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Monday, 3 May 2010

The Shape of Things to Come

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Just to update you, I'm dashing off to the office now (that's right, on a Bank Holiday, talk about dedicated/should have worked harder last week before my appraisal tomorrow!) but wanted you to know I haven't forgotten you.

Coming up I have the results of the MAC/Barry M Giveaway, a review of some great Bella Sugar Cosmetics items (check out her blog, you will be hooked!), any questions answered annnddddd a youtube video of my brrrrrrrilliant birthday presents (yes, I am a quarter of a century- yikes!).

I couldn't think of a suitable 'update' photo and I hate photoless posts, they feel all naked and boring, so here is a randowm one from way back in November '09. It's moi and the Fiance on a little mini break in Yorkshire. Isn't he deliscious?!




  1. Awww such a cute picture! Hope you had a good birthday Lou, looking forward to the upcoming posts.

  2. Belated birthday wishes, Lou! Howcome I missed when your b'day was? Love the photo. I bought that Max Factor on your recommendation and used it today...and it stayed on thru the hailstones! Cheers! Good luck in your appraisal tomorrow. Try the Clinique yellow powder for your cheeks, (if you're feeling flush..ha ha), under or over foundation. I've found it brilliant.
    Z xx

  3. Hope you had a gorgeous birthday! You're a beautiful couple xxxxxx

  4. you and your fiance look so happy! if you don't mind me asking, how did you meet? i love finding out how couples met each other. :)

  5. he is my spanish teacher

  6. you guys look so happy and beautiful. congratulations and all the best for the future xx

  7. Oooohh Anonymous, reveal yourself! I'm sure he is a very good teacher! x

  8. well, he is an alright teacher...... he gets a bit annoying though, no offence.

  9. Ahh well Miss Anonymous, Glad you think he is alright :)
    I'm not really sure it's appropriate to tell your Teacher's wife to be that you think he is annoying but don't worry, you haven't offended me.
    I used to go to the High School myself many moons ago so I know it can be quite bitchy.

  10. aha yes :/
    but anyhow, i love your blog and videos, they're awesome x

  11. normany mystery30 July 2010 at 21:32

    heyy ive heard all about your range.. tell me more im soo interested. i love your tinted moisturiser!! soo whos this newbloke your with?? ive heard a lot about himm!! ;)

  12. Ummmm Normany I dont have a range or tinted moisturiser. Are you maybe thinking about Lush who I did a review of? Also, I dont have a new bloke so I'm not sure who you heard about? I've been with Matt for 5 years and get married next month! xxx

  13. you guys look so good together god bless

  14. wow he is FIT!!!!


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx