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Monday, 31 May 2010

Lou's Reviews- Lush Fair Trade Foot Lotion

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Do you remember agggeesss ago when Becky from Lush sent me a big box of Lush freebies? (If not, have a look HERE) All these weeks I have been busying myself like a busybee, trying all the goodies and now it is the turn of the Fair Trade Foot Lotion for it's review.

(Picture pinched from because my sample pot is looking a bit cacky. Mmmm)

I deliberately waited this long because now that flipflop season is here, we all want our tootsies looking their best! Now, can I tell you a secret? Shhh don't tell anyone but my. feet. are. not. nice! They go all dry on the heels and despite ped-egging (funny story at the end) and moisturising to within an inch of their feety little lives, nothing worked. Until now. 

Fair Trade Foot Lotion is pink in colour and minty in scent. A winner already! I slather this magic cream on before bed (not every night, perhaps once or twice a week) and by the time I awake from my slumber, my feet are fresh as daisies and b-e-a-utiful! I find it to be a touch oily which is why I put it on before bed rather than greasing up my summer pumps, but I think that's what it needs to quench my thirsty feet. The smell is minty as I mentioned before, but not pungent, so you won't be 'Mrs-Smelly-I-Need-Foot-Cream' all day!

Here is what Lush has to say for itself: 

"Minty revitalisation for feet with fairly traded cocoa butter. Pink and perky, one mightily minty cream for your feet, which also helps to ease the abuse they get when trapped in shoes all day. We use both spearmint and peppermint essential oils to relieve aches and cool hot feet again. Arnica and marigold herbs take away the weariness and get your feet ready to wear your highest heels or to be seen naked and proud of it."

This delightful cream retails for £7.95 for 225g which is one of the big tubs and will last you allll summer. I'm still using my test up and I've been using for a few weeks now so it's well worth the mula, I'll be picking up one of these babies tres soon!

Have you tried this? What did you think dear Bloggerinos?



Funny (hehe I think) story as mentioned above: My little sister Tiyana (13 years old) has a really ennoying habit of coming over and poking about in all my stuff and being an all round pain. Well last year she came over and I had just had a good ped-egg session (yes I know it's gross with a capital G, but it's needed!). She prodded around my stuff for a bit and then picked up the ped-egg not knowing what it was. Mwahahaha. I didn't say anything, watched her twiddle it around a bit and then made a fatal error. She yanked it open. Grossness scattered all over her hands and lap! Ahahahahahahaha! That'll teach her!!! Funny or cruel? Mwahaha!


  1. I love this, I use it every night because my feet are also gross and I can fill a ped-egg with hard dry skin disturbingly fast!

  2. Lol, definately a funny story :p
    I haven't tried this, but I'm always on the look out for a good foot cream so I might give this a whirl :)

  3. Oh how i love lush. I've not tried this yet so thanks for the review xx

  4. I really love this stuff, the spearminty smell is beautiful and i love the pink colour.
    And hee hee that's a brilliant story!

  5. hahaha! Love the story, defo not evil, when we were little my younger sister nicked eveything! x x

  6. Ooh, you sound like ME! Or, rather, I am in similar situations to you. I'm off to Lush on Friday, so methinks a squint at this shall be worth the while!



Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx