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Monday, 29 April 2013

Motivational Monday #12

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday to you my little's early. 

Motivational Monday

Today's quote (from Pinterest) made me laugh and nod so I knew it would fit well with today's motivational blog post.

It is my belief that with the right attitude, tactful words and an open heart, you can get on with just about anyone. Note, 'just about'. 

Sometimes though, people are just total arses (pardon my french) and you don't need them in your life. I'm not talking about the girl who is mostly OK but occasionally makes a little dig at you or the friend who is always late or always cancels, those are foibles and traits you can accept, forgive or work with. I'm talking about the person who drains you of any happy thoughts, the person who makes you feel continuously small, the person who deliberately humiliates you in order to feel better about their own life, or the person who isn't willing to communicate properly with you despite your best efforts.

If you have tried all your first ports of call (talking, being kind, offering the hand of friendship, explaining your concerns maturely etc) and hit a brick wall, let it go. 

You won't and can't be friends with everyone for the entirety of your earthly days, if you do, I tip my virtual cap to you good sir. It's alright to let relationships die (if done nicely) and it's OK to say to yourself, 'I don't like him/her, I'm not going to spend time with them'. You don't have to be rude or horrible, simply let them live their life and you can live yours. You're not a failure (and nor are they), you are just making a healthy choice for your life. It's OK to walk away. It can be very liberating. If you feel it worthwhile (99.9% of time I do), leave the door open so that you can walk back or reach out to them.

I'd like to ask you to use this advice with caution and look back at last week where we talked about not rushing into our reactions. Both done badly and you're going to burn a lot of bridges!

I'd also like to clarify that this post isn't about a specific person or people that I have an axe to grind with, I just liked the quote and thought it was worth discussing.

What do you think? Have you ever walked away from someone who sucked? Are you glad you did or do you wish you hadn't?



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  1. Lovely post! I saw you yesterday at Wicksteed Park and wanted to come and talk to you but you was sorting Darcy out so I didn't want to come over! You are so beautiful! xxxxx

  2. I really enjoy reading Motivational Mondays
    Thanks Louise!

    Chloë x

  3. You're Motivational Mondays make my Monday mornings!

    Daisy xx

  4. There's a few people who my friends keep complaining about having to spend time with (in the same uni classes etc) and I'm getting sick of hearing it! I wish they'd understand they could just say no and take a step back but they're always so worried about hurting people's feelings. I guess thats sweet in a way but if you spend so much time complaining about them and thinking bad thoughts about it, it's probably time to let go.

  5. This is so true! I know 1 or 2 people that sound a lot like that, and we are civil with eachother but I just feel it would be better if we weren't so close as it always ends with an argument with us. I'm glad you posted this early, as I decided to check your blog before school! Thanks Louise :)
    Beauty/Fashion/Thoughts/Lifestyle Blog

  6. Such a good point! Sometimes people go out of their way to be negative and a buzzkill. Life is too short to have those people in your life especially when they start to affect you and your mentality. Only invite positivity into your life!

  7. I knew someone who would do anything to annoy me, if I was standing near and we were discussing with other friends what to do at the weekend she would say infrontbof me "shall we invite Teresa! (Me)"

  8. This is completely true, you have to make these decisions, to be able to lead a healthy life!!

  9. I remember being in year 12 and realising that 'hey, I can actually just be friends with who i want to be friend with, I dont have to be friends with everyone'
    it was a revelation i tells ya!
    Follow my Fashion Blog on Bloglovin!

  10. I always look forward to your Motivational Mondays Louise! xx

  11. Louise, you are just so lovely. You make my heart smile:-))

  12. What if you live with that person?

  13. I think you should always give everyone a chance, as rumours or bad first impressions can give you a really bad idea of someone that might be wrong, but at the end of the day, yep, there's some people you just can't please/get along with. Then it's time to just step away.

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  14. What if that person is my mother. She drains me of life... since she gave it to me, does that mean she owns me and can do whatever she wants to destroy my sanity? Do I owe her that? Why do I feel like I do?

  15. I'm loving your Motivational Mondays Louise!
    This one definitely rings some bells haha

  16. Great blogpost. I definitely agree! :) xx

  17. So True! I love your monday posts!!


  18. So true!

  19. Some people suck =P hehe loves that! xx.

  20. Agree completely. I always roll my eyes at people that aren't nice to people because they slightly dislike them, it's so unnecessary. Another great post Louise :)

  21. hi sprinkle of glitter.... I have walked away from someone who sucks and it felt soooooo good i would do it again and again if I could...unfortunetly the oppurtunity hasn't come again.. :( oh well I'm quite glad it hasn't !!!!! :D

  22. Love this post! Best thing I've read in ages seeing as I've just done this :) wish more people would realise it though!


  23. Just recently, I have walked away from a whole group of people who made me feel the lowest I've ever felt about myself. They constantly took away my self-esteem and confidence but at the beginning of the year, I finally decided that it was time to let go, and I have felt so much better ever since. I'm not angry with them, I just let them live their lives and I can now live mine to the fullest and be the happy person that I've always been - I had just forgotten for a little while :)

  24. I love reading these posts every Monday morning :) It mnakes being at work that little bit better! :)

    Aimee Xx

  25. I had a friend who was constantly undermining me, being mean to me and made me feel very small. And the thing is, we were not older than fifteen, and had been friends since we were like five. But she made me feel bad and caused me to come into a light depression when I was fifteen. So I decided, once we changed schools and stopped being in the same class, that I would let her go. It's now been about three years and I have met her twice since. And every time I do meet her, I always get the feeling that I made the right choice, for me. Because I always feel like I don't like the person she is and I feel so much better for not having her in my life any more. It's never easy to "break up" with a friend, but sometimes you've just got to do it, for your own good and wellbeing.

  26. Simple but true!x

  27. Can't like this enough! Completely agree.

    Check out my blog. Pretty please with a cherry on top.

  28. Really love these motivational monday posts, i usually don't comment on them, but i secretly read them every monday morning before i start my day. thanks Louise.

  29. Omg this is so true

  30. Brilliant post :)

  31. This quote is completely true! Love it! ;)


  32. Me and my sister were discussing this issue just last night! Thank you for the insight xxx

  33. Lovely post Louise. I love pottering on by over hear and reading what you have to say. You always make me smile! :)

  34. Such great advice, I have amazing friends now but I didn't when I was a teenager. I didn't realise for ages that I could walk away from them and find people who made me feel good about myself but when I did it was liberating and made me 100% happier!

    It's so important to surround yourself with people who genuinely love you for you and want you to be happy, rather than those who try and hold you back and change you into their ideal!


  35. Love this post, definitely something to think about (ha ha). Always love the motivational mondays.

  36. Well that's true. No matter how hard you try to be friends with everybody, I think we sometimes just have to admit that there are some people with whom it will never work out! :-) x

  37. I'm loving these motivational mondays they really make my monday much better! Thankyou for all your tips x

  38. This is a great post. I have definitely known people like that - and that's why I don't know them anymore haha.

  39. Haha love this post its so true!!

    Carrieanne x

  40. Thank you so much for sharing Louise! :) I know I have trouble letting things go, so this is something I have to work on! I tried walking away from people several times and the times I could actually do it it ended badly. That is not positive eaither, so I´m thinking of trying to end things in a good note for a change.

    THANK YOU! Have a great day! ♥

  41. I love these posts, Louise. They make Mondays that little bit easier! X

  42. This is so true! I've been battling this dilemma for a while now but its just so hard to completely let go! This post came at the best time, thanks for the lovely advice!!

  43. Walking away from a particular person who made everything miserable for me was the best decision I made! In fact I wish I'd done this earlier!!
    I realised I'd given her countless of chances, that weren't even worth giving.
    There's no need to waste time on people like this, when you can spend it with your real friends :)

  44. Brilliant quote, I hope you had a happy birthday yesterday! xxx

    Maddy from

  45. I have walked away from who I thought was my best friend at Uni, we started September the best friends, we had just moved in together and now it has come to the point where I just feel like our friendship has run it's course. We have totally drifted apart but I'm ok with that, I'm actually glad of the space! I have placement at home from September '13 to Christmas and I start uni again in January 2014 so I'm hoping that by then we can hopefully get on with each other again! Tip to anyone reading: Living with friends is hard, especially with new found friends! x

  46. I've walked away from someone that was once my best friend. She told me that I was a horrible person though I was nothing but nice to her for the past four years. The worse thing she said was that I don't deserve respect, it hit hard but I knew she was wrong everyone deserves respect no matter what they did or what they do. I'm glad she is no longer in my life, I never and don't need that kind of negativity dragging me down

  47. I've done so to so many of my poisonous friends. I actually talked about this in a blog post of mine a bit back. Wonderful post Louise! - Emma

  48. I've found myself in this situation before and it brought me closer to a lot of other people, so in a way i'm thankful. I always try and avoid conflict as much as possible but sometimes enough is enough and you just have to walk away.
    I love your Motivational Mondays so much Louise! X

  49. thank you so much for writing this post louise, i think it might be one of those things that comes with age, when you realise that its okay not to get on with everyone and that you cant please people all the time. Unfortunetly I feel this way about my sister, i feel like she constantly makes me feel bad for being happy, so it has become easier to keep a distance rather than deal with that all the time. but as you say, sometimes you just have to let it go, as long as youve tried, thats all you can do. x

  50. That's so true Louise! Love your Motivational Mondays. You really give great advice and always seem so wise.

  51. I've just got back from school and read this and I have previously had an argument with a girl, and I realised that starting from tomorrow I am going to leave her too it, she isn't worth it! Thank you for your advice, it really helps! :D xx

  52. these posts are always really helpful, thank you Louise!x

  53. This is a really good one. One of my pet hates is people being unnecessarily rude, even if you don't like someone there's just no need for it! Hopefully you'll have inspired lots of people with this post so fewer people will be rude from now on ;)

    Louisa's Notebook

  54. Such a good post! I am so so bad in letting people go that I actually like (friendwise), but they just do not care at all. It's them people that annoy me most that come to you when they need something but wouldn't talk to you if they do not necessarily have to.
    For me it is so hard to say no to things such people ask me to do then, because for that moment they make me believe that they need me, but in the next second they will let me go again.


  55. Love this post Louise! It's so so true, but something I've had to learn! Sometimes you just have to let people go, as they're just not good for you! xxx

  56. Great quote :) so true xxx

  57. Truer words... Sometimes the most positive thing you can do in a relationship is let it go. Just the way it is!

  58. Happens to everyone at some point, you feel better after you've done it! x

  59. I totally agree. In the past, I've kept people around who constantly create drama, put down other people in order to make themselves feel better, and generally don't give a shit about the people who are supposed to be their friends. Thankfully, I realized a long time ago that it's just not worth the hassle. You're much better off without them!

  60. Totaly agree, its just one of those things in life, get up and move on really. There is always going to be some one more caring round the corner!

    Pipp xx

  61. You're so inspirational louise! I've been reading your blog and watching your videos for a while now and I think you're absolutely amazing!

  62. Yes, and I'm glad I did!
    It was a guy I used to like in High School...

    I really like this post! thanks for sharing it ♥

  63. Great post and great advice! I love every single Motivational Mondays post.

  64. You are so right! I believe that there are people that you can't change. So you do not have any other choice than just to avoid them.

  65. I love this, im in my third year at uni and got on really well with all my housemates, until january when one girl suddenly went really off with me. ive tried sitting down and talking with her and she denied anything was wrong but this hasnt gone away. no matter how hard i try she seems content on leaving me out and ignoring me. I read this post thinking I've known this all along and just needed someone else to say it! the people who dont want to know you arent worth knowing!
    thanks louise for another great motivational monday! xxx

  66. This is soo relevant to my life right now, there are 2 people I recently decided to walk away from. First was my 'friend' who constantly gossiped and badmouthed her own best mates, and second, this boy who I thought was perfect and gave me butterflies, but it turned out he's had the same effect on many other girls and usually gets them to do something with him then dumps them. I definitely won't be one of those girls!
    Sometimes you just gotta leave behind the people who don't deserve your time!!

  67. If everyone in the world likes you then something is wrong. It's okay if some people don't like you. Brush it off and ignore them. We are all human, we are not perfect, and sometimes we rub people the wrong way (unintentionally). Don't waste time dwelling on it and move forward with your life.

  68. Thanks Louise! anyone out there who is feeling pretty down I have a message for you on my blog!

    Love you louise!

    Adie x

  69. thanks louise, you're so inspirational!

  70. Wise words Louise. I had someone in mind as I read your post and I think it's time I let them go. You can be expected to like every single person you meet in life. :D

  71. so great! hahah

  72. Another wonderful little post! Wise words indeed :) x

  73. Love you Louise, you are such an inspiration! Thank you for your cheeriness and happiness, which always perks up my day!


  74. This quote is incredibly relevant to me right now! Thank you for these posts Louise :) xx

  75. Such a good quote. You shouldn't put yourself around people who make you feel like crap because of what they say and do. There are enough nice people in the world to spend time with, even if you haven't met them yet.

  76. I also learned this last year, I think it's ok to let people go even if you really want to be there for them, sometimes it's just no right or sometime it's all about bad timing.

  77. Inspiring !

  78. This is by far one of the best quotes i have ever seen! :)

  79. I've been reading your Motivational Monday posts for quite awhile now, and I think this is by far my favorite (right next to your #6 Motivational Monday post!) This is exactly what I needed to hear today, thank you! :)

  80. Fab idea to post motivational quotes! I love reading them when I'm feeling a little down.

    Carina xx

  81. I really could've done with this yesterday! xx

    Lucy Loves To Blog

  82. This is just what I needed. Sometimes it's better to just let go! xx

  83. haha love this!

  84. I feel like this is so in tune with my life right now, I really needed to read this! I have a few not so nice people bringing me down, creating drama and just not being very nice at all. Sometimes its best to just move on. People like that don't deserve to have a place in your life x

  85. I relate so much to this post! So needed to read this. Sometimes it is the easiest option to forgive though-sometimes not the best option as I've learnt from the past!
    Thankyou! :)

  86. So true, Louise, you are the best. Thanks for the amazing post xx :D

  87. lovely post Louise, i love your motivational mondays! x

  88. ahahahah i love this. i am pinning it immediately.

  89. I love your Motivational Monday posts! No word of a lie it's one of the few things I look forward to on a Monday morning when I'm dragging myself out of bed!

  90. ive done this recently, and although it was very hard to do - sometimes you just have to take the plunge x

  91. A lovely post, I need to remember this a lot of the time. I always feel the need to please other people and forget myself, no one is perfect and we should accept and enjoy everyone as being individual :)

    Bookmarked these words of wisdom!
    Natalie xoxo

  92. I love the posts like that. People needs motivation nowadays so that they can move forward in life with full efficiency. Because of the negativity in the environment and negative people around us, we may feel like giving up or something. But by reading these quotes, we can get our positive energy back and we can fight back with all the negative forces that stop us from being successful.

    Mark Duin
    Motivational Speaker

  93. This is such a good post. I wrote a response to it

  94. I've walked away from a lot of people who sucked :L I was always very shy and couldn't stand up for myself so ended up being friends with people who were loud and boisterous, which was great when they were being my friend and sticking up for me, not so great when they kept putting me down. It was partly my own fault for being such a pushover cos once people realised they could treat me like shit they did. I've since stood up for myself but have had to cut a lot of people out of my life. Hoping uni will be the fresh startg I need where I won't be such a push over! xx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx