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Monday, 10 May 2010

Blogger Events

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Ok dearest Bloggerinos, I need to pick your brains (ew gross). Now, I have been reading all your beauty blogs (and other blogs too, I like the crafty ones tres much!), and I have noticed that some of you have been going to Beauty Blogger Events. Firstly, I am uber envious because they look amazing!

What I am wanting to know, is how to do you get invited to such a thing. I have asked a few times but it is all a bit mysterious. I can understand that these bloggers that go have worked tres hard to get so many followers and such like, but if anybody asked me to assist them with a query, I would defo answer, surely beauty blogs are all about sharing tips and advice anyway?

Does it work on hits and followers? Or maybe I have to get in touch with those companies? Oorrrrrrr is there some secret way of doing it that I don't know about?

So, if any of you could point me in the right direction, I would be eternally grateful and will send you hearts and good wishes forever :)

Thank you Bloggerinos!




  1. Why dont people answer this question lol, i would if i knew!! x

  2. As far as I'm aware the companies get in touch with the bloggers by email :) xx

  3. To be honest I was quite oblivious to this, but it does sound like fun doesn't it? I would be interested to know how these events come about, although I guess if you are just yourself someone will find you for who you are and invite you to come along? :) xx

  4. Oddly I've been wondering pretty much the same thing! I just assumed I haven't been blogging long enough to get noticed yet. I would say the companies would email bloggers as Katy said, but there's no harm in contacting a blogger directly who's been to an event you would have fancied and ask them directly! If you do find out - let us know! :)

  5. I have nooo idea, but your blog is pretty cute!


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx