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Monday, 31 May 2010

DIY Wedding Invitations

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I have done it!! I have finally, finally, FINALLY, finished my wedding invitations! It has taken months (this could be due to the terrible bout of Bridezilla that I seem to have caught, despite telling everyone I'm laid back and not bothered....turns out, not so much) but after being taken over by ribbons, glitter, heart cutters, glue gums, more pink and cream card than you can throw a stick at, gems and stickers, we have lift off!

Here is a quick snap, I may well post some more in a few days when I have time to take some better shots (let me know if you would like this, I don't want to bombard you).

These were super easy and simple to make, just a lot of sticking and ribbon tying :)

We decided to make our own invites because we are on a budget and because I enjoy to do things like this. Making your own if definitely economical financially, but not time-wise! Cripes!

The theme for our wedding is "Pink Sparkle!" and this is being carried right the way through, expect lots more wedding updates over the next few weeks :)




  1. Your wedding invites are so lovely! You're very talented :) x

  2. My sister made her wedding invitations - african themed since she got married in Kenya on wednesday :P
    I'd love to see more pictures, they look stunning!

  3. aww they look pretty!

    We designed our own aswell and had them printed black on red. Since our 'theme' was black/red. :)

  4. They look lovely! I wish I had the time to do crafty things :)

  5. They look so pretty :)

    and a pink themed wedding :) - your fiance must love you a lot :)


  6. I love them Louise, they're gorgeous! Simple but really pretty :)

  7. They look gorgeous i made my wedding invitations as well but yours look a lot nicer than mine did xx

  8. I would luuuurrve a pink sparkle theme, im hassling my boy for a purple theme which alone is a struggle!!

  9. They look sooooo pretty!!You're very talented :)


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx