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Friday, 19 April 2013

Green Fingers?

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I'm a homebird. I love to be in my house and think of it as my palace. I always feel safe and secure in it and spend hours mooching round websites looking at ways to improve my nest.

Something I have neglected for the past 3 years though is the garden. Matt cuts the grace but that's about it. We don't grow flowers, we don't paint fences, we don't build decking. It's really dismal.

Garden revamp

So, this year we're going into outdoors crackdown mode. I want to enjoy summer outside before I get rickets so we're revamping- on a shoestring! I can't bare to spend money on something so boring. With any luck, a bit of elbow grease and some borrowed tools is all we need.

Garden revamp

I let Baby Glitter come out with me whilst I wandered round deciding which things would be ripped out and where stuff would go and discovered that she LOVES being out in our garden. This has really made me want to make it a magical place for her. I have big plans!

Garden revamp

So, yep, that was a pretty mundane post but then life isn't always jaunts and excitement is it? Sometimes it's playing in the garden in your PJ's and wellies.

If you have garden tips or ideas, feel free to leave them below- I could do with the help!



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  1. My mother is absolutely obsessed with creating a beautiful garden. Too bad for her nothing grows here in dry and hot California. It would be so amazing for your daughter to have a magical, stereotypical play area. Maybe one of those insanely realistic play houses. A castle? Oh well that's my suggestion.

    Little Red Umbrellas

  2. Darcy is so cute in the pink boots haha! Aww :D Great post!


  3. Hehe I love the boots! <3 I would love a vegie garden! That is something I need to get around to! xx

  4. Lovely photos, as always! :) I agree that outside stuff is super boring but once you start adding special touches, it's not so bad. There's some really nice, colorful gardening gloves and flower pots available- I could definitely see you getting excited over that (I know I do). This year I'm taking baby steps and I've planted some wild flowers (hopefully they won't require much care- after all, they are "wild") and tomato plants. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with your yard (er, I mean, garden, hehe).

  5. Darcy is so beautiful! Maybe you could have like a little vegetable patch and string christmas lights through trees to make it magical at night or have an outdoor seating place with candles and what not. Just a few cute ideas :D


  6. Darcy literally makes my heart melt, an I'm not even a big children person!

    Lottie x

  7. she looks so adroable. the coat and the boots are so cute. my mom is also about do kinda redecorate our backyard and i can't wait to enjoy it in summer.

  8. Darcy looks so cute with her little wellies and curly blonde hair!

    Emily x -

  9. i think it'll be such an amazing experience for your family to do this together! i know Darcy is only two and making her do hard labor is wrong but there's just something about getting to dig up the dirt yourself and help plant flowers in your own home that just makes everybody's childhood a little better! haha you have such a cute family and i think you are going to do an amazing job with your home, Louise! I can definitely feel the warmth and love all around in your pictures.


  10. Darcy is so gorgeous! My garden is a mess haha, my mums working on it though (with an unwillingly husband!)

  11. Darcy looks sooo cute Louise. I have a younger sister hehe. You should totally plant some flowers, I want to become a flourist when I am old and wrinkly, and pop a few slides and a swing set for Darcy :) + swings are always fun.


  12. Still a nice post!
    It always makes me feel happy to see Darcy's pictures on your blog or vlog :)

  13. Baby glitter looks adorable!!!!
    My advice for gardens is maybe avoid vegetable gardens - we've had one for a while now and after a few years the dirt loses all its nutrients and its hard to get stuff to grow.
    But definitely buy lots of colourful flowers and maybe a swing or a slide for Darcy :) Also maybe buy her a toy gardening set and a little patch to do so she feels like she helped :)
    Love your blogs
    Alee x

  14. Grow flowers! They're so easy to grow and do not need watering that much (because its generally wet in England anyway) and Darcy would love looking at them!

  15. A beautiful garden completes a home :) so nice having your own beautiful outdoor space to enjoy - without having to go anywhere.

  16. Oh my she is the spitting image of you! :D


  17. I am doing the same this year to my garden. If you have a pound land near you they are selling really beautiful climbing roses. I got mine whilst I was in Sussex visiting my family. So cheap! xx

  18. Beautifull eyes.

  19. Darcy's eyes are so beautiful, what a lovely little girl :) xo

  20. I love your blog ! And your baby girl is so cute !! ^^

    xx Inès

  21. Would be so cute if Darcy would have her own playhouse. There are a few flowers for "beginners" which are easy to handle maybe you find some online.

  22. An old mirror to create an illusion of a secret garden, wind chimes, hidden fairies and her own watering can will make it a magical place for her :) x

  23. Still a lovely post.
    Imagination is all you need-
    You're right, give it some elbow grease and youll get there xx

  24. I hope your little project goes well! Even just some potted plants on a patio can make your outside space so much more welcoming and calming. Try ferns and bamboo to get different textures for Darcy :)

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  25. What a brilliant little project... i cant get over the colour of Darcys eyes they are amazing such a happy little Glitter!!

    Carrieanne x

  26. First off, Darcy is like a little angel - her skin is like porcelin & her eyes are so green :D beautiful

    You & Darcy can paint little plant pots as a fun little activity to do :)
    At B&Q they have some lovely outdoors patio sets for summer time :)
    plus they have this gorgeous pink, purple & mint colour shed - that is suitable for Darcy as a playhouse for her :) i swear i love it hehe :)
    Or or when she is older, a swing or play circuit thing you see in Argos catalogues sometimes :) i could go on but i'm sure you'll find inspiration & imagination to create a lovely garden :)

  27. Have a quick look on pinterest! they have so many good ideas on there :-) (you've probably already seen)
    Darcy has the most beautiful, big eyes and her little fluffy hair makes me smile, she's so gorgeous X

  28. You should think about giving your fence a nice coat of paint - that'll spruce up your garden very quickly (and it's not too expensive!). Since you love pastels so much, how about a pastel green? That'll look lovely! Painting a fence is a quick and easy way to spruce up any space :)

  29. Get yourself a trampoline , Darcy will love it, i'm 15 and i still get exited about jumping on it :P

  30. This is so cute. My one year old already stamps her feet when it is time to come in from the garden, she loves the grass, her sandpit, water table and slide.

    Here is a simple idea for hanging bird feeders, which I think would look pretty hanging from your trees. Darcy would have fun making them and watching the birds come to feed. Be warned Lard is messy and smelly so you can use an alternative.

    Also, I apologise for the photo layout in the post- I wrote it before I discovered Collage!

    I can also see you and Darcy planting sunflower seeds and watching your sunflowers grow. :-)

    Does Darcy have her own little table? If not plastic ones are only a few pound and can be dressed up with a table cloth, or paint an Ikea one with outdoor paint. I know how you love your jam jars in the Summer. My older girls always have a jar of wild flowers (OK weeds!) such as daisies on their little table and lay their tea set, it looks so pretty.

    Or using old pretty fabric, you could make a cute den for Darcy.

    Enjoy the sun!



  31. I'm think about doing the same project! Wish me luck x'D

  32. ohw.. how lovely your family is! You are such a nice mummy. Just keep being who you are.
    Lots of love,

  33. Great post, baby glitter just gets cuter! x

  34. Darcy is one of the cutest babies I have ever seen! She is lucky to have a lovely mummy like you :)Plus you dress her really well, she is a stylish baby.

    Love Eve <3

  35. keep us updated! We love doing things on a shoe string budget! its such a challenge but fun too!
    p.s. We wish we were as fashion savy as Darcy when we were her age!

  36. Such a cute post :)


  37. Even though my father is a gardener our garden is rather boring - no one at my home wants to "decorate" the garden, haha. But I reckon it could be quite fun with a 2 year old (who might find it a bit more exiting). ;-)

  38. Baby Glitter looks adorable here! Some bedding around the sides with some flowers, or even just potted flowers like roses could brighten it up? x

    Curls and Swirls

  39. She's beautiful and sooo cute!! x

  40. I recently moved into a tiny second floor apartment. I miss having the land that we have at my parents house to garden! It is so sunny and beautiful outside here in North Carolina that I have accepted the mission of finding a way to turn my little apartment balcony into a garden oasis.


  41. My best childhood memories took place in our backyard! I wish I had a little square of space that I could do something fun with right about now, but sadly I think it will be a few more years till that happens. Looking forward to see what you do with your space! I'm sure it will be lovely!

  42. She is just so adorable! I love all the little outfits you put her in, baby clothes are so cute! I know what you mean about the garden though, it seems like a waste of money, but I bet you'll be super pleased when it's done :) xx

  43. This was such a lovely post, I enjoyed reading it so much! And Darcey/Darcy looks so beautiful as always! Hope you, Matt and Darcy are all good and good luck on re-vamping your garden! x

  44. Aww! My parents did the same when I was little, I loved the garden so much...I loved it that much I decided to eat the creatures that lived in it! Yeah, I ate a few worms..:D :D

  45. I love your blog! I used to spend a lot of time in my garden with one of those massive bubble wands. Good times... by the way Darcy's eyes are amazing! I am jealous of your life!

  46. Sounds good :) Bet it will look lovely xxx

  47. This is awesome! Darcy looks adorable! PJ's and wellies are made to go together, they're perfect for each other! xxx

  48. That second picture of her is so cute.

  49. I think gardening would be such a nice hobby to have but unfortunately it just doesn't interest me!

    Louisa's Notebook

  50. So Cute!

  51. I currently live in NYC and although having a rooftop is amazing, I want a garden badly even if it's so I can love it for a few weeks out of the year and probably kill everything it contains ! Jealous!

    p.s. Your daughter is precious, how you say no to the eyes is beyond me!


  52. Darcys eyes are amazing!

    Brunette in Louboutins A fashion & lifestyle blog.

  53. um, if that isn't the cutest little baby i don't know who is!!
    glad i found your blog ;)
    i don't really decorate much either but we should!

  54. My mum's garden is her pride and joy. Our new puppy has shredded it! x

  55. Darcy is just the cutest! Good luck with the garden Louise, I'm sure it'll look amazing

    A little bit Unique - Blog // Facebook // Bloglovin


  56. My mum always tries to get me into gardening but it just doesn't agree with me, good luck with yours!


  57. I can definitely relate to you with this post - we've been in our house 2 years now and the garden is so boring to look at - we have grass, which, like you, my OH keeps on top of, but thats it. We have a few measly daffodils at the back that have reared their heads, that must have been from the previous occupiers, but thats as much colour as your gonna get. We really aren't avid gardeners but I want colour and prettiness, but like you I hate spending money on stuff for the garden (don't you think pots and plants are so expensive?!). My little tip what I'm about to do this weekend (and its good if you're garden shy) - any soil that you really can't be bothered to be weeding every other week throughout the summer - I'm gonna get a special 'blanket' as I like to call it, throw it over the soil (to stop the weeds growing through), get a few bags of white pebbles and scatter them where the soil was. I've found some rather large cheap 99p pots (from B&M) and I'm gonna plant some seeds in them, which will hopefully flourish into brightly coloured flowers (or not, if you're like me and forget to water them) and then space these pots out across the length of my pebbles. Ok, that was a bit long-winded but hope it makes sense! Also keep your eye out for those brightly coloured tin flower hanging pots that you can hang over your fence, they are really cheap and easy to do and add instant colour to your garden :-) x

  58. Darcy is so cute, she has such beautiful eyes! xxx

    Maddy from

  59. Your daughter is STUNNING. Such pretty eyes!

    I still live with my parents and my garden has been exactly the same, my dad cuts and weeds it but that's about it. Every year we say we're going to plant some more flowers and have a little vegetable patch. One day we will get around to it!

    Could you imagine Baby Glitter picking raspberries and tomatoes? :D

    Kateez | Beauty, Life & UK Blog

  60. She is so cute!!

  61. Try and make a little pond somewhere- it's so much fun! or with bird feeders- baby glitter will love it! :)

  62. Aww Louise, your such a brilliant mum! Darcy is growing so big as well.

    Something I always love is having a vegetable patch, I know it sounds old fashioned and boring... but there is honestly nothing nicer than growing lettuce/potato then eating it for dinner! Even start small, strawberry plants, herbs and peas?

  63. Darcy is so cute and your are such a lovely mum! This is such a great idea and these photos are so cute!

  64. Darcy melts my heart, she's so bloomin' adorable! xxx

  65. I'm so so glad I found your blog (and YOUTUBE CHANNEL!). I've spent hours on it since Wednesday. It makes me so happy, and I'm a little bit totally in lurve with Baby Glitter.

  66. Darcy is SOOOOOOOOOO cute! I love to read posts just about your everyday life! xx

  67. I am such a homebody too but you won't find me in the garden :p.
    Lovely photos as always!!


  68. Darcy is just too cute, I love her little wellies ♡x

  69. Big tip from a new gardener: make sure to check whether flowers etc you are planting are annuals, semi-annuals etc. that way you'll know if they'll come up automatically on their own or not. I made the mistake of buying tulips (which are my favorite flower) when i hardly had any gardening experience and then found out they only bloom once a year after which i have to depot them and freeze the bulbs for a year and then replant them next spring - too much hassle!

  70. I love seeing cute pics of Darcy, her eyes are just stunning :) A good tip for the garden is to get some candles in a bamboo holder and plunge them into the grass and light them in the evening, they look so pretty and brighten up any garden. You can also put some jam jar candles on a sturdy string and hang them from tree to tree or fence to tree or anywhere and you could get Darcy to decorate the jam jars too :) Love your blog as always Louise :)

  71. Oh she's so cute. I've got no gardening tips I'm afraid, looking forward to seeing it done though :) xx

    Lucy Loves To Blog

  72. It's the perfect time for dafodills a small patch of them brightens up any garden and they are so easy to get hold of a bag of bulbs and simply plant them. They grow quickly and are a great hands on thing for toddlers too!
    Also (perhaps more grown up) a rose arch or arch of any climbing flower variety roses are especially pretty though and with a weave of outdoor fairy lights through them would look so enchanted and make your garden a little secret one for Darcy to play in.
    Planting is a fun thing to do in the summer with kiddies and to 'lousieify' it you could collect more unique pots for planting e.g. jam jars, watering cans, or old tin cans.
    Not sure on the size of your garden but maybe a little summer house/wooden gazeebo? You can get small ones quite cheaply from eBay etc. and you can paint them pretty cream/pastel colours for a lovely spring/summer effect.
    You can pick up mini greenhouses too made of a small metal frame covered with a plastic coat to create the glass effect, these are great for little ones as you can plant small vegetables e.g. tomatoes instead of creating a whole vegetable patch which could be too ambitious for a budding gardener :) (budding hehe get it?)
    There are just a few ideas for you! I hope you enjoy them :) xx

  73. Darcy is sooo cute!

    Kimberley x

  74. Darcy has such gorgeous eyes!


  75. When I was little my mum made me a "fairy garden" it was just a few bricks layed down as pavers in the corner of our yard under some trees and we got lots of sparkly things to hang up and some fairy decorations, I loved it for the longest time!

  76. Poundland sell seeds, you can't get more shoestring than than really. A great idea for doing things with Darcy is to grow your own herbs and vegetables. Mint is really easy to grow and smells lovely. You could have a go at decorating some ceramic pots or use old wellys as planters.

  77. Aww, Darcy is gorgeous! Love the idea of growing herbs and vegetables


  78. That's so exciting. My mom grows loads of stuff and even has a little greenhouse.

    I always used to go to my grandma and pluck strawberries and raspberries. Help with taking down apples and pears and me and my sister used to bring home a plastic jar full of cherries. We used to eat loads of fruit which is very healthy!

    At my moms we always pluck carrots and potatoes for lunchtime. And salad, tomatoes and cucumber. It's fun to grow your own stuff, and great for the environment too 'cause you don't have to buy stuff that's been shipped/driven to the store.

    Have fun in the garden!
    Wish I had one!

  79. Oh gosh how stunning is your daughter? Her eyes are amazing!

    I love growing herbs, currently waiting for my chives to sprout so I can use them!

    Belle x

  80. You could perhaps get one of those grow your own kids plants? Maybe Darcy will like growing her own flowers or strawberries? She is a little stunner- you must be so proud! xxx

  81. I'm first time on your blog but already liked this post.

    I have no clue about garden therefore can't give you any tips. But would love to learn from you whilst you do your garden ofcourse if you show what you are doing.

    Darcy is beautiful angel as usual. Lovely pics =) I watch your youtube videos.

  82. Darcy is the most beautiful baby i've ever seen <3

  83. You little girl is soo soo cute!! Oh my gosh! With her and those wellies you have to give her the best garden ever! I am such a home bird too and find that gardening is such a good way for us to getvoutside and occupy our time. Plus it is so easy and so cheap!! I am growing all different kinds of veggies and flowers right now! They are indoor but will be going outside in 2 weeks. Me and My son ( who is almost 2) love gardening! Take care!

  84. Darcy is adorable I love her raincoat!

    I've found homebase do lovely outdoor table and chairs. You could buy a cheap wooden set and paint them glossy white!

  85. Such a beautiful little girl you must be so proud

  86. What a little cutie!

    Love Lorna xx

  87. Buy some sunflower seeds and let Darcy water them and look after them. Not only are they cheap,they'll make your garden look fab too! xxx

  88. I love the photo's you take of Darcy, they're always so professional!

    Beauty/Fashion blog

  89. oh my god, Darcy is the cutest little girl I have ever seen. Beautiful eyes!

  90. That´s so cute!

  91. Awwwwwwwww those little wellies are just adorable :3

  92. Those wellies are to die for!:-)
    - From Annie ToadRoad

  93. She looks adorable :)

    Warm regards


  94. So pretty & Cute bb!!!!! I'm new in blogger!!!
    Check out my blog at

  95. i just think your blog is amazing equally is your youtube channel every week i look forward to your youtube videos, i think you are just amazing, you inspired me to start my blog and i will plan to carry it on into the future xo

  96. you could add a mini playground like some plastic swings or a slide. or you could grow flowers and let darcy have her own flower/veg in the garden for her to grow. or you could make a tree house

  97. I absolutely adore gardening, I love planting produce and herbs, the smell is so nice and it's so affordable and you get to know just how healthy just veggies are :) when we were younger my sisters and I always had so much fun picking the vegetables too! x

  98. Darcy is gorgeous and her eyes are amazing :)x

  99. Baby glitter is so beautiful!

    Ive just stared a blog and would really appreciate if you all came and had a read and followed it. Ive just posted a review about John Frieda's Daily Miracle

    Lara x

  100. The title is the cutest!
    for more great stuff check out my blog!-

  101. She is the most gorgeous little girl!

  102. Just stumbled across your blog and its AMAZING! Your daughter is beautiful :)

  103. Darcy is just so cuuuutee !!

  104. Arent her wellies the cutest!, The first photos is so sweet aswel, She photographs so well!

    Pipp xx

  105. Having a garden sounds like a marvelous idea. I wish I could create my own garden, but I can't where I live :(

    Your daughter is beautiful by the way!

    xo, Charlene

  106. Darcy looks as beautiful as ever, just like her Mummy! Those striking green eyes are amazing to look at! xo

  107. My husband and I started our little garden by buying some cheap terracotta pots from the Eco Store (a second hand warehouse kind of place in New Zealand) and filled them with potting mix and planted flowers and veges in them which really got the garden started before we tackled digging over the actual ground and planting. We also bought lots of $1 plants from the clearance section of our local nursery which really brought the price down. Every few weeks I pop in and buy a couple of super cheap plants to add to the garden. Just a few ideas.... :)

  108. Your photos are so gorgeous Louise! As is Darcy of course haha. I've always wanted a really nice garden etc. but I'm just not creatively that way inclined, perhaps when I have my own place it'll be a bit easier. Good luck with your garden! :)

  109. thats such a good idea, baby glitter will be able to discover so many new things in the garden x

  110. Oh this has inspired me to spruce up our garden. I have my eye on some big and cheap pots that I am going to paint in some pretty summer colours...then buy some cheapish plants to fill them with and I reckon they will give an instant boost to the garden!

  111. Oh gosh, she's so grown up! She's so beautiful.

    Chloë x

  112. My daughter has the same jacket from Mothercare, it's adorable! So is baby glitter, those eyes!!! So cute!

  113. Gosh, she's just adorable! Those eyes - wow!!


  114. Such beautiful pictures of Darcy! I love her little blue coat :) xxx

  115. I haven't read through all the comments and all. So sorry if anyone suggested this already. But you should get her a playhouse if you got the space. We moved into a big house when I was 4, and it had a playhouse already in the garden which the dad of the family who lived here before built himself. I spent a lot of time in there! And now that I'm a tad bit too old for it, it works good as a shed to store summer things over winter (which also works when she uses it, since you're not really in there when it's snowy)! :)

  116. A secure, Homemade swing, not those overpriced climbing frames, unless you want, but you did say you dont want to spend lots of money on a "Boring garden" Maybe like an old car Tyre, maybe clean it for darcy if its abit grubby and attach on to a branch with some rope or even strong plastic wire and always supervise her, ahaha Im not a mum dont worry im not telling you what to do lol :) see Youuu


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx