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Sunday, 23 May 2010

Sunday Tag from Cupcakes and Rainbowdust

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I have been wanting to start a feature for quite a while now and have finally decided that every Sunday (or as many as possible), I will do a tag from someones blog.

So this week I have chosen a '12 Questions' tag from Cupcakes and Rainbowdust. If you haven't already checked her out, go have a looksie. I thought it might be fun to do a bit of 'getting to know me' stuff and I tag all my followers and all those who comment and read. I am really grateful for all of you and am always touched by your kind and supportive comments. :)

So let's get crackalackin'! 

1. What shoe size are you?

Size 7. Most of my Liverpool chums are a size 7 which was great when we were all at uni, but my Northampton chums all seem to be a 5-6 which is a bummer- no swapsies for me!!

2. Where do you work?

I work full time as a PA to the big cheese at a very large recruitment firm. Since working there I have met loads of really nice girls and boys and think that some of them will be my chummies for a long time to come :)

3. Favorite piece of clothing you own?

I am currently in love with a light blue floaty dress I bought from Primark back in March. I wish wish wish I had been savvy enough to buy one in grey but alas, I will carry on my love affair with the little blue number.

4. Your favorite blog?

I go through phases with blogs I love. Maybe I should make a Blog of the Week feature too?

5. Do you have any pets?

Yes indeedydoody. Mindycat is my little fluffy baby. She's a little weirdo though. She runs for the hills (or at least her behind-the-sofa-kitty-lair) at the slightest noise, has a really big body but tiny legs (we suspect if she were human she would be 4"5 and obese) and is sometimes bullied by this really big blackbird that comes into the garden when she's sunbathing and squarks at her. I'm trying to encourage her to stand up for herself but to no avail.

6. How many siblings do you have?

I have one half sister (same Dad) called Tiyana who is 13. I consider her my full sister because I love her to absolute bits and she is my little playmate. I like to call her Tiyana Banana or Lister (L ittle s ISTER). I have 2 step brothers who I only really see at Christmas and they are both older than me.


7. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

I would love to live in America. I have been there a few times when I was younger and am going there next year on my belated honeymoon (we're not going straight after the wedding for mula reasons). I love America looaaddsss. :) :) :)

8. What were you doing before this?

I was reading all your blogs whilst regretting having one too many Pineapple Punch Cocktails last night......and also the warm white wine we glugged before the taxi man turned up with the mentality of "It's bad to waste it, even if it has been in the garden all day and we are having to down it out of a plastic Alton Towers mug". Classy.

(Drinks in real pineapples and real coconuts- what is the world coming to??!!)

9. Your favorite food?

Dominos pizza or a full English roast. Yes please.

10. Do you have a middle name?

Yes, Alexandra. I really like it because my Dad said it's the one my Mum picked for me. If I have a little girl, I would give her my Mum's middle name (which was Jane) in memory of her.  ♥

11. Your favorite websites?

Blogspot, weheartit, YouTube, Matha Stewart (for her amazing craft ideas and instructions), Monsoon, John Lewis, Facebook, ETSY, the list goes on......

12. Who do you tag?

Everyone who reads, follows or comments. :)

Hope you enjoyed my Taggeroo and look forward to reading yours.


  1. It's a great idea to find out about each other.
    PS i've nominated you for an award check it out on my blog xx

  2. Your job sounds pretty sweet :) Working with people you like is suuuch a huge thing. I love those cocktails haha! I'm a sucker for buying them when they look shmancy! I think a blog of the week post would be very cute. I already did this tag, but I loved reading yours.

  3. You and zoella have inspired me to start my own blog and so far I'm really enjoying it! So thank you ��


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx