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Monday, 8 April 2013

Motivational Monday #9

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

So, it's Monday. Yay! The start of a new week and the opportunity to turn over a fresh leaf. 

Motivational Quote or Saying

This week I've gone for an oldie but newie. An old saying that I typography'd myself-go me. Feel free to pin this onto your pinterest boards

It's a simple fact that sometimes, life throws up problems and issues that can be hard to deal with. Perhaps you are going through some financial hardship or a breakup. Perhaps you just feel pretty low at the moment and don't know what to do. Perhaps you have a big decision to make and you're finding it difficult. 

Whatever your 'lemon' is, you have to choose what to do with it. You can dwell on it and let it stew and get yourself in a dither and tizz, or you can think about what you could do to make the very best out of the situation, 'make lemonade'.

Hard up on money at the moment? Have a movie night with those DVD's that are gathering dust or use up those lingering bottles of bubble bath. Going through a breakup? Use this time to see more of your friends and family and people who make you laugh. A big decision? Research it and talk to people you know have your best interests at heart and enjoy the learning process. 

Try, try, try to see the good in a situation. EG. "I have no money to go out" = "I can spend more time at home with Matt having cosy nights in". OR "I have a tough choice to make and I hate it" = "I know I'm going to make a decision that will better my life in the long run and this excites me". 

I know it's twee and optimistic but I promise you, if you look for it, there is good in almost everything. I find that by focusing on that aspect, you feel a whole lot better about your life and the weights of the world feel a great deal lighter. 

Why not try it for one week and see how you feel? Have you turned any lemons into lemonade recently? Tell me in the comments. 



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  1. I really love your motivational Mondays xx

  2. Good point about not being able to go out lots, I much prefer spending time with my boyfriend doing FREE things at home.

  3. Oh thank you Louise! This was just what I needed! I am trying to decide what to do about next year Uni/gap year! Now you have made me be less scared of choosing the "wrong choice" and rather be excited as whatever I do end up choosing will give me experiences and will help me grow! Thank you again! Your blog always makes me feel good about myself and so does your videos :) Lots of Love from Em xx

  4. When I read that picture it made me crave lemons lol =D xx

  5. Your Motivational Mondays are the best start into the week I could possibly have! Please keem them up! You're amazing <3

    Lisa x //

  6. I've been making a lot of lemonade recently. Ahh life.

  7. Love this saying, your posts always make me smile on a Monday!

    Lottie x

  8. I think danisnotonfire should read this with his extersential crisis going on...
    Thanks Louise,great start on a monday morning<3

  9. Thanks for the inspiration, Louise! I have to stop dwelling on things and just let them be and move on. xx

  10. We love your inspiring posts, Louise :) thank you

  11. I really like this post. Very inspiring! I think I'll be happy all day now :) I love the font as well, what's it called?

  12. your blog is amazing! :) you are a very good writer who makes readers feel better! thanks, Louise. xx

  13. I love your motivational mondays! Thank you :) they're so inspiring!
    Great post!


  14. your optimism and motivational tips always make me smile. I'd love to be just like you when I'm older!!! You're truly inspiring and a great role model.


  15. Everyone should have your outlook on life Louise! You're such an inspiration x x

  16. Louise, I love this saying and this is something my dad always says to me...thanks for the boost that I needed this morning!

  17. Love love LOVE Motivational Mondays :)
    I've been going back and forth about asking this guy out... my goal is to gather up whatever courage I have and ask him out sometime this week. Aaaaaaaatfvhkssehjerfghfhh!!

  18. you go girl! xxxxxx


    I love your 'Motivational Monday' quotes... it really makes me excited for a fresh new week. This post really helped because at the moment I am choosing my university firm and insurance choices and to me it was such a hard decision whether I should live far away from home or not.... But after reading this post I know that I'm going to make a decision that will better my life in the long run! xxx

  20. I really like your Motivational Monday :)

  21. I really enjoy your motivaional mondays! keep them coming! :)

    I'm an american ex-pat in italy and I work mainly as a freelance translator. since my maternity leave ended in June 2012 work has been all but non-existent. It's been hard for me to suddenly not rally have a career, so I decided to redefine myself as a stay at home mom... and I'm lucky because I get to see all my daughter's firsts! It's also giving me time to redefine my career for when she gets older and starts preschool. It's not always easy with the financial situation (and the political one isn't helping!), but I'm making an effort to get out of negative thinking.

    happy belated birthday to your little girl!

  22. i love this saying so much... and i also love lemonade. mmmm

  23. This saying always makes me think of a Phil Dunphy quote;
    "If life gives you lemonade, make lemons. Life will be all like, 'WHAT?'"

  24. I really love these posts!

    Please check out and follow my blog! I'd really appreciate it! <3

  25. Hi Louise! :-) Can I just say, I LOVE these posts and it's so lovely to read especially when you've been having a bad week or a bad start to the day, it's so refreshing! I love the saying too and I love Lemonade, ha ha! Perfect!

    Lots of love ❤

  26. girl crushin' on you is the best thing ever!

  27. Hello you probably get this a lot but I just wanted to let you know that I have featured you along with a few other bloggers in my latest 10 Things post (a weekly segment I have on my Blog) and thought you may like to take a look.
    I hope you don't mind and that you like it.
    Sarah oxox

  28. Thanks for this Louise, I'm having a really tough time at the minute, I'll try my best to see some good in this situation I'm in, thanks again.

  29. What a lovely post. So motivational. I've been having a hard time recently. Think, partner losing job and we are getting married, moving house whilst trying to finish fourth year uni work. Having to retake my placement as I failed my last one. Argh! I just think when I get through this year I will be 10x stronger and I will be able to deal with anything. We are challenged for a reason! Xxx

  30. Lovely post. I see mondays differently now thanks to you ;)

  31. I do love this saying but I prefer 'When life gives you lemons, make lemon drizzle cake!'

    Lucy Loves To Blog

  32. Fun series, I have a feature called 'motivating monday' but it's more a link up with fun inspiring things. xo

  33. I love these posts every Monday their great really make sense to things in life :) x

  34. I love these posts!

  35. I actually did make lemonade recently.. I always wanted to do YouTube full time, and blog. And, recently I started blogging! YAY, I'm so proud of myself! Before I was afraid that people might think its stupid.. but it's not.< I'm so hooked in>. I'm blogging now, and who knows what the future holds.. You and Zoe by doing what you're doing really pushed me into fulfilling my dreams!Thank You!

  36. You should go and check out her blog called Make my Lemonade if you don't already know it!


  37. I would actually take a movie-home night over meaningless socializing any time!
    (Love the board, graphic-side speaking! :) )

    xx, Athena!

  38. Thanks for the reminder that we need to be optimistic in bad times, I feel like I always make myself worse being a pessimist :(
    Love your blog and youtube!

    Beca :) xx

  39. I really love these motivational mondays, you are such a lovely person louise and a wonderful mummy :) xx

  40. I'm usually pretty down on Mondays because I hate going to school, but these posts can always make me feel better about it! :)

  41. i love you so much louise ahhh you're so motivational!xx

  42. Such a very good point made. And I think I skirt round this problem as much as I can but we all find ourselfs in it now and, and this very good advice for when it happens all over again!

    Pipp xx

    1. I hear this all the time and never really understood it until my nan told me what it meant. It's actually a really clever saying and easy to remember. xoxox

  43. I absolutely LOVE your Motivational Mondays! They cheer me up and make me have a brighter outlook on life. I absolutely love you Louise. You're my idol & my inspiration. If I could ever be half as amazing as you, it would make me extremely happy! You're my idol and my inspiration. Please never stop your YouTube videos or your blog, I don't think I would cope;)
    You're one amazing person Louise! Keep at it!xxxx<3

  44. I've never read any previous motivational posts by you before as I've only recently started following but I thoroughly enjoyed reading this :) I never really understood the expression but this has explained it to me in a much clearer way :D I'm feeling very inspired now! Thank you XD xx

  45. Love motivational Mondays, they make a Monday somewhat more bearable!
    I always say "When life gives you lemons make lemonade" as well, so this is just brilliant!x

  46. This saying is old but gold. To live by that isn't always easy but I try everyday to see the good in everything and I learned from it that it will improve your life and you will be a much happier person:)

  47. Sometimes I get sad when I can't afford some new music that I REALLY want to buy, but then I just think, well I can listen to all these old CDs I've got lying around and feel all nostalgic (and then look for the full album on youtube ;))

  48. This is such a lovely post, it's nice to be reminded of things like this from time to time as it's so easy to get caught up in the bad times! xx

  49. Mmm optimism, my favourite!

  50. this is so great. Love you Louise! <3 (:

  51. I split up with my boyfriend last year and it hit me really hard. It was the kick up the bum i needed to sort things out. I organised my life, got a new job, lost weight, started doing zumba and more exercise and now i'm the happiest i've been in years. I'm spending loads of time with my horses and friends. Really loving life at the moment - just wish i had a bit more money!

  52. It's so true, Louise! I recently had to make a huge life-changing decision and it was really a trying period. While I'm still overwhelmed at the prospect of this change right now, I know that I've made the best decision for myself and it's something that really excites me. Once I've finally made that transition, I know it's going to be great!

  53. Thank you so much for this Louise, I look forward to your motivational Mondays to get through my week! I've got a tough week at school this week so I'm trying to make sure I stock up on hot chocolate, tea and biscuits to get through the late nights. That's my lemons into lemonade! Much love to you and your family xxx

  54. I really like your motivations!!
    I usually have really long days in school on a Mondays and they just wear me out so easily. your motivation really keep me going through the week.


  55. Hi louise and her blog followers, i started reading this blog about a year ago and have now started my own and have been inspired by louise! It would mean the world if you went over to my blog and see what you think :) i hope one day I can be writing my blog to as many as louise does!

  56. louise! you always seem to get me through the mondays! thank you for that!:D

    new blogger, give me a little look on my blog you and your followers, very grateful

  57. Aww, Louise, I love these motivational mondays! I'm seriously trying to make lemonades with the lemons in my life right now. Thanks for reminding me to see the positive in many bad situations, which is what I need to work on because I always get too under pressure and see mostly the negative parts of the situation! <3 you!

  58. Thank you for a motivational post! You're right, whatever you're going through, you always have a choice. You're the one who navigates your life, it's up to you how to live with it. Whether you have a problem or not, you have to stay strong and you have to use these problems or challenges for you to become a better individual. In whatever situation you are, always remember that you still have a lot to be thankful for, and you always have your family and friends who will always support you no matter what happens.

  59. That's perfect! You know, Monday can be such a lemon.. Haha!

  60. Loved your new video Louise! I've just started a blog, would love for you to read it!

    Claora xox

  61. I love this post :)

  62. I really love your motivational monday posts! They brighten up my Mondays!
    lisatakespictures xo

  63. I always love your blogs Louise you always put a smile on face!

  64. Great post, Louise. So true!

  65. Louise, you are the most inspirational person I have found, not just on the internet but in life. You're posts like this make me so happy and more positive. I hope you have a lovely day.
    Abigail x

  66. Gah, what a post to read when you're buried in homework, haha! ;-) x

  67. Ouf, I really needed to read this. I have some pretty big decisions I need to make, and I've been trying my hardest not to think about them, hoping it would all just go away. I love your blog Louise, I'm a new reader, and I'm subscribed to your channel as well. I hope Baby Glitter is doing well,

    Xo CeeCee

  68. I can't believe how positive you are! I love that you can put a good spin on everything and see the best in people and in situations :)). I have always been a glass half empty kind of person but am working to change that! Thanks for the wise words - I love motivational mondays! :)


  69. hey,
    I always love your blog and teh motvational-monday-posts are always my favourites but in this one I really felt conserned (I hope thats the word for it because google-translater is not always right :D )... I think its like the words are directly goes into my heart ( I know this sounds sttupid but I don't know how to explain it better in english :/)
    So all I wanted to say is thank you and please keep writing this posts because they always pick me up :) xx

  70. ** the words are directly going

  71. I love your motivational mondays Louise, they are always so kind and thoughtful, not just empty words.
    Keep up the amazing work (:

  72. I love this saying louise!
    check out my blog? (fashion/beauty) book/film/tvshow reviews coming soon!!
    Thankyou x

  73. Love these posts! I love this quote! x
    Amy |

  74. Motivational Mondays are the highlight to the start of another boring school week, mondays have never been so exciting before! A boy in my form once said 'when life hands you lemons, make orangeade and leave the world to wonder how you did it' - it tickles me! :)

    Lauren x

  75. I love lemonade! I really want some now :)
    So true aswell

  76. I absolutely ADORE your optimism and these posts brighten my day!!

    I would LOVE it if you would check my blog out and maybe even follow too? :D

  77. Why are your posts always so perfect and well written, Louise?! It is so not fair!

    Holly x
    Latest post: Spring Wishlist

  78. I love your posts like this! xx

  79. i love your posts! especially this!

    check my blog out please? :)

  80. I love your motivational Monday's Louise and I can always relate to them as well my lemon has a been a particularly difficult one to turn into lemonade but I got there in the end and it excites me that it will hopefully make my life much better :)

    Much Love Stacie xoxo

  81. Perfect little motivational pick me up! =)

  82. Yet another FABtastic motivational monday ... very fitting for my relatively new blog aptly named 'When life hands you lemons'

  83. What a brilliant motivational Monday post! I love this old saying and think I need to use it more often!

    Carrieanne x

  84. I've been going through a tough time deciding whether the degree I'm doing is really in my best interests and thinking about a potential future job I want to work in.

    I'm happy to say that it turns out I'm lining myself up quite nicely to do the sort of work I think I'd enjoy in a few years time :)

    Emily x -

  85. I have buckets and buckets of lemonade from all of the lemons life has been throwing at me lately! Even though this saying is said so often, it's still so true!
    I'm always so inspired by your Motivational Mondays, Louise! xx

  86. Thank you so much for this post Louise-and every other motivation Monday for that matter! This post is exactly what I needed today. Keep it up! xxx


  87. I always look forward to motivational Mondays. It makes me feel very optimistic and well, motivated! Thank you!

  88. The way that you can always see the bright side is so brilliant. The little heading under they saying also gave me a good laugh :)

  89. This is lovely :) I'm trying to not complain about anything at the moment and it's really made such a difference to the happiness in every day!


  90. I love your motivational Mondays Louise, more people should realise Monday isn't that bad!


  91. Really loved it! Keep it up!!!! :)

  92. I love this!

    I'm new around here, would love if you'd take the time to check out my blog :)

    mucho thanks

    Kelly Lou xo

  93. I'm really in need of motivational post! So I looove your! :-*

  94. Oh Louise I do love these types of posts. I love your blog. It is so positive and upbeat. You're such a role model!

  95. or when life gives you lemonade make it into lemons and life will all be like whhuuuut?!

  96. i do love a motivational monday x

  97. Some one who made life pretty tough for me at one point has come back into my life. But I'm trying to get into a 'lemonade-frame-of-mind' and think that I'll only have to put up with them for a few weeks. It will feel like hell but I have a lot in my life to look forward to! There's no point dwelling on the bad stuff. I LOVE LEMONADE TOO MUCH!!

  98. Oh Louise, you are such a wise and chirpy person. Your advice always helps when i need it this most! After reading this i definitely have to carry on reading some of your older post. Which by the way i absolutely love. It does take some time out of my life reading it, but it always make me smile. You are a lovely person and please stay happy and stay posting because that makes me just as happy. I love motivational mondays, because i know i can turn to this when i am feeling upset, so i can be chirpy like you!!xx I love you Louise <3 it would mean a great deal if you checked out my blog (i mentioned you in my first blog) and maybe even my twitter again lots of love, Rachel xx

  99. You are amazing, Thanks Louise!

  100. I have this quote on my kitchen wall in wall art vinyl, my favourite phrase :)

  101. I love Motivational Mondays. They always cheer me up!

  102. I think these posts are becomming by far my favorite type of post from you! Love them :)
    Follow my Fashion Blog on Bloglovin!

  103. Yep! This is why I love this blog! Though I am not reading this post at the start of my week, it implores me to reflect internally on my successes. Being a young woman and in the middle of a college transfer craze/part time job/and new chapter in life, I seldom take little time to reflect on what has turned out the best.In fact while this week has been especially tough because my friends went back to their awesome colleges, and I returned to the local Jr.College (snooze...), I then remembered it was by staying at home one more year that I jumped ahead one year of school! Louise's blogs are like therapeutical prose, few people can write with that talent! Thank you SprinkleofGlitter you have reminded me to be more opptimistic in all things!

  104. Thank You Louise for being such an inspirational person!
    I love your Blogs and Videos, I think that Motivational Mondays is a FANTASTIC thingy. You should keep doing this forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever!

  105. Personal favourite quote of mine ;)

  106. I love your motivational Mondays :)x

  107. love your Motivational Mondays & also love lemonade!

  108. Love this post :) so true!


  109. Hi,
    I am a huge fan of your blog and your youtube channel! I am worrypot and I will worry about the smallest of things. So when a big problem comes around the woory takes over my life. Your advise has shown me that I can take the things that I worry about and turn them into a positive. Thank you so much for your advise!!
    I just want to say that I think you are such a great role modle/ inspiration and Baby Glitter should be proud to have you as a mum!!

  110. Thank-you very much for writing such cheery, uplifting things, Louise! Your attitude and perspective are wonderful--even through your posts and videos, through a screen, you really do sparkle. I've recently lost a close friend to brain cancer, gone through a rather traumatic breakup, dealt with crippling depression, and had some difficulties at university (as the result of these things, mostly) however, as heartbreaking as these things have been, and as hard as it's been to get out of bed and trudge on sometimes (and while sometimes I've just opted to stay in bed), I remind myself every now and then that while some doors are closing, many, many new ones that are better for me are opening up. And like you said, there are so many little things to be excited and grateful for all of the time, if only we look closely enough, and your post really reminded me of this. We give away our power too often, letting outside people and things determine our happiness, but really, it's up to us to see the good and to be happy regardless. Thanks again!!

    Love, Alysha--a Sprinklerino and admirer all the way from Canada <3

  111. Love this! I've recently been diagnosed with a chronic disease and although it is manageable in the long run, right now I am cooped up at home ,not able t work or see anyone and its been really tough. BUT if I hadn't had all this time bored at home the last few months I never would have started my blog! HELLO LEMONADE!xxx

  112. Thanks for the post. You should take part in a contest for one of the best blogs on the web. I will recommend this site!
    quad parts California

  113. Dearest Louise,
    if you ever see this, know that this post has honestly changed my life. It is a post that has a lot of credence in my day-to-day life. I absolutely adore you and all the things you stand for here on the internet world. Thank you so much for helping me through a real rut in my life, even if you didn't even know it.
    Madeline xo


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx