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Sunday, 9 May 2010

Accesorize Accessories

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Just a quick post to show you the 2 gorgeous necklaces my superduper Fiance bought me last week for my birthday. He also bought me some earrings and hair clippies that I am loving but I think I will include those in my May Favs post.

They are both what I would call 'short' necklaces. The first one is lovely because when we first started seeing each other five whole years ago (yowzas), I went home from uni for the summer to Northampton and he would send me lovely letters (ahahaha he'll kill me for telling you all that!). I was always beyond excited about this.

The second is also special because it has a ring (perfect considering my upcoming nuptials), a pearl (I'm pearl obsessed) and a lipstick (for my beauty blog and youtube channel-woop woop). So as you can see, this necklace was practically MADE FOR ME! hehehe

I luurrrvvveee Accesorize and Monsoon. I don't really have any expensive jewellery, apart from my engagement ring and what I was left by my Mum, because I'm quite flippant and like to chop and change. I could literally spend hundreds in there!!

Anyone else got any nice bits from there lately?



  1. These are so pretty!! Letter writing is soooo romantic, how sweet of your fiance!


  2. i love the 1st. f21 has another one recently that is a little gold envelope which opens up to say je t'aime. also super cute.


  3. What a lovely gift. Yep, some men are REALLY GREAT at finding just the right goodies, aren't they? And a letter writer to boot. What a fab chap.
    Sorry to read about your mum; but she'd be so proud of you both. Did she know your fiance?
    (Sorry, have no idea of timescale here!).
    Have a great week,
    Z xx
    PS I checked out your youtube postings, they're really fun. And yes, I am a Clinique junkie, it has looked after my skin for over 15 years. And for someone who's fast approaching half a century, (argh!), it looks pretty good!

  4. Love the necklaces! Especially the first one! Letter writing is so cute! :) xx

  5. I love these there gorgeous! :) My necklaces from accesorize always break :( still buy more though because there so pretty! XO

  6. Ahh these are so cute! I love acessorize as well, they always have such lovely things and the sales are flipping amazing!
    Great post girly!

  7. I do love Accessorize jewellery although I find that their gold pieces soon lose their gold finish and turn to a more nasty bronze :\ saying that though I still go in and buy lots of pretty things lol! xx

  8. These necklaces are gorgeous! I love accessorize! Latley I keep buying key rings from there because they are all so cute, plus I end up seeing them at the counter when I'm buying something and get tempted! xx

  9. I have the letter necklace, it is super cute! I was in a long distance relationship with my now hubbie for 4 years and we used to write letters too (at the beginning!) x

  10. awww how sweet of him! i also have that envelope necklace <3

  11. these are so pretty! i love pieces that make me feel special!

  12. I am in love with the letter necklace :O I'm pretty sure I've kept accessorize going through the recession with my extreme amounts of expenditure :) xx

  13. Two really stunning necklaces. A great gift. Does the second necklace come with a pearl and a diamond ring?


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx