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Monday, 15 April 2013

Motivational Monday #10

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

We're at number 10 of this series! Yay! I think this is the longest I've ever stuck at a regular feature so big fist pumps from me. 

As always, a great big Happy Monday. I hope this week is going to be brilliant for you all. You deserve it. 

Motivational Monday

This quote from Pinterest (originally from Little Women I believe) has really struck a cord with me.

Last week Matt was away on a business trip, as was my Dad. The most important men in my life and most prominent support network folk were out of the country. I was alone. For the everyday task, this is no big deal. But when a truck smashed into my parked car (Darcy and I were inside thankfully and the truck driver was fine), I realised I had to deal with this myself.

I know to a lot of people this is just a simple task of swapping details and making the calls but to me this was a big hurdle. I never do this kind of thing. I have always been looked after by my Dad and then these kind of tasks were passed onto Matt. 

So, like the dingbat I am, I went out into the street, looked at my smashed up car, burst into tears, freaked out because I couldn't reach my Dad or my Matt and then dealt with it. I exchanged details with the other driver, I located the folder with our insurance paperwork in, I called the insurers, I called the police, I called the car hire people, photographed the damage and I liaised with the garage. I took down reference numbers, I confirmed security questions and I organised recovery truck pick up times. I coped. I accomplished. I was proud.

The lesson in this is a good one. Life hurdles (the storms) will happen in your life, you cannot avoid them. Do not fear them. Wait for them and be prepared. You can cope with anything and you can deal with anything. There is no need to run from things, no need to panic in the face of them. You are able. It's alright to ask for help or take a little bit of time to do things, but in the end, if you want to, you will learn how to sail your ship and you will be so proud. 

It's the start of a new week so go and sail your ships and enjoy the waves, you can do it so beautifully if you try.

Have you dealt with any storms lately? Share and inspire in the comments. 



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Barbie and Pie. If you would like to find out more about advertising on this blog, click HERE


  1. Your so great Louise! Love these Motivational Monday's they really get me going for the week :)

  2. Your posts make my Monday very inspiring! =] xx

  3. I really really love this segment! That is such a lovely quote - I love nautical related anything so it strikes a cord ;). What a hurdle to overcome. Something like that (car problems) happened to me recently and I burst into tears and called my father too! I need to learn to deal with tasks like this as it is so easy to rely on someone else.. One step/storm at a time I guess!


  4. Lovely Louise. Great post!
    Glad you and Darcy are okay x

  5. I'm very proud of you! And I absolutely love your Motivational Mondays, I feel like I say this every Monday but they're just so great and easily applied to everyone's lives which makes it just so helpful every single week. Hope you'll keep doing this! Lots of love xxx

    Lisa x //

  6. Its amazing reading a motivational post written by you before my driving test, I need to stop panicing haha :)

    Great post louise xx

  7. love reading these so much x

  8. Oh my, I am the same when it comes to those kinds of things. I have definitely not learned all the ropes of being an adult yet even though I've officially been one for many years now. Up until recently, I still had my mom setting up dentist/doctor appointments for me because otherwise I would put it off for a long time simply because I'm a big baby when it comes to medical visits (ahh, blood, needles, fear of the unknown!) I THINK that I'll eventually be able to handle most things in life, although I have to admit, IF I did actually have to sail a real-life ship, I'd be sunk in 5 minutes ;)

  9. just read this before school and really helped, thank you louise!

  10. I love your motivational mondays! You're such an inspiration! :)
    Great post!


  11. Yay for you!! I love these posts and think a lot of people need this as school starts this week!! :))

    I would LOVE it if you would check my blog out and maybe even follow too? :D

  12. we love this series, Lousie. This quote is by far our favourite. We hope you have a lovely week

  13. Glad that everyone is OK!
    I had a "storm" last year but did the opposite and kept it all to myself which I think sometimes can be equally as unhealthy - you can't be too strong for too long all by yourself

    Emily x -

  14. Love this quote and well done for dealing with the situation!

    Lottie x

  15. Nice blog :) just followed !

  16. When my Dad passed away, I had to learn how to sail my ship, which wasn't easy at first! Even now, I will sometimes say (outloud) "what am I going to do about this, then?!" ... and I know that somewhere, he is looking down and shaking his head and smiling. It's amazing what we're capable of when our backs are against the wall xx

  17. Great post :) Loving this series!
    Carissa xx
    Vanilla Crush Blog

  18. Well done for handling everything on your own!! It can be so hard when you're "forced" to take some big steps but it definitely makes you are stronger person in the end. You're sailing your ship and you're doing it well :) Robyn xx

  19. Great post! Love reading these every Monday! They start my day off good x

  20. I love these quotes! They really do help on a dreary Monday morning x

  21. The same thing happened to me on Wednesday. I totally know how you feel. In fact I am on hold with the insurance company (with jazzy music) waiting to hear updates on my car. Hope all goes well.


  22. I love this quote and it is really pretty as well! I may have to print it out and put it in a frame! xxx

    Maddy from

  23. I love these post! Don't stop making them x

  24. I'd be exactly the same, I do worry that I rely on my boyfriend for these sort of things to much sometimes xx

    Glad you both are okay :)

    Lucy Loves To Blog

  25. I love all your motivational Monday posts!

  26. Love this! Thanks for making me smile :)

    Pls check out my blog, silk skirt 99p!!!


  27. What an amazing motivational Monday post! Good job I would have cried too!!
    Carrieanne x

  28. Thank you for this, Louise. You're a star.

  29. I love motivational Mondays! Always amazing quotes :)


  30. I can really relate to this one, having gone straight from depending on my parents, to depending on my boyfriend. I would have freaked out if that happened to me to, and I definitely need to learn to be more independent :s

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  31. thank God, Darcy and you are fine...
    this is very inspiring and women should really depend on ourselves, just in case
    our men were out, we still able to solve things

  32. Does anyone else feel bit inspired and feel a bit of Girl power for this post??

    Louise your Motivational Monday posts always make me feel so much better....Thank you :) x x

  33. You really are a BRIGHT bit of GLITTER! Thank you!!!!!!

  34. This was one great inspirational reas this fine MONDAY morning!!! You did a great job Louise and thanks for sharing!!!! <3

  35. Hi flower - I'm so glad you and Darcy are okay, the most important people in that whole situation! Firstly I need to alarm everyone reading this too and ask this question - how on earth can you drive into a parked car? I know there's lots of reasons why but seriously!

    This happened to me and my partner last week and we are both receiving physiotherapy for our necks and backs. We were coming off the duel carriage way and was stationary and some lady drove straight into the back of us, at a red light I might add! She also, had a baby in the front with her! They were both okay but I just think to myself, why aren't people careful?

    Another great post, I look forward to these every Monday! : )
    Lots of love Louise ✿

  36. I can't imagine having to deal with that, you should be very proud xx

  37. Your Motivational Mondays always make me feel so much better, thank you Louise!
    I've followed in your motivational footsteps and posted my own :-) x

  38. Great post, Louise! I'm sorry about your car, but I'm glad everyone was okay and you were able to take care of everything! Congrats!
    - Danielle

  39. Thank you for this! these always cheer me up xx

  40. I love these posts, so inspirational!

    Kelly Lou xo

  41. Lovely quote Louise ! Its horrible having to deal with car problems. 2 years ago my car and me were involved in a hit and run :( he didn't stop and I had to deal with it crying my eyes out in the dark, luckily a lovely lady from a nearby house came and took me in and called an ambulance for me. Its hard having to deal with grown up things but when you do you like yay for me.

    Faye xxxxxxxxxxx

  42. Amazing Louise! You did it!

  43. One of my favourite "Motivational Monday"s so far!
    I loved the story you connect with the quote. Keep it up!
    Let's all dance in the storms!

    x Vanessa |

  44. I love your Motivational Mondays Louise! They always put a smile on my face and inspire me for the week ahead :)
    I'm sorry to hear about your car - its such a hassle when things like that happen! I'm glad you managed to deal with it yourself, I'm like you in that I usually pass things like this onto my dad to deal with but I'm so glad you managed to do it on your own! You're a brave woman Louise!

    Christina | Passion Obsession - Currently hosting a giveaway

  45. Ohh, yess... I know that feeling.
    I like to pretend that I am a warrior and the gods are making me prove myself =P
    This things are like battles which make us stronger.

    On a more 'realistic' way, I am proud to overcome those unexpected and though events. It feels like I am growing as a woman, and it feels damn' good.


  46. I really love these posts. I have a Pinterest board full of motivational phrases but it's always nice to have a story to go with them.
    Well done on dealing with the car, I think my first port of call will always be my Dad :)

  47. I love how rather than just giving us a nice quote, you add a personal story! Glad you and Darcy are alright!
    Mondays are slowly becoming my favorite day of the week just because of these posts! :)

  48. I'm so glad you are Darcy are okay :) this post has really made me think that perhaps I should try and do more things for myself, rather than relying on others too much! xx

  49. Love this Louise! Just the encouragement and motivation I needed! Thanks for sharing, glad you and Darcy are a-okay! xxx

  50. The first thing I do when I wake up on a Monday morning is look for your Motivational Monday blog post. Why? Because they inspire me and that, Louise, is what I love about you. You aren't only inspiring, you are amazing. Everything you said, I can relate to. If this had happened to me, I probably would have thrown a HUGE hissy-fit, burst into tears (like you did) and would have struggled, but now reading this is prepares me and inspires me, I think you are amazing.. actually, I think you are BEYOND amazing!

    I no longer hate Mondays. My Mondays are no longer boring, they are motivational because of you :)

    Take care, Louise! :)

    Natalie x

  51. I love your monday posts Louise, thanks for posting them hope you're okay!

  52. Thanks Louise, this helped me a lot. It's exactly what I needed to hear. I've been really worried about returning to uni after easter break as when I left my housemates had proven to be pretty volatile. This post made me realise that at the end of the day, I'm at uni to learn and I shouldn't have to compromise my education out of fear. I'll just have to be practical and stay out their way at the library. Thanks xx

  53. These posts have become my favourites! I always get in a good, more positive and brighter mood after reading them!! Thank you for sharing your positivity and motivation Louise! Lots of love, Em xx

  54. Hi Louise :) I love you 'Motivational Monday' posts, they are my favourites I really enjoy reading them. please check out my blog? thank you, lucy xxx

  55. It's always nice to hear that other people don't have their act together all the time! How you said you freaked out THEN dealt with everything, sometimes it seems like everyone else just handles the situation without any freak out moments, and that can be discouraging at times.
    Thanks for your post!

  56. I love that this motivation happens on Monday. I usually dread Mondays. I found this post to be just what I needed today. Thanks!

  57. Brilliant post! Like you I never really deal with things like that just because there's always someone else that sorts it out for me but my other half's going to Afghanistan in May so this was just the inspiration I needed - Thank you! x

    Cosmetic Debris

  58. Okay I feel horrible but I laugh imagining this particular scene 'I went out into the street, looked at my smashed up car, burst into tears' xD Dx xD Dx #conflicted

  59. These motivational monday's are more than just a blog post for me, I really do love them. Each one truly is motivational! Fast becoming my favourite posts. Keep it up Louise :) xx

  60. Love the quotes! Keep them coming! :)

    xx Brooklyn xx

  61. I do hope you stick to this series louise. It is good to get all this reminders and perfect that it is at the start of the week. Thank you for the inspiring words.

  62. Hiya Louise,
    I know what you mean, I am starting my GCSE's soon and I feel loads of pressure from people around telling me to go for it and do my best. Most of the time I just want to burst into tears as I am so nervous! But I thought about it and I pulled myself together and I ended up getting an A on my Geography, sadly that wasn't a GCSE but I feel better about it now as I hope I will do well on my GCSE as I am proud of that mark!! :D :D
    Loved this Motivational Monday!
    Love Maddie

  63. Amazing quote :) xxx

  64. Love the little quote :)


  65. You're such an inspirational woman Louise, whenever you have a problem you deal with it well! It's a lovely quote as well :)

    Charlotte xxx

  66. I love this, It's really applicable to my life right now. My grandmother just sold her house, which sounds dumb... no one's dying, but It almost feels like it. That house is where I grew up, and It was our family's gathering place. We've just finished moving everything out, and It's definitely been a storm... but I'm learning to sail through it! Thank you Louise!!

  67. Your motivational Monday's make my day. They somehow always give me the strength to get through the week :) Thank you Louise x

  68. This is a great quote and I'm glad you and Darcy are fine, what a horrible thing to go through :(

    A little bit Unique - Blog // Facebook // Bloglovin


  69. I'm so glad you managed to deal with a tricky situation so well Louise! I love your Monday posts, they always give me a bit of a pick-me-up :) xxx

  70. Motivational Mondays for the WIN! Thanks, Louise.


  71. Congrats Louise!
    I'm currently successfully sailing through a storm, about 1.5 months ago I fell out with one of my bestest of friends... Mainly because I didn't get any moral support off of her. She used to never back me up in uncomfortable situations, I thought its just her two-facedness that has surfaced once before. But, it wasn't only that. It probably wasn't only her fault but.. One day in the school cafe, we were all paying for food at the school cafe, and there was 9 of us and the biggest table possible was an 8 seater.I was the last one in the queue, and I went to sat down, the 'friend' (a different one that i mentioned before) said "no, you cant sit there, its taken' my 'best friend' was there sat right opposite the girl that 'shhoooed' me away. Me and my dignity, stood back up, got my grapes and walked away with my chin up. My ex-best friend just stared.. didn't say anything.. The next time I seen her, she didn't say anything, and i wasn't planning to either. She, in different conflicts and situations that i was directly involved in, didnt support me in anyway. She keeps her mouth shut and never supports me in anything.. I was more hurt of her two-facedness or that fact that i just wanted her to back me up in a situation that i desperately needed her. But no, she wasnt there.When i came back home went in the bath, and burst into tears, but it was only for a short while, but then in bed, i cried and wheeped for nearly 2 hours, all i needed is her support. And now, 1.5 months later, I'm still hurting from what happened (mental not physical way, ahahhaa) but I've realised I don't need people that made me miserable in my life. Anyways, your motivational monday series really helped me to get through my storm. I'm still sailing! Im very thankful.

  72. Love this post, so inspirational

    Please check out and follow my blog! I'd really appreciate it! <3

  73. I absolutely love this quote! My new fave one!
    Laura xx

  74. Your Motivational Mondays always put a smile on my face Louise! :)

  75. Yet another lovely monday post! It is true and something I should live by! Love the quote and keep in mind for fututre storms.

    Pipp x

  76. wow! you're really an inspiration and I watched your draw my life video and you've overcome some tremendously tough times. But what is so inspiring is that in every video you do or Zoe vlogs, you always seem so cheerful and that you value life so much :) thank you to these posts. I hope you and Darcy are not too shaken up. Stay strong & positive beautiful :) xxxxxx

  77. I always love your motivational mondays and so please carry on! xx

    Alex-Rose xxx

  78. You're so inspirational Louise. I love motivational mondays. I hope you continue this series for a long time!

  79. I love the Monday posts, this one and your one last week really got to me and actually made me think of what I'm doing wrong and what I'm doing right. Thank you for these inspiring posts!

    Beauty/Fashion blog

  80. Love it- if you can sail your ship through stormy seas then you can conquer the toughest of troubles.

    I'm interested in buying a MAC eyeshadow in a peach/gold/bronze colour. Do you have any recommendations?
    El X

  81. Thank God you and Darcy were OK! My heart almost stopped when I read you had an accident. So proud of you Louise for being able to handle such a predicament. You are so right, we all have to face storms one way or another.

  82. I completely agree! Thanks for this absolutely motivational Monday!:-)

  83. This is such a great blog post Louise, you have such a way with words! I always look forward to Motivational Monday's, and I'm definitely going to try and 'sail my ship' further than usual. :-) x

  84. You're such a beauty Louise! I love all your little posts like this:) Glad you are all ok from that car accident, lucky you wasn't in the car!
    I would love if people could check out my blog and help me out by following! I've just made it and need a help in hand haha!

    kieren x

  85. Awww I love Motivational Mondays, even if this week's puts me to shame! Well done on getting everything sorted out!

    Karen xx

  86. I've really needed to read this. Work has been getting me down lately now that I have a new guy above me who is changing the way I do everything. I hate change.
    However, you're completely right. This is a storm that I am just going to have to ride out and learn from in the process. Thank you for perking me up.

  87. Thank you for this! I love your videos! I followed you from YouTube to here and to instagram :) Today I found out that I have passed my final courses and I now have a degree in Social Work. Not only that, I am a part of a all Inuit Female class in northern Canada. I am a lot older than some of my classmates,46, single parent etc. So this applies to me so much today! Thank you...your blogs make me smile and I have been known to say "Aloha Sprinklearinos" while my daughter drives me around town LOL Thanks :) Tracy

  88. When your site loaded, I literally perked up. I LOVE LOVE THE DESIGN!!! :'D Such a completely happy feel~ Too lovely!!

    Sorry about your car. I hope it's on its way to recovery (:

    Good to know you and Baby are safe. No idea what happened there with the truck and all but you're right - sometimes life throws you curveballs. Glad I found your site. Love & magic xx

  89. love this.

  90. Wow :)! This is the very first "Motivational Mondays" post I've ever read of yours & it is so great!!
    I'm 22 now & graduate University in the fall, and really can relate to the having to "find your own way" feeling & learning those new things that just pop up in life - You've worded it so well Louise :) thanks so much for the inspirational words :)

  91. I always love reading these because it just motivates me for the week ahead :)

  92. This I think is my favourite motivational Monday post so far, like you I don't like to deal with things like this and can freak out when having to deal with my own affairs! Well done you for sorting your car out all by yourself and learning to sail your ship a little bit better, I hope I can too! x

  93. Oh my goodness, what a nightmare! I so hope that things like this don't happen to me whilst i'm ever on my own, my first response is still always calling my mum!

    Well done though on sorting it out yourself, high fave my favourite vlogger lady!

  94. I've always loved this quote! And you're so right-- it's important to look back on obstacles you overcame in the past, take a breath, and tackle the latest head on. Often times the current one we're facing isn't quite as bad as one you've already gotten past. But not always.

    Very recently I made the decision to go to grad school in New York City this fall. It's so incredibly daunting! But I know it's the right thing, so I'm just going to take it one wave at a time and look for the silver lining in everything :)

    P.S. I totally hear you on car troubles! I don't know what I'd do without my Dad if something happened to mine-- I'm such a doughnut! Haha. Hope everything worked out for you!

  95. Thanks for what you said about not fearing the storms but preparing for them instead. It was so reassuring to hear. My son will be two next month and was born with hearing loss. It's been terrifying, but we have dealt with it head-on and powered through. Thanks for this post. And thanks for being so honest. Bravo on dealing with your storm oxox

  96. I must admit i am really reliant on my boyfriend, so i would completely panic in that situation. Well done you!xx

  97. You're soo inspiring Louise! Thank you xx

  98. This quote is exactly what I've been needing to hear (see) lately! I've been struggling with a lot of health issues lately. Usually my mother is around to comfort me and is there to bring me to each doctor appointment I have, but since I'm at college I've had to be dealing with a lot of it on my own. I'm now having issues with panic/anxiety attacks because my body is just not happy and I've been feeling overwhelmed. Luckily, I am slowly learning that is is okay to just not be okay sometimes. I've always felt like I need to hold my life together and if I am having problems with anxiety there is something wrong with me that no one else needs to know about. I've started to learn that taking my anxiety and pain medicine each day doesn't mean that I am weak. I am sailing through this storm, but it can't last forever and I'm learning to handle a lot of these things (Dr. Appointments, Late night break downs) own my own without my mother. Although, it is always nice to have support! Thank you for an inspiring post Louise!


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx