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Thursday 27 May 2010

Pretties I'm Loving

Aloha Bloggerinos,

As I mentioned before, my office is fairly restrictive on dress code, so I've started to take a lot more joy in accessorising. You may not be able to wear leggings or floaty dresses, but there's nothing about cocktail rings or charm necklaces! Wooop!

So here are a few things I have been wearing lately a lot:

I lurve this pearl necklace. I bought it 2 whole years ago from Accessorize for £11. I love pearls and these are cool because they are quite abstract shapes. I loved it so much I remember buying my friend YinYin (remember the YinYin that knitted me the pink cushion? Her.)

This is a more recent buy from Accessorize. It's a medium-long charm necklace and is uber summery. I love the golds, creams, pinks and corals and the funky charms. I believe it says "I'm a fresh and fun gal and I welcome the summer and all that it brings!". Yes that's right, my jewels speak to me, don't yours?!

A worryingly small selection of cocktail rings (and my engagement ring!). I am OBSESSED with cocktail rings. I think it's because I type a lot at work so I look at my hands all the live-long day and a bit of bling makes me happy. If you'd like to know where any are from, pop a comment down below and I will tell you.

Aside from the lilac and the engagement ring, they were all from highstreet shops. Bargain!

And yes Ceri, I know the lilac one is yours......and I'm never giving it back! Mwahahahahahahahaha!!!

What are your gem obsessions, or is it just me?




  1. Ahh cocktail rings are so fun! Love them.

    p.s. I nominated you for a Sunshine Award on my blog :)

  2. I'm obsessed with pendants, I've never been much of a ring wearer, I don't know why. Yours look beautiful.

  3. i love ur rings collection ^^

  4. those rings are stunning! :)

  5. I love your rings, and that necklace which is a recent buy ! That is gorgeous !

  6. Haha I believe that your necklace definitely says that too :) Aww this post made me smile! I love love love cocktail rings, the bigger and more obnoxious the better in my opinion! Where oh where is the lovely black one and the purple one from my lovely? xx

  7. I adore all the cocktail rings! And your gorgeous engagement ring :)

  8. Aloha Lovelies,
    Just a quickie because I fear I have the plague and may soon die, the black one is oollllddd and I believe Dotty P's and the Purple one was from Mickey's in Liverpool but it's selfishly shut down now. Also, it's not really mine! I "borrowed" it from Ceri G about 90 years ago and I'm NEVER GIVING IT BACK! Ha! xx

  9. I love cocktail rings too, I have loads, maybe I will post about them soon. I think I like them because they make my chunky fingers look slimmer ;0)

    x hel x

  10. Those rings are gorgeous! Where is the gold rose one from? x


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx