very relevant to me right now, and I couldn't agree with you more. Sometimes it's extremely tempting to go ape shit (excuse my french), but in turns out that doing so isn't really that beneficial. Choosing to think instead of choosing to react is a very wise and important choice, and I wish more people could realise it! Xx

  22. Great post Louise :)


  23. I've been struggling with staying positive both at work and at home so this post came at the perfect time, thanks so much, Louise! It's so easy to react right away but I'll try to put the 'wait one hour' tip into practice from now on xx

  24. Today's been stressful already so this is definitely something I needed to read! Will definitely keep it in mind. Love your motivation Monday posts! Have a good day Louise xxx

  25. Thanks for this :) just what I need while in the final days of my dissertation xx

    honestly, the best thing to come home to on a monday afternoon. it's nice to have something to think about and stop me from being such a negative ninny.
    hope your monday is full of motivation, louise.
    <3 thoughts & encounters, x

  27. This is so relevant to my life right now. And Im so glad that this is what the theme of this weeks motivational monday is because its definitely something I needed to hear. Thanks for great post

  28. Also when someone is trying to piss you off on purpose the best way is always NOT TO REACT because that's exactly what they want, although it can make me feel like I'm going to explode holding it in. You win, if you can rise above it. Always. Hannah x

  29. This is very true!
    I'm glad this is this week's theme as I'm going through something quite difficult at the moment...
    Thanks for this!

  30. I agree with this! Great post. Although *every once in a while* I find that not doing anything can cause me to freak out more later lol.
    - Danielle

  31. Love your blog!

  32. Brilliant quote, I think it is always better to wait a bit before you react so that you don't regret anything! xxx

    Maddy from

  33. Think this is something I definitely need to learn! I love these posts Louise X

  34. This is an awesome tip, Louise, thanks for posting it! :-)

  35. So, so true! Love this series.


  36. Another 'Motivational Monday' post that I loooove! Thanks Louise :) xxx

  37. This is so true.... and I love these posts, as they really do make a difference xx
    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  38. I love love love this! It has seriously brightened up my boring monday of revision!
    A million thank yous :)

    If anyone can check out my blog it would be amazing! thank you xx

  39. "I know today is Monday, and you assume it’s going to suck. But according to statistics, there will be over 5,000 weddings, 10,000 childbirths, and 42 million hugs occurring today throughout the United States. Also today, there will be at least 4 people that will win the multimillion dollar lotteries, 600 people will get promotion at work, and 3,000 people will loose their virginity. There are also 600 dogs adopted, 35,000 balloons sold, and 800,000 skittles eaten. Plus the words “I love you” will be said over 9 million times. So again, I know today is Monday and you assume its going to suck, but just smile, because according to statistics it should be a really nice day!"

    Look at the positive things in life and be happy about what you have and can give to other people.

    fyi, I didn't write the above, I just wanted to share a sweet and happy message with you all <3

  40. "grab-someones-hand-before-they-fall-off-the-cliff dealio"
    That is the custest thing ever!
    make sure to check out my blog for more great stuff!

  41. Thank you so much for posting this. This weekend I had some horrible personal problems arise and this post was exactly what I needed to have a great Monday. Thanks

  42. Love these so much!!!

  43. Dear Louise,
    I doubt you will have seen my tweet so I thought I'd leave you a comment on here. I really hope you read this as I really want to let you know that I am so grateful for this post. It is EXACTLY what I needed this morning!
    This girl who is meant to be my friend and is a part of my friendship group seems to enjoy picking on me and putting me down a lot. This has been going on for about a year and eight months and it's been so hard to deal with. Your advice on just not reacting is something that I absolutely needed. During school today I just kept thinking about your advice and it actually helped me to get through the day, even though it wasn't a great day.
    Now when she decides to make herself feel better by putting me down, I'll think 'what would Louise do?' or about this post and it'll remind me that the best thing to do is just not react to her.
    It also made me feel more motivated today so once again, thank you SO much.
    You are such a beautiful person on the inside and outside and I am so grateful to have found your blog and your YouTube channel. I hope one day I'll be able to meet you and thank you in person.
    Lots of love, Jessica xxx

  44. i really like these posts, please carry on with them!:)

  45. Such great advice!

    Please check out and follow my blog! I'd really appreciate it! <3

  46. I love your Motivational Monday posts! Something about Monday that isn't completley rubbish :)

  47. I think I will definitely have to give the do nothing for an hour thing a try :) another great post!

  48. love this quote - :-)

  49. I love these types of posts! Happy Monday :D

    Beauty/Fashion blog

  50. This is so true! I love your motivational mondays Louise, I feel because I am a teenager we get a lot of stress from exams, our family and friends, or just life in general. I'll often feel like I want to shout at someone, and later on I will regret it. This is a really useful tip that I will definitely be trying. I really look up to you Louise! I hope I can be as positive and lovely as you when I'm older!

    Beauty/Thoughts/Lifestyle Blog xxx

  51. I love this one

  52. I love your motivational Mondays Louise! xxx

  53. Oh man. I've definitely had some encounters over the past week where I've been struggling to hold my tongue. And I could definitely put this 'wait an hour' to use! No sense fuming all day. Thanks for sharing!

  54. Great post Louise - good advice!! :) xxx

  55. With it being dissertation time and every little niggle getting to me, I need to keep this in mind! x

  56. I love motivational monday, I had a situation like this today and I handled it just as you said, so proud! haha x

  57. Your posts are always so neat and polished *.*

    I am offly motivated myself though :) maybe to convince you to check out the youtube channel of a little quirky german girl who likes to do her videos in english?
    *.* ??? * looks with Puppy eyes*
    its called "Bee amazed"

    I know this is kind of a no-go in this scene but I just couldnt resist ;)
    hope you're not too mad
    lots of love
    XOXO Bee

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. You posted this right at the time I needed to read it most. It's been a stressful week for me, as I'm gearing up for finals at my university. On top of all the stress, I had to send out an email to my coworkers at the cafe I work at part time to see if someone could cover a shift of mine.

    Some girl I've never met sent me back a rude email asking if I've ever even worked a day in my life. Completely out of the blue, and it kind of put a damper on my afternoon. I wanted to email her back straight away to see what her problem was.

    I know this is a small, mediocre - maybe even silly problem. But it erked me. I read your post and decided to let it go and move on with my day. The sun in shining and I realize I shouldn't let small acts of rudeness bother me so much.

    Thanks so much for your post. I love these motivational monday's you do! :)

  60. I loved that you said mondays are something to embrace, it really made me re think a lot :)

    A little bit Unique - Blog // Please vote for me in the Company blog awards, best fashion - newcomer


  61. I'm a very stressy person so I think this little snippet may help me a lot, providing I don't forget in my stress that is, haha :) Another great motovational Monday :D xxx

  62. Louise, you're so lovely! I tend to be very quick-tempered and react violently to negativity so this post makes me think. Thanks for sharing the wisdom (: xx

  63. I really do love these post louise and I hope you dont stop making them, They are like a little pick me up at the beginning of the week! :)

    Pipp xx

  64. I can so relate to this, I get angry so easily and often lose control, I hate it yet I find it so hard to stop. This really helps, thanks for sharing Louise!

  65. This was perfect in its timing - am struggling with a difficult colleague at the moment and this helped me to take a deep breath and walk away. So much more dignified. Love your blogs - thank you xx

  66. Aah reading this made me much more peaceful after a tough day at work :) Happy Monday!

  67. In a time were death, destruction, and despair is all you hear about; it's refreshing to read about something positive. Thank you so much for the motivational posts and keep them coming.

  68. I feel like this is how I react most of the time, but sometimes I feel worse if I hadn't of said something in the beginning. But I do feel that statement rings true and is most of the time the appropriate way to handle things. Any who, I love your blog Louise, you're such an amazing person!

  69. I always look forward to your motivational Monday posts :)xxxx

  70. This is exactly what I needed. I tend to really go overboard when I get upset about something. I'm going to keep this in mind from now on.

  71. This is so true!!!

  72. Great quote :) xxx

  73. Hi Louise! I love the Motivational Monday posts! I look forward to it every week, and since I'm in America, it's usually up by the time I wake up =) Sometimes I even get up early to check! I just love started my week with positive thoughts! I have thought for a quote, I found it on another blog and recently used it in my post about how to stay positive, its: If you can't get out of it, get into it. I think its great advice and so true! Its amazing how much less awful the washing up can be when you just put some good music on and try and enjoy yourself!

    I love your blog and you are such an inspiration to me!! xxx

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Hi Louise! I love your Motivational Monday posts! They are lovely! Thankyou so much for running such a wonderful blog! You are such an inspiration, I love reading all your posts. Thankyou again, Louise!
    -emma xx

  76. love love love these posts so much! yay to motivational monday!

  77. I know this was posted ages ago, but this really hit the spot today. Thank you Louise, for being the person you are and for helping others be the best version of themselves.

    Sarah x


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx