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Thursday, 27 May 2010

Curvy Girl's OOTD- Lace and The BodyCon!!

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Today's OOTD is a risky one and perhaps not one of my best. The BodyCon, dun duuunnn dduuuunnnnnn! I know I don't look like Miss World in these pictures but I thought you might enjoy the jolly-ness of them, so no meanies please :)

Just to let you know, I usually wear this with a loose long cardigan to give me a smidge of dignity but I felt that with all my posing efforts, these deserved to be shown! I was only going to show you the back of my snazzy top/bodycon dress jobby but then I got carried away.

What goes up.......

(Mmmm what a tres composed face I pulled!)

........must come down!

(Jazz hands!!!)

Gad zukes that took a long time to get that shot! Look how high I lunged myself! Sheesh gravity is strong!

Today I wore my cheapy gold sandles from Primani (£2), long black lace detail leggings from Newlook (£7- pricey for leggings but they have lasted me a year!) annnddd my long top/short dress from F+F at Tesco (£9...I think).

As a larger lady (size 16-18), I think we all know that I'm not going to look like a goddess in a tight dress, but that's not to say large lovelies can't look like a goddess with some careful tweaking ;)

First of all, I am an hour glass shape (broad shoulders, boobies, small waist, big hips and bootiliscious bottom) so I dress this to its best. Low cut long tops are my friends. They draw attention away from my problem zone which is my mid region and cast the eye to my neck and bust (tehe) and with a hemline on my thighs, it makes you look at my legs, which although chunky, are in decent proportion to my body.

I wear leggings with very short day dress because I don't want to look trampy and also without a lot of tan and dusk lighting, they look a bit cellulitey (..because they are! haha).

Tan + Lower lighting= OK legs, No Tan + Office Lighting = Yikes!

Leggings are also a curvy girl's friend because your eyes are drawn to the hem (especially if they have a detail on such as lace, zips, beading, cutwork on the trim etc) and if the hem is near the ankle then you're laughing because your wrists and ankles are always the slimmest part of a woman. The sleeves on this cover largest part of my arms (upper) and displays the nice part (lower). Simples.

As mentioned earlier, I would have worn a coloured cardi with this so that I didn't feel too self conscious and to break up the black a bit. I accessorised with watch, bangles and earrings from Avon, Primark and Accessorize respectively.

Here is the 'feature' that I wanted you to see. Luurrrvvveellyy lace detailing really gives this a saucy twist. Wear hair up in a sexy knot to show this off.

So as you can see, with a bit of thought, curvy girls can jump on the lace and bodycon trend just like everyone else!




  1. Yor pics make me laugh! You look gorgeous and I love the lace.

  2. Love these posts. I also have that top. xx

  3. BRAVO!!!! I bet that was a fun photoshoot for whoever was taking the picture! I love your garden by the way!

  4. Holy cow you're so fun and so stinking adorable. I want to come hug you and spend the day with you. You're terribly lovely. xoxox

  5. You have a cute blog! I'm a new follower :)


  6. hi i always wear dresses and leggings this to work, your right about the eyes been drawn to certain places hehe! loving that you are keeping up with these ootd's doll

    shel xo

  7. gross dont do that

  8. Thank you Bloggerinos! I am literally amazed at how positive the Curvy Girl's OOTD's have been- thank you very much! Makeup reviews to come very soon I promise!

    As for Mrs Anonymous there, your bravery astounds me and I hope that whatever un "gross" size you might be, that you are happy and confident.....although not confident enough to leave your name, eh?


    Cara- Come and spend the day any time! England is very nice this time of year! xxxx

  9. Great poses, love the Jazz hands ;)

  10. Great look, I love a long low cut top - this is pretty much my staple outfit! Also, woah you can jump really high! x

  11. I love your post! So many fashion blogs I see have girls who are stick thin, it's nice to see a larger lady for once!

    And I LOVE the lace detailing! :) Very pretty!

  12. I am loving your OOTD posts Louise, I love forward to them SO much! I like that you don't just post the outfit, you explain why you've chosen to wear what you have and you always look gorgeous!

  13. Aww I love these posts! I've written about them in my new post so if you have time feel free to go and have a gander :) xo

  14. you look fab! hehe totally random post, but just stumbled upon your blog, and wowee those sandals sure dont look £2 but thats the magic of primark i guess! x

  15. Yay for jazzhands!!! Please keep doing these, they are fab!! I'm a newbie to your blog but I luurve it already :D xxx

  16. awww thats a really good blog :) i like the lace on your dress :) xxx

  17. I love that you do OOTD's for us curvy girls! :)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. You are rocking it, girl!

  20. You have shared a great information about Bodycon Dresses and Skater Dresses. Which are very informative for



Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx