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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Happy Tea

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It may surprise you to know that for the last 6 or 7 months I have been pretty tense. It's hard to explain but I feel like a lot is on my shoulders and that if I relax or let go, something bad will happen. Without yammering on and on, I'm learning to let go of the stresses and focus on what's most important- enjoying the little moments of life.

With that in mind, Darcy and I have taken to playing outside in our PJ's, just because we can. 

Tea Party | Lifestyle Blog | Sprinkle of Glitter
Tea Party | Lifestyle Blog | Sprinkle of Glitter
Tea Party | Lifestyle Blog | Sprinkle of Glitter
Tea Party | Lifestyle Blog | Sprinkle of Glitter

I've been enjoyed our daily pj-garden-tea-party quite a lot more than I anticipated. There's something really soothing about unplugging from internet stuffs, feeling the fresh air and listening to a two year old babble away. 

There's no real point to this post today, just a 'hello, I like to share my feelings on my blog sometimes' kind of a dealio. Hope you don't mind. Also, no face shots today, we both look a mess and I decided not to spend time messing about glamourising for the sake of a few quick pictures. 

Do you ever feel under a lot of pressure to have a perfect life? What do you do to combat those feelings? Do you think things like Pinterest and blogs add to that pressure?



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  1. Love ur blog!! Sooo much you always make me smile!! Even when I'm having a bad day so I hope this little message made you smile :)

  2. I really love your blog! Its one of my favourites to read and Im looking forward to every one of your blogs. :)

  3. Going outside in your pjs are the best Louise!
    Have you seen my latest post with 20% off real technique brushes?

  4. awww. i love the idea of a pj tea party, and sometimes its hard to always do perfect. i will be done with school in june and everyone wants me to be precise about what i want to do with my life and what i will be doing for a living in the future...and i honestly have no idea and i'm really scared to decide and it puts alot of pressure on me.


  5. I really see where you are coming from, I mean obviously I can't relate to you personally because we have different things going on in our lives but since I'm in my 3rd year at high school and starting exams and all of that, i feel that If I take 1 night to just relax and ignore the homework then it will add onto the stress that was already there and everything will become way to overwhelming. I really love your blog by the way. Your blog and Zoella's were my inspiration to start up my own! xx

  6. I definitely think that things like pinterest and blogs create an idealistic life that we all yearn for and can make us feel more pressured to reach it. I like to pin pictures of the home I would one day like to own and the perfect summer days I will experience. Maybe more of us should aspire to morning tea parties in the garden, it is much more down to earth and looks like the perfect start to the day :)

    Thank you for another thought provoking post louise x

  7. Pajama garden party sounds like a fab time! =] You have a great outlook on things. It's easy to let things get on top of us. <3

  8. That sounds so sweet and something Darcy will remember when she grows up. Your blog is gorgeous and has inspired so many people, so you must be doing something right!

  9. I love your blog so much and I can definitely relate to feeling the "perfect" pressure. For me, there's no good way to combat it other than to just try to avert my thinking or do something on my to-do list. That way I feel better by being productive :)

  10. aw louise i know how you feel , i have been feeling very similar! things do get better so keep your chin up doll!


  11. Aww a pj tea party sounds amazing! I always feel stressed out from work, and I feel like blogging helps relieve that. I might not vent to my readers about what's stressing me out, but writing helps me relax :) I also ask my students for hugs. We ask each other for hugs all the time. We all need it sometimes right?

  12. Hi, I'm new on your blog and just wanted to say hi :) I have to little boys (5yr and 3yr) and I do feel the pressure pressure for perfect life quite often! It seems the more I try the more everything falls apart, I guess it's a lesson I have to learn, just to let go and everything will go in place. Having children really does turn our world, our life upside downa nd puts a lot of stress on women, anyone who says everything is easy and perfect is most likely telling a lie! Pinterest, tumblr and all the blogs definitely add the pressure, for me atleast. To not to be influenced by all that one must be a very strong person. Take care!

  13. Aww a PJ-garden-tea-party, how fun!! I might do that at some point in the near future ;) Haha but yep, I do feel the stress of having a perfect life. However, I just keep making youtube videos and recently I've started up my blog again, so it's a nice little relief for me to just express myself! :) Plus, doing these things are a part of my ideal life. I've got this perfect life in my head, so I'm going to take it one step at a time! I know I may not get there totally, but if I come even a little bit close then I will be a happy chappy indeed! Lovely post, Louise!

  14. very cute! you are such a wonderful mum to her louise!

  15. Thank you for being so open with us Louise, this is why you're my favourite blogger :) Carry on enjoying your PJ garden times :) XX

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  16. aw such a cute post! I'm glad that you're involving Darcy in your vlogs and posts again! :)

  17. I suffer from massive anxiety on a day to day basis and regularly feel under pressure to have it all together. My partner and I are just looking to buy a house (Stressful to say the least) but I am trying to keep myself calm and off the verge of an almighty breakdown lol

    I think I should have a daily PJ cute as a button 2 yr old to join me but I am sure I could force my little ginger cat to come along haha.

    Loved the post today :)


  18. Aww a PJ tea party! I want one now!!

  19. I love little posts like these, it reminds us that you're a person, not just a blog :p What a cute little PJ tea party, I'm sure Darcy enjoys it just as much as you :)

  20. Aloha!
    I'm new to your blog but I absolutely love it. Especially your motivational Mondays. Ydays really hit the nail on the head for me. Anyway all thanks to your posts, it really helped me put things in perspective. You know maybe when u feel down, read back on your own MM posts, they may inspire you in a different way the 2nd time round?

    Funny what u said about pinterest, I started following u yday on it btw. I find sumtimes pinterest can make me feel frustrated just seeing all the visually stimulating pics! You scroll down thinking "want want, gotta do that, why do my nails never look like that! jealous, gotta do that! Wish i had that! want! want!...arrrghh" Or is that just me? lol.

    I find posting on my blog is a bit of a weight on the shoulders but I feel good when I see how it makes a difference to others and I love it really, try not to see it as a chore. Also I do mantra meditation to keep stress free.

    I hope you feel better :) Just look at all ur comments and followers, you have lots of people who love and wish you well xxx

  21. nature 100% calms people, proven stuff. I always feel so much better about anything after a stroll outside. It is hard to attempt to be 'perfect' all the time, and online is a depicter of that due to the fact that you can pick and choose what to display on it, so it seems everyone is leading these amazing lives. Famous people still have to shower and clean and eat etc too!
    Follow my Fashion Blog on Bloglovin!

  22. I absolutely Love your Blog and how open you are on it. I love blogging but i do think there is added pressure i feel like i need more expensive make up and want to whisk off to different parts of the world on long weekends (something i just cant afford at the moment)
    Your motivational Mondays really help me though i think about my life and think only I can do anything about it i also do Cross fit so take my stress and use it to push me harder there!
    My blog makes me happy as every comment means alot to me and i just think about someone is taking time to read what i have to write.
    I love your random little posts so much, Love seeing all the normal little family things you get up to.
    Carrieanne x

  23. I love little posts like this, it's the little things in life :)


  24. I agree and think think that blogs and pintrest can add to that. Lovely pictures btw your and darcys tea party looks so cute!

  25. I definitely think that things like pinterest and blogs can add to the pressure, I'm about 3 weeks off finishing university with no idea what I want to do with my life... So I'm definitely feeling the pressure at the moment!

  26. Your blog is always filled with so much cuteness!!


  27. I luv your blog it's amazing,it always makes me smile :)Adorable pictures.

  28. Sharing parts of your life on social networks can give a feeling that you need to be perfect but I think it's important to remember it really doesn't matter. Having said that, in real life I'm terrified about leaving uni haha x

  29. i always feel under pressure about all sorts of things in life recently the only way i can deal with it is by putting my energy into other thing and other projects


  30. I think sometimes we get so caught up in our stresses and day-to-day tasks that we forget to stop and smell the roses, and really appreciate what we have. While it's important to get things done and stay focused, life is to enjoy, relax and have fun. Sometimes I'll look at blogs and YouTube videos and think, "Wow, these girls live such glamourous lives", but I have to take a step back and remember that a lot goes else behind the fashion and the makeup! I absolutely love dressing up and getting all dolled up, but I love it just as much as staying in my pyjamas all day and makeup free days on my days off from work. Life is all about finding a balance, I think. :)

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I recently did a post on what I really want in life and having the pressure of being successful. And how university has made me doubt myself and my career path and ways in which I've gone about trying not to stress about it and let everything fall into place.

    I think the internet does cause a lot of pressure within society as everyone can see what you are up to and how you live your life. There is that pressure to make sure you are living the perfect life. I keep telling myself that everything will fall into place and what will be will be. As long as I've got good health and a supportive family I don't need to stress about the small things (it's a lot easier to say then do but I will get there!)

    Lauren x

  33. For me, my blog is a way to destress. It's something that no one besides my husband knows about, so it's all my own. I can be who I want, however I want, and pretty much do and say what I want. It's liberating for me. But I also like to go out and wander around the mall for no reason at all, because it isn't that busy of a place during the weekdays, there's free airconditioning, and lots of food, so we enjoy that. I'm honestly not an outdoor person, but I may like to take my little out when he's a bit older to play around and get a little dirt on us ;)
    Relax, dear Louise. I hope you're able to achieve the calm and peace that you need. <3

  34. We shouldn't have to always feel the pressure to be perfect. Although in saying that, I think that you and your blog are exactly that! Love <3

  35. I absolutely Love your Blog and how open you are on it. I love blogging but i do think there is added pressure i feel like i need more expensive make up and want to whisk off to different parts of the world on long weekends (something i just cant afford at the moment)
    Your motivational Mondays really help me though i think about my life and think only I can do anything about it i also do Cross fit so take my stress and use it to push me harder there!
    My blog makes me happy as every comment means alot to me and i just think about someone is taking time to read what i have to write

    Yvette xoxo

  36. Hello lovely. I know exactly what you mean, I have been learning to focus on the important positives in life. Btw Darcy is a fabulous name, my son is called Darcy and he's 3, I loved the name so much I would have used it had I had a girl too. Love Laura xxx A Scottish Lass

  37. This is precious! :)

  38. I think its needed every now and then to unplug from the internet life and remeber all the good things going on it may not be perfect or 100% right but you hve some thing that makes you happy! :)

    Pipp xx

  39. This is adorable. And I love Darcy - she looks like a little doll.
    - Danielle

  40. Very cute photos, I definitely think it is important to unplug every so often! xx

    Maddy from

  41. A pj garden tea party? That sounds like a storybook! So charming.

    I do find that sometimes blogs and the internet world push for perfection. Whenever I'm really feeling that stress, I find it's best to just unplug entirely. I don't let anything electronic on my nightstand or bed. Just brew some tea and curl up with a good book!

  42. Such beautiful photo's! Darcy is the most gorgeous little girl, and pictures like this are so precious xx
    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  43. I combat my stressful feelings by tapping into my creative side. Whether it's photography, painting, or drawing, I always seem to feel at ease while doing them. Talking to a friend or relative also helps.

  44. I love going outside in my pyjamas, i love that no one can see you and you can get away with doing anything! These are such beautiful pictures of Darcy, she is beyond adorable! :D xx

  45. Aww, everyone feel a little stressy weight on their shoulders at time. The key, I believe, is just to relax and pass good time by doing what makes you the most happy.

    Or go to the spa. I guess it may helps for a time! :)

    Good luck with that stress! xxx

  46. hey louise! Im a mummy like u around the same age with a three yr old daughter and boy can I say that I do have stress in my daily life but I have learned to replace those negative thoughts with positive ones in order to combat them and not let them get me down. Those negative thoughts only prevent us from accomplishing and squeezing out the juice of life. Thanx for a wonderful blog

  47. Yeah i can see what you mean when the weight of the world (or the ones you love) is on your shoulders you need time to relax any way i love reading your posts they allways calm me down and make me smile no matter what they are and i think blogs and seeing other peoples live that look perfect on screen make me more almost upset so its nice to see that not everyone elses life is perfect

  48. I feel the same way too sometimes, hope you're feeling better soon!

    Louisa's Notebook

  49. I really like your chatty 'hello' posts they're just so nice to read :)

  50. This made me smile, I just recently stated reading your blog and already I love it! xxx

  51. This is so lovely, it's the little things that matter in life!

  52. I think there is definitely a pressure to lead the perfect life.. Blogs, Facebook. And youtube add to people seeing others lead 'perfect lifes'..

    i do however think you lead a great example! You are real.. And it shows :D

    thanks for the post Louise!

  53. yes! I always feel so much pressure to lead a perfect life, have a perfect family, get perfect grades, wear nice clothes, have makeup on when I go out to look my best. Sometimes I just want to forget all about it.
    Then I just think about the blessings I have in life, the family I have, the school i've got, the ability to live in a world where there is little hunger and poverty and I am so thankful.
    Your blog is so inspiring and I am loving all these posts x

  54. I was in the same situation, there was no reason why. I just felt not good enought and like sad in a way but I've started making small steps and already see the difference! I'm happy now, even in school! Improvement there! ;)

  55. ahhh, I feel so under pressure lately too. I have so much to do that I'm just not doing any of it... seeing other people do well definitely adds to the pressure, but I think it motivates you sometimes too?


  56. I don't feel under pressure to have a perfect life, I just feel under pressure! I'm glad you posted this :-)

  57. I feel under pressure to have a perfect life. I do also get jealous of all the happy moments other people have in life (after all, jealousy is human nature and everyone suffers from it). I see people and their perfect hair and skin. They're big house and expensive products. It gets all too much. Sometimes, it's good to forget about that kind of stuff. Just enjoy your moment.

    xx wow i think I may have gotten off the point but .... it's all good.

  58. ahhhhh <3 I love your honesty. It is so refreshing and beautiful.

  59. I constantly feel under pressure since I am still in school. With final exams approaching the pressure has really cranked up a notch! But I know if I push through it, I'll feel so relieved when they're over. Also, I know you are a religious person (as am I) and I think praying really helps me sort out my feelings and feel better about everything. It makes me feel like I'm doing something about it. Just take some time to sit and think about all the good things in your life!

  60. hope your feeling better Louise! I think this year is quite a difficult one for all of us. Money worries, bad weather and more. xx

  61. A smile was put on my face thanks louise...made my day:)

  62. i love lifestyle posts <3
    loving the jammies (;

  63. Smile! Hope you're feeling better. xx

  64. really nice blog post and aw bless darcy so cute! could you check my blog out im a 14 year old english girl who loves fashion and makeup!

  65. aw this is lovely louise, i love posts like this they're so cute haha aww

  66. Is this part of the poundland tea set? If it's great haha, we've passed a few hours with that in the past! It looks the same :) xx

  67. Love!! xx

  68. I love your blog Louise! It is definitely one of my favorites!:) I know what you mean about learning to let stress go, I need to start practicing that too!

    1. I'm not sure which profile to post comments as, so I am trying both! Sorry, I'm new at this! haha

  69. This is adorable Louise!!!!!
    Pyjamas are just the best!

    Lots of Love,
    Am x

  70. I do think we spend too long comparing our lives to the lives of others when we should appreciate what we've already got! I'm also a worrier by nature so I can relate to stressing out too much :/ Glad that the outdoor tea party helped you - you should have them more often - you could even invite guests! haha :) xxx

  71. Lovely blog and so relatable also! Baby glitter is actually adorable! Very inspiring to others to express our feelings more often xx

  72. I sometimes feel the same way, I do think things like Pinterest and Blogs can add to the pressure. Although sometimes they can do the exact opposite as well, you know? Help you to sort of relax! To combat these feelings I usually try talking to someone, watching your videos (you cheer me up :$), drawing, but I really think getting out of the house always does the trick. Just exploring the world, trying something new...that sort of thing. Haha this is really long..I really hope you feel better! And just remember, like every moment in life, this to shall pass <3

  73. You have such a fabulous family.. can't wait to grow up and have that! Ha x

    X Lily

  74. Living in New York, I feel like I can't even take the dog out for a wee without having to slap a bit of lipstick on. I think playing in the garden in pj's sounds quite glamourous!

  75. Baby Glitter is absolutely adorable! Too cute :) Your blog is fabulous, I love reading it!! Your pictures are wonderful, along with your blogs of course! Thankyou so much for making such a wonderful blog, and youtube videos! Keep doing what you're doing!!

    ~emma xx

  76. so adorable!

  77. I think social media has led to people attempting to make their lives look better than they actually are. This applies to how we look as well. I don't usually wear make up and when I do it's not much at all. I wish more women were comfortable enough with themselves so they don't feel ugly without their cosmetics. Accept your strengths AND your flaws!

  78. Awwww so adorable! Whenever I see (or well, read) about Darcy my face just goes like this: *-* and I get so giddy. You are an incredible woman with a beautiful child! Congratulations!!

  79. Aw, those pictures are adorable!! I completely understand about constantly wanting to have a perfect life. This year I just decided I needed to slow down a little, and just start actually living in the moment, not just always pondering about the future! x


  80. Love these posts on your family. So cute and it is nice to see how happy you are!

  81. I think there's definitely a lot of pressure on people to be doing lots and doing well in everything which is just impossible!
    I'm still at university so I suppose I have a slightly different perspective on things, but it still amounts to the same emotions.

    We can only do our best and appreciate what we've got, which from my point of view you seem to do very well!

    Emily x -

  82. that tea set is so so cute!

  83. such a cute post, there is definitely a lot of pressure on people to do things, specially with university work and jobs as well as other personal things for others that can impact them in such a way. I think people forget to take a breather now and again to turn off their phones and other electronics and go out and enjoy the fresh air :D great points addressed in this post :D xx

  84. This is so lovely, my Mum and I used to have tea parties all the time when I was little! I feel the same as you, I always feel like there's something that needs doing and can never properly relax... xxx

  85. Oh yeah there is defo pressure to have a perfect life. I think things like blogs do add to this too because obviously they only show the great things in someones life and it can be hard to remember that, yes they have great times but also have sad, stressed, lonely, angry and hurtful times too - just like anyone! And to be honest, without all of that, aaaaaaas cheesy as it sounds, we wouldn't be able to enjoy the good times or the precious times. I don't even know if that makes sense ha!
    Saadiya x

  86. this is so super cute and looks like you are doing the right thing by having time together!! sometimes the smallest things are the most important and go on to create the best memories x

  87. such a perfect post. simple and puts everything into perspective. blissful to read as it kind of hits home to exactly how i'm feeling in life atm. you should do another 'faceless' post. i like it.
    enjoy those pj-garden-tea-parties while you can louise!

  88. you all look like such a beautiful family, i will be so happy if my family is like this when I'm older!!xxx

  89. HI Louise,
    Can relate somewhat to your post. I have a beautiful 6 month old baby boy who I adore beyond words but feel I often miss out on enjoying him because I'm so stressed & tense with the rest of the goings on in my life. I should be soaking up every minute of this babyhood and not so wound up all the time.
    Easier said that done but I do try. Great post, keep it up and reading it has inspired me to make more of an effort myself.

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx