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Tuesday 24 March 2015


Aloha Sprinklerinos,

This is a blog post I never thought I'd write. I don't really know how to say what I need to say so I will just let the words flow out as my head and heart says them.

Matt and I have separated. A horrid sentence I know. I'm sorry to anyone who will feel sad reading that. I feel sad reading that too. Sad but alright. Alright because I know it was the correct thing to do.

We separated mid 2014 but have kept it to our nearest and dearest whilst we adjust to this new way of living, I'm sure you'll all understand and appreciate that. I wanted to tell you but also I cherished the privacy. I will still cherish the privacy because I won't talk about this very much and nor will he.

I won't spend a great deal of time going into why we have made this decision and I won't be answering questions on the topic (so please, don't leave any), but I will say this - Nobody is a villain or victim. Neither of us did a 'bad thing' (yanno, the classics like affairs or abuse etc) and neither of us hate each other. We are on extremely good terms actually.

As we have grown up, we have grown apart. We are very different people now and whilst I still love and care about Matt very, very much, it wasn't working. I know things like vlogs and blog posts can make things look perfect but just like anyone, our lives were not perfect and despite our best efforts, it just didn't work. Matt and I met in in 2004 and became a couple in 2005 and after 10 years, things are different. We're different. We have grown into people who just don't fit each other anymore. We tried for a long, long time, very, very hard to grow back together but sometimes you can't force a thing. Sometimes it's best to know when enough is enough and move forward with a new plan.

Our new plan is to be good friends who live apart but co-parent a very beautiful Daughter peacefully, lovingly, carefully and always united. We still spend time as a three and enjoy days out together. In fact, we're been on two holidays together since our decision and they have been lovely. 

It would have been really easy to go on longer not telling you this because it's not hard to distort the truth with clever editing or just being careful with what you say on camera but I didn't want to. I feel like the months I have had to keep this private have been enough and now I can tell you, move forward and carry on with my channels and blog and projects.

You may well see Matt in some of my future videos and if you follow him on his platforms, you'll see him there too.

I don't like to ask a lot from you but I will ask these few things if that's alright?

Please do not be mean to either one of us. Neither of us have done anything wrong at all.
Please do not make a fuss or drama. It's a really hard thing to tell you and I'm trusting that you will be cool with this. :)
Please be mindful with what you say about this. Our Daughter will one day grow up and could search for this and see your comments.
Please do not assume that every male/female you see each of us with is a potential partner. Neither of us are in new relationships and if that ever happens, we'll tell you when we're ready. 

We are both fine and totally supported. This could seem shocking to you but we've had months and weeks to sort ourselves out so we're already at the, 'Phew! I feel OK actually' stage. Yay!

I am so, so, so eternally sorry to anyone who feels upset or let down by this. I feel so much pressure to be perfect because I see your comments of love for my family. I wish I could have lived up to them. 

This post was hard and sad to write. Please do not leave a comment, I would prefer not to read any opinions (good or bad) on this topic, I would just like to tell you and move completely on. This is hard. 

Thank you for always being such a comfort. There have been many times over the last few months when I have been down or stressed and without you knowing how much I needed you, you have soothed and cheered in your wonderful sparkly way.

Big loves to you and also to Matt. Here's to a bright new future of peace and happiness.




  1. Wow, I'm sorry to hear this Louise.
    I'm glad things did not end badly for you both X

    1. i love you

    2. I'd of never guessed from your recent Disney vlogs that you and Matt had separated. As sad as it is people do grow and relationships don't always last, we drift apart from the one's we love. I'm pleased to see you've remained friends and Darcey is your number 1 priority, it's lovely to see and what makes you both great parents. x

      Kate | A British Sparkle

    3. Louise you are an amazing person feeling dealing with this in the way that you are. You have no reason to be apologising to us or making us feel better about the situation, we should be supporting you through your amazing life along with your beautiful daughter. You are an inspiration to all women and families because of the way you have been upfront and excepting of your opinions.

      Lots of love and gratitude to you and your family,
      Sunshine :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So nice that you can both stay friends and support Darcy! These things happen in life, hope you're both doing ok xx

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You haven't let anyone down m'dear! Sending big love :) x
    Jordan | Keep Dreaming ♥

  6. I wish you all the best! Thank you for sharing something this private with us all!

  7. I know you asked for no comments but I wanted to applaud your bravery, honesty and maturity. Still a wonderful role model Louise, as you always will be xx

    1. Rachel has put into words what I wanted to say. All support and hugs from this end too.

  8. I wish you all the best! Thank you for sharing something this private with us all!

  9. Big loves for all 3 of you.

  10. Sending my love Louise! Glad you are both okay and doing the best thing possible for Darcy! Keep going and it sounds like you have an amazing group of friends and family to keep you going ❤️

  11. Hope your okay, we all love and support you so much xx

  12. I can't seem to understand the pressure you must feel to be a 'perfect' family when your on this kind of platform and this is your life, your still a role model Louise. You've handled the situation with professionalism, maturity and honesty! :) xxx

  13. Thank you for sharing this with us, I'm glad you're staying good friends and will continue to support Darcy. Sending lots of love ❤️

  14. Thinking of you. I think you've done it the right way and I wish you both the best. If you are ever scared about the future - I was when I was where you are last year - just know that you'll be a-okay. Or ab fab. Or something. x

  15. Big hugs and love to you both, Louise. I hope you're both alright. We support you and fully understand your decision to keep whatever aspects of your life that you chose, private. That will always be your choice and your right. As a child of divorce, I become much MUCH happier when my Mummy and Daddy were happy too. Darcy is a beautiful little girl and she'll grow up knowing that her mummy and daddy did the right thing and still love her very much. I'm so sorry if it's a sad time right now and we're all behind you through this difficult time. xxx
    Ally |

    1. Im so glad you said that its so sweet and thoughtfull im pretty sure that when or if she sees this her heart will melt in kindness and thoughtfullness id thts à word

  16. I'm sorry to read this Louise, but I'm happy for you too, everythig will be easier from now on, you'll see.
    Matt looks like a great guy and an amazing father, you are very lucky to have him in your daughter's life, but you already know that :) You two are very inteligent, you will do a fine job co-parenting and will raise an amazing woman together.

    Always remember how you are strong. You can take over the World. Your Sprinklerinos will support you mo matter what.
    Lots of love from far away xxx

  17. After watching you for years I did notice that something happened last year and you were different but I was hoping this wasn't what it was. It's great that you & Matt ended in an amicable way and are determined to stay that way.

    Please don't worry about any of your viewers feeling let down or disappointed in the news - it's your personal life and you don't have to share it with us but I'm glad that you do because even though you have struggles and your life isn't perfect, you still do your best to be a positive influence and role model for the impressionable audience you have.

    Lots of love to all three of you. x

  18. Wow I literally started crying reading this, even though that probably sounds stupid since i don't know either of you in real life, i just feel like i know you both so much through your videos and i just really feel for both of you. I know from experience that seperations can be really hard. You both seem like really good parents to Darcy & just like generally good people & i hope your both ok with the seperation, i'm sure you will be. Sending both of you lots of love.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Oh wow Louise ! I'm so sorry you had to go through this hard transition in your life. Just remember for every one bad comment someone says about your family that theres thousands of people supporting you. You put some much happiness and postivily in the world. You make people you've never met befores brighter !

  21. I rarely post on famous bloggers posts as I feel they never get read- but with you I sense it will. I felt compelled to leave a comment also as you are so strong and such a great role model! I am guilty of looking upon others lives and feeling down that they are perfect and I am not. You have clarified beautifully that life is not always what it seems..thank you for give so much joy..thank you Louise! xxx

  22. No need to apologise! It's your life decision, you're so brave for telling us.

  23. I'm just glad you felt safe to share this with us, your readers :)
    I know it's a sad moment, but we're here to support and cheer you up into your new journey!
    I know I never comment here but I felt like I needed to spread some love to you today.


  24. Hopefully people will respect your wishes. The most important thing here is that you have the most wonderful, charming beautiful little girl and that you are great parents to her. I wish you both the best, and how great of you to write a blog post about it - you are quite special Louise <3

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Dear Louise, I know you didn't want a reply. Normally I'm a silent follower, but I felt the urge to let you know that I think you're an amazing woman before and after reading this post. I think you're very strong for writing this, for letting us know what's going on in your private life though you didn't have to do it. I wish you and Matt the best of luck. You both seem great persons and parents, and deserve the best. I think Darcy would be very proud of you both when she's older. (: Lots of love from the Netherlands xxx

  27. I'm so sorry about the separation, Louise. I hope you're alright (I know you are, but still), and I know how hard the transition might have been for you and Matt. I hope you guys will be okay :)

  28. Thank you for sharing something so personal with us Louise, sending lots of love to you <33

  29. Well written post. I hope people will be as respectful as you deserve.

  30. I'm sending your way 3 big puffy hugs!

  31. I'm sorry to hear that Louise. These things happen and it sounds like you are both doing the best for yourselves and your lovely daughter. Much love sweet :) xoxo

  32. Hey, I'm very proud of what you did.
    You must be so brave to write this post and i love you for it.
    And you know, this is not the end. It will go on and it will get better for everybody. *sends hugs*

  33. Not being rude or anything, but you need to update your 'about' page. :(

  34. So sorry to hear this, but please to hear that it ended on a good term. Sometimes in life you have to decided whats for the better even though it isn't easy! In the end just stay strong!
    Much love!

  35. Sending you, Matt, and Darcy so much love & good vibes.

  36. I really love that you think about Darcy and how she might find comments about this in the future because that's what comes with being such a public person. Thank you for being so open to your readers and viewers but don't ever feel like you have to tell us or not tell us something just so you appear perfect. Everyone has their flaws and that's absolutely fine (even though a separation is not a flaw at all).

  37. Aw Louise you haven't let anyone down! Sending hugs to all of you😌💖

  38. I am very sorry to hear about your separation and you have dealt with it maturely and professionally. You are a great role model not only for Darcy but for your subscribers as well. I applaud you for being so brave to right this and as I read this, my heart sank for you, Matt and Darcy. I know in my hear that you and Matt have and will know what is best not only for yourselves but for Darcy as well. I wish you all every happiness in the world and after reading all these wonderful comments, I know that if you are every feeling down and upset, all you have to do is read these comments and know you are loved by a lot of people. I understand the need for privacy and respect you wishes.

    You are a lovely person which I only dream about meeting in real life and giving you big hugs. Do not feel disheartened at any point. Things happen for a reason and as much as you tried so hard to make things work, you both understood and knew that it wasn't meant to be.

    Do not take any rude or harsh comments to heart and look to the future with your daughter and the great friendship that will come with Matt.

    I wish you every happiness for you all in the future.

    Keep smiling.


  39. Best of luck to you and Matt, Louise. As a child of divorced parents, I can honestly say that things got SO much better when my parents stopped pretending to be happy together and gave themselves the chance to make themselves happy. They became much more caring and self-aware parents. It sounds like you and Matt are already on your way there, which is lovely. I have no doubt that you will continue to be loving parents for Darcy and I am so happy that your separation was an amicable one. Best wishes <3

  40. My heart hurts greatly for you and Matt, Louise. I noticed something seemed off a while ago, but of course I did not want to assume. i will be sending prayers up for all of you, including Darcy. All my love. xoxo Mollie

  41. I hope everything goes well and may the future be bright!

  42. You are a beautiful ray of sunshine in a sometimes dull world, I'm glad you've managed to keep on sparkling you are an amazing woman. Big loves and all the hugs to all. xxx

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Oh my darling how on earth have you let us down? It is sad but the most important thing to remember is that out of this relationship you both have a BEAUTIFUL daughter. It sounds like you've both made a very mature decision and I have no doubt that Darcy will still be loved and adored just as much as she already was.

    It's news like this that makes me want to come over there, give you a big squeeze and a big glass of wine.

    Well done to you both for being so brave and honest with one another.


  45. Awww Louise how brave of you to write this. Thinking of you, sending love xx

  46. I am so sorry to hear that this has happened. But I must say that you have dealt with this in a very mature way. :) I hope you or Matt don't get abuse for this, but I am sure the community of sprinkleorinos are very mature and will respect this.

    This story really shows how little your viewers and subscribers know about you behind the screen. The same goes for any other youtuber. So they can hardly spend their time judging you. Thanks for the reminder that your life isn't perfect either.

    Your array of supporters are always here when you need them!


  47. Best of luck to all three of you moving forward - changes like this can be hard on everyone, but it can be a good thing for all involved. I can only imagine how hard this post was to write, and how hard this decision was overall, but I hope you are doing well.

  48. I'm so sorry to hear this Louise! It's great that you have ended it on good terms and I wish you both all the best! X
    Charlotte -

  49. So sorry to hear that but everything will be alright! Here is a virtual hug.. :) ♥♥

  50. Wow Louise, I'm sorry to hear about this but I have so so SO much respect for you right now. Wishing you all the best for the future xx

    Sam | Samantha Betteridge

  51. Dear Louise,
    I'm so sorry to hear this. I am so proud of you to be so open about this and I fully support your decision. I wish you two the best <3.
    Lots of love from The Netherlands XXXX

  52. Louise of course were upset but we don't mind. This is your life-we just follow it. You are such a good mother because you are making sure Darcy doesn't feel biased towards one parent. Love you so much and wish you luck in the future ����������

  53. Big hugs to you Louise, I understand it would have been very hard to tell us all x x x

  54. Sad to hear this awful news :( Big loves to you both xx

  55. I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you are both okay and coping as well as you could. It's never nice breaking up but I'm glad you are on good terms.

    T x //

  56. So sorry to hear your news Louise. I married at 21 (after a 5 year relationship) and ended up getting divorced 12 months later as after having been made redundant and having to grow up very quickly I realised the man i married wasn't the right person for me. The whole time was horrible, so stressful and unfortunately i didn't have support from my family or my friends - I really hope you do. Big love to you and lots of cuddles during this tough time xxxx

  57. I will still Love you and Matt whatever❤️❤️❤️❤️

  58. Hi Louise ,
    I am sorry to hear the news , but I am sure that Darcy will grow up to be a beautiful lady just like you despite what has happened in the past xxxx

  59. I don't know if my comment has been sent I don't see it :(

  60. I know you said you didn't want to read any comments, but please know that we all support you and we all love you. I hope everything works out for you guys because we all love you, Matt and Darcy very much.

  61. I don't know if my comment has been sent I don't see it :(

  62. Massive hugs to you Louise! You haven't let any of us down. It is a real shame but now you can move forward and continue making yourself happy :) we love you, and we're so happy that you feel comfortable enough to share something so personal with us.

  63. I will always support you Louise:-) It's sad to think that you had to remove some comments, but you always have people to talk to, whether it'll be your friends or subscribers. We all love you<3:-)

  64. Sorry to hear this Louise. Hugs to you and well done for being brave and telling us all. Sending hugs & prayers your way.


  65. I'm very sorry for you Louise, but I'm glad it didn't end badly. I know you said not to leave a comment but I just wanted to say those couple of things. Love you xx

  66. i will love and support you no matter what louise <3

  67. So sorry love you loads xxx💕😘💕

  68. Sorry to hear this news but I'm glad that both you and Matt are happy. Love you Louise x

  69. Good Luck for the future. It looks like your doing great as in vlogs you seem to be getting on fine. I really hope you and Matt still keep a good bond as you have a great friendship. All My Love Vienna xxoxoxoxoxox

  70. I know you said not to comment, but I just wanted to say I still support yours and mats decision. Best of luck for the future ❤

  71. I'm sure every single one of your viewers/readers is just grateful that you're doing what is best for you, Matt and Darcy x

  72. I know you didn't want comments/ opinions, but I just wanted to say that I think you're a very strong lady to even approach the subject online, Em x

  73. So much respect for you both for handling this all so well. Darcy will admire you both for that when she is older.

  74. Aww Louise, you haven't let anyone down, we all still love you all 3 off you! And it was brave of you to reveal such private information online. Do whats best for you! Love you, Eilidh xx

  75. Please please please don't apologies ❤️ It is your life , you need to make the decision �� we love you so so so much �� you are a strong beautiful women ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  76. I'm sorry to hear this Louise. I know and understand just how difficult a marriage split can be.
    Sending lots of love to the 3 of you. xx

  77. Louise, you are a VERY inspiration woman to all of the people surrounded by you and you just became a bit more inspirational if that is even possible. You are a strong lady and I am very glad to hear you did what was right even if nothing bad was happening. I love you so much and so do all of your subscribers! I love your videos by the way! I also love you too!! x

  78. she said no comments guys !!!!!

  79. I know you asked for no comments but I want to say one thing! Thank you! You are so brave to post this, to share this it makes me feel more confident and teaches people like me to trust others! You are such an inspirational woman! I love you so much❤️❤️

  80. Wishing you three all the lovely and magical thoughts, you continue to be an inspirational human even in your saddest times, keep doing you, girl!

  81. Very sorry to hear about this but I am happy for you that you are still on really good terms. Must be very hard to go trough this especially when you're relationship is public. But I think you both handled it so well! Lots of love <3

  82. I know you don't want us to comment on this and I'm sorry for doing it anyway but I just need to say this: There is absolutely no need for you to feel any kind of pressure to please your fans. It's not your duty to live up to their expectations and anyone who does not respect your privacy enough to accept your decisions, is not worth wasting a single thought on. You are wonderful and we will support you with whatever decisions you think are best for you, so please don't worry so much even if it's hard. All the love <3

  83. Hi Louise x. I'm sooo happy things didn't end badly, also its ur decision do what's right! Ur still u and matt's still Matt! I love u so much x don't worry about negativity just keep ur he's up! Xxxxxx ��������

  84. Oh Louise, I am so sorry to hear! I am glad to hear you are both at the okay stage now though! Lovely that you can still be close with Darcy together, my mum and dad split up in 2005 and my mum and dad are more like brother and sister now <3 xxx

  85. Hi Louise. Sorry to hear your relationship to Matt has ended. My parents separated when I was younger and i'm glad they did. I now have 4 brothers who I wouldn't have had if they hadn't divorced, so I'm pleased with how things turned out. Darcy will grow up happy, I know she will. You are a fab Mummy xxx

  86. I hope both of you are surrounded by love and light right now. Growing apart is natural - I'm so happy that it ended on good terms and I wish you both all the best for the future. All the love in the world to both of you and to your gorgeous daughter. She will be so proud to have such lovely parents!

    Also - sorry for leaving a comment, i know you didn't want any. You can delete this if you want <3

  87. very sorry to hear the news, but you are very brave for writing a post about it and i love you and anyone who has the fortune to know you personally <3

  88. Wow Omg OK so sad but I'm happy you were able to share something that private with us and I'm glad that you go are still friends. This does not change my opinion on either of you Ily ❤💕💞😘

  89. Love You Louise you are so brave x

  90. So sorry to hear Louise but people can't help if they change as you both did bit whatever choice you both make I'm sure most of the sprinklearinos will be there for you 😘

  91. I am so sorry to hear, Louise. I am so glad that things have ended well and that you and Matt are both doing well. As always, we all just want you to be happy and what is best for you. Also, you handled this post like a pro, you are a very brave woman. Sending lots of love <3

  92. ashleigh farrugia24 March 2015 at 18:31

    Love you Louise

  93. You wrote this post perfectly, feel quite proud of you in a weird way. I just hope that you and Matt are happy and will stay happy.

    Ooh La Luce | Beauty, Life, Fashion

  94. We all love you very much Louise! Thankyou for sharing something so personal with us :-)

  95. Really sorry to hear this, but at the same time happy that you can still remain close as friends- it's best thing for Darcy too (for you both to remain friends that is)...I wish you both all the best x

  96. You're so brave Louise!! Its a big thing to share to the internet, but it looks like you guys still are doing good :) I hope that you are as happy as before :)
    And always remember that you have all of us and we'll always have your bag!

    Toodlepip! haha <3

  97. Sorry to hear but I'm so proud of you for having the courage to write a blog post! Amazing that you're still good friends. We love you Louise <3

  98. Hey Louise! I'm really sorry this happened and I hope you're okay. I really hope everyone continues to support you and can be strong like you've been! Thanks for sharing this with us, we'll always try to help you and we'll always love you. You are such a great person and role model and you make me that little bit happier. Thank you! Love you xx

  99. Hey Louise! I'm really sorry this happened and I hope you're okay. I really hope everyone continues to support you and can be strong like you've been! Thanks for sharing this with us, we'll always try to help you and we'll always love you. You are such a great person and role model and you make me that little bit happier. Thank you! Love you xx

  100. I'm so sorry to hear this Louise but you're so brave for sharing this and I know you and Matt will continue to make the right decisions for yours and Darcy's life. please stay happy! xo

  101. I am so sorry to hear this but i hope everything is for the best. i wish you all the best of luck and i hope darcy is ok with this new change. when my parents separated it really shook me and i took a big turn for the worst. 5 years later and i still am feeling no better but as someone who has been there i wish her all happiness and sparkles xx

  102. yep its made me sad but at least there is no bad feelings and you are getting along with life and even though not the best event im glad you 2 are living happy still and Darcy is fine xx

  103. I am sorry to hear this, but I am glad you had the guts to share it with us. Wish you all the best! Love you xx

  104. I love you, Lousie! I hope everything continues to work out and you find happiness in every day.

  105. Sorry to hear this. Glad to hear that you are ok and staying friends to support Darcy. Love you, Matt and Darcy. Wish you all the best !!! Love you xxx

  106. Proud of you for telling us about it Louise. I understand that it is just a better thing to do sometimes. Glad you two sorted things out and are still friends. I wish all the best to you, Matt and Darcy. xx

  107. All the best to you, Matt and Darcy!

  108. You asked for no comments so first of all apologies for that. Second of all I send you all the love and support possible via a comment! I wish you all the best in the future, with this new chapter and new adventure. Life is messy for everyone <3

    Lots of love, and all that warm and fuzziness

  109. I wish you all the best both Louise & Matt for the future!! <3

  110. I do realize you said to not comment but I just would like to express how I feel, and that is that I am proud of you. I am sad but I understand as my own parents are separated. You are a very mature woman and I'm glad you and Matt decided on this together. Overall, I wish you the best in raising your beautiful daughter. xxx

  111. you are such a brave and wonderful woman and should never feel like you have to be a 'perfect' family. Things like this happen and i am glad that you and Matt are both happy with the decision of still being friends. Sending my love x

    Katy Summers (TeenageBlogger)

  112. You are so amazing and I will never be disappointed in you and I know it is hard because my own parents have seperated recently and I know it is better to go ur seperated ways as I know Darcy would want to hear you argue. Best wishes for u all x

  113. Louise I'm so sad for you :( I'm glad you are on good terms, it's the best way for things to be, especially for Darcy. Aw I do hope that one day you get back together because even though we don't know each other I love you a lot and you've really helped me through things, I'm glad nothing bad happened for you to split up. My parents split a year and a half ago because my dad had an affair and it was all so messy, but at least nothing terrible like that has happened because you're both wonderful lovely people and neither of you deserve that. Keep your head high, you both have such a beautiful daughter who will be so proud of both her parents when she's older. xxxxxxxx

  114. This is such sad news, but you seem to have handled it with great poise, and I'm sure Darcy will be extremely grateful for this, too many couples separate and then invest a lot of time trying to tarnish the other persons character. So hats off to you both for putting your beautiful baby girl first x

  115. Oh wow - I didn't expect that!
    You are such an amazing person Louise! And so BRAVE to write a blog post like this in the horrible social media world we live in! I hope you continue to be happy and sprinkle a little bit of glitter into everybody's lives.
    We all love you!
    Elephant stories and more

  116. I'm sorry to hear that but also well done to both of you for not just going through the motions if you're not happy and still remaining friends :)
    The father of my two daughters and I broke up after 7 years together in 2010 and whilst it was very hard we too had just grown apart. It wasn't a mutual seperation though so he found it very very hard but I think after a while he did realise that it was for the best in the end. Now, five years on, we're great friends and both work to raise our daughters to still feel happy as family even if we're not together, and they are :)

  117. I'm so proud of you, Louise! I know it mustn't be easy for you to confess/write this post, but you did so big props to you xx

  118. Hey Louise, just want to say I am sorry for what has happened but you are trooper so you'll be fine <3 If you are sad you can 1) Put on Survivor - Destiny's Child and sing along or 2) replay the moments you made Dean do his "Big Trick" in front of other people because I cry from laughing everytime I watch it. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx lots of love

  119. oh my louise im so sorry! the fact your still friends is great and I think Darcy will grow up knowing you guys did the right thing!:) much love xxxxxxxx

  120. So brave of you too post tis <3 we will support you and matt no matter what :D xx Just awnna say thanks for telling us because it was such a big thing to do xx As long as you, darcy and matt are happy it doesnt matter :3 we love you louise :3 xx

  121. This is such a brave post for you to write and so heartbreaking to read. It's so lovely to hear that you're still really good friends (I wish my parents could have done that!) and I'm so happy that Darcy will grow up knowing you made the right decisions :)

    lots of love!
    Bethan | Thought from Beth x

  122. Sending you my love - a very brave post to write.

    Lizzie's Daily Blog

  123. I guess this is one of those dreaded things that no one ever wishes to encounter but I must say, Lou, I am so very proud of you. This takes so much courage to talk about and you've explained it perfectly (even though you shouldn't need to explain it at all). You seem to have dealt with the situation so incredibly well and I'm so happy that you and Matt are still in good terms. You are so lucky and Darcy is incredibly lucky to have such wonderful and understanding parents. Sending you the biggest amounts of love and happiness you could ever wish for. X x

    Demi-Lee @

  124. Thank you so much for telling us xx Im so happy this wont affect Darcy xx Love - Jazzymingo x

  125. Nobody's life is perfect and you'll still be so inspirational and my role model 💕😘

  126. Awww you're so sweet. Best of luck to the three of you and I'm sending you all nice warm hugs :)

  127. I'm glad all the comments i have read are very sweet and caring xx and lou we are all so proud of u xx best wishes Beth xxx

  128. My heart skipped a beat when reading this. Well, at least you're both happy :-)

  129. Thank you xzz

  130. We loved you together, but only because we love you as individuals. And you are still very much that! I'm glad you're both coping well.

    What’s in my handbag 2015 + CARTIER GIVEAWAY

  131. Dear Louise aka sprinkleofglitr,

    We love you so much and when I say ‘we’ I mean everyone! You’re such a beautiful woman with a hilarious sense of humor and lovely personality. It deeply saddens us all that you and Matt have split, but some things are for the better. As you mentioned in your blog, you and Matt are getting along great and that’s amazing because not too many exes can do that. You and Matt both are the most wonderful, and lovely people and I imagine you both will find love again with someone else one day (or unless you have already found love… That’s fabulous! And I hope you have a bright future with whomever you could possibly be with). We will all miss the relationship you shared with Matt dearly, but we wish you both the best! You are happy and so are we, and that’s all that matters. Your Sprinklerinos wish you the best!

    Love, Haley. :)


  132. Sadly I had a feeling you had grown apart. I am so sorry but know you will manage with your fab group of friends and family. Good luck to you both!

  133. Hey. Wasup!!! �� U make me happy....... And also food makes me happy too.... I am gonna stop.... Bye
    Xx Hannah xX

  134. Hi Louise , you shouldn't worry about what what other people think about your decision ,because no matter what ,if you are happy then that means that you have made the right decision.It is true sometimes things don't work out and you just shouldn't push things because it may be better to try something else because it might turn out better than you could have expected . Also I want you to know that we are all here to support you and we all love you. Love from your sprinkleriono Zuzanna xxx

  135. Hi Louise , you shouldn't worry about what what other people think about your decision ,because no matter what ,if you are happy then that means that you have made the right decision.It is true sometimes things don't work out and you just shouldn't push things because it may be better to try something else because it might turn out better than you could have expected . Also I want you to know that we are all here to support you and we all love you. Love from your sprinkleriono Zuzanna xxx

  136. Hey Louise!
    I completely understand with your decision. Its your choice- its what you wanted to do. Yes, there is the hater out there, but really, there just jealous. It's great that you and Matt have separateted- but are still friends. (And by that i mean its good that you are friends- not seperated) And I truly support you with your choices. So please, stay beautiful and strong x


  137. I know you said no comments but...

    I love you and I truly hope you're okay and I pray for your happiness as you're such a lovely person!

    Beauty & lifestyle blogger at
    YouTube ‘vavaviolett’ x

  138. Oh, Louise. My heart definitely dropped to my stomach when I read this, but you know what, you and Matt are both lovely people and great parents, and I wish each of you the very best as you go forward. I admire you for the way you have handled this, and there's no doubt, you have every bit of my love and support for everything to come in the future. <3

  139. Just, thank you for trust us and tell us the truth. We love you <3

  140. This is such a shame, but if it's the best for you both then I'm glad that you're happy. You're an inspiration to so many people and I just hope that being as strong as you are will set a wonderful example. I wish all the best for you and Darcy and Matt.

    Alexandra Louise x

  141. Lots of love, respect and privacy to everyone involved xxx

  142. I'm sorry to hear about this and appreciate how difficult it is to talk about something like this (sometimes we need time to process something before sharing it with others I suppose). Although I've not been in relationships for a significant period of time, I can relate in a way to growing apart from someone. I wish you all the happiness for the future. xo

  143. Love you Louise!

  144. It's still sad even if it was for the best, I am so happy that Darcy has such great parents

  145. Sending you lots of Love, Louise. <3 XXXX.

  146. Such a brave and mature post! I think it's wonderul when couples can walk away on good terms- big congrats on both working hard towards that! As the saying goes, the only constant in life is change.


  147. You're an amazing woman. Such a great mother and he a great father. Seeing this made me sad but I'm so glad you are on good terms. Darcy is a beautiful young girl and a tribute to you. Brave of you to share this. Wish you two all the happiness in the world. Xx

  148. You are beautiful Louise! I'm so happy for Darcy to be having such wonderful parents. Another chapter of your life is beginning and I wish for you the best of luck


  149. You both are very strong and I believe that you will always do what's best for your family.
    I wish you all well and hope you all find happiness. :)

  150. Thank you for sharing this news with us. Though some of us may be sad, I'm so proud of you for doing what will make you happiest! Darcy is still a very lucky girl with two amazing, loving parents :).

  151. I'm so sorry - but GO YOU for sharing this on your own terms! You're amazing!

  152. Louise, I think you should be proud of yourself for how strong you are. For being brave enough to share this with the world, but mostly for being strong enough to be honest with yourself. So many people stay in relationships WAY longer than they should, for many reasons. It takes so much courage to be true to yourself and to give yourself permission to do what will bring you the most happiness in the long run. I wish you all the best, and I hope you will continue to share your life with all of us for a long, long time (the good and the bad).

  153. I know you said to not post any comments but I just wanted to say I have much respect for you Louise. Proud of you and Matt to be there for each other still during a time like this for Darcy. ♡♡♡

  154. Sending all my love to the three of you! Darcy is so lucky to have a fantastic mummy and daddy like you and Matt. I know that she has and will continue to grow up in a loving, warm household because of both of you. xx <3

  155. I think this has been so mature of you, in considering Daisy especially. Also to anyone being rude, they started their relationship at about 15 so they will have obviously grown apart. I look up to you so much and this was incredibly brave and well written. All the best for you, Matt, Daisy and your future. xx

  156. one thing - you might want to change your bio! much love for you, your family, and maturity.

  157. Hi Louise,
    I know you said not to comment on this post but I just want to let you know that this was a very brave post for you publish. You have your privacy and I feel you should never have to be forced to tell us something or keep it a secret if you don't want to for the sake of us. I'm sure all of us will support you no matter what.
    Miss Anonymouse xx

  158. Hi Louise I am very sorry to hear I thought that you would always be together and have such a happy family hope you are well! 😍😘😜😝😢😫😭

  159. I know you said not to leave a comment and I always like to respect the wishes of other people, however I just wanted to send you my love and remind you of what an amazing woman you are and what an incredible mother you are to Darcy. You are extremely strong and I really admire that you took a lot of time to keep your situation private, although I am sure that writing this post would have been very scary but also a huge relief at the same time.

    Best wishes to you, xx
    Love, Malinda

  160. this was a brave thing to do and we all respect and support the three of you with your decision. best wishes to you matt and darcy in the future

  161. Sorry to hear this Louise :(

    Natalie Ann xo // Petal Poppet Blogs ♥

  162. Read this feeling sad but happy that all three of you are happy. You really are a responsible and inspiring people and I as I'm sure everyone will continue to follow you both. May your futures be happy, peaceful, healthy and whatever else you all wish for xXx

  163. Louise, please don't feel the need to be perfect. No one is perfect and just because you have an audience doesn't mean you have to be either. It's unfair for anyone to expect otherwise. We know you set a great example and are a great role model, and that's more than anyone could ever ask for :) I'm sorry to hear that you and Matt will no longer be together, but I think it's amazing that you're still going to be friends. Coming from someone who spent seventeen years with parents who had a horrible marriage, when Darcy is older, she is going to appreciate the fact that you two can be friends and respectful towards one another and didn't force yourselves, and her, to live in a situation that wasn't working.

    Sending love xx

  164. This was a shock, but no one's perfect and we still love you, I'm glad it's peaceful! I love you xx

  165. Wow I never saw this coming! I'm glad you've been able to keep it quiet and amongst family and friends for so long - meaning you can process the information before releasing it to the millions of people who follow your every move.
    I'm so happy you've made a decision together and been able to decide to parent together. You are such a great family!

    Emily x

  166. Hi Louise, I have read your blog for a long time and I just want to say thank you for being such a strong and inspirational woman, I have been thinking of living my boyfriend after a five year relationship but have talked myself out of doing it as everyone thinks we have a 'perfect' relationship, y you have shown me that I can do it and it will make me happier. Thank you Louise xxx

  167. First thing I thought when I read this was: cool. What a cool couple. Darcy is so lucky to have you both, whether you're together-together or just friends together. My mum and dad split up and sort-of hated each other, but they're friends now and it's a great set up. Both are flourishing in their own ways and it's just nice to be around each of them. I'm happy for you and Matt and for Darcy :) I hope she reads this post and thinks you're cool parents too!

  168. I'm so sorry louise:( Darcy is very lucky to have such supportive parents who care about her a lot. My parents split up when I was 6 and they don't get along, but all they want is their own happiness and that's clearly what you and matt want! I'm sure everybody wants you both to be happy and so will support you no matter what, lots of love to you all <3

  169. As sad as it was reading this these things do happen. I'm ever so sorry to hear this news Louise it really did bring tears to my eyes but I feel ever so proud that you shared this with us as it truley touched my heart. Sometimes things don't always work out as life can be very complicated but i'm happy you guys are still close as that is the main thing and that your all still happy. You are both such confident individual people and deserve the very best in the future and i will always be supportive of your decisions,
    lots of love Caitlyn ♡

  170. Really sad to hear this. It's unfortunate that you've both grown apart, but it does happen and I'm just glad you're both on good terms (it's best for Darcy) not many children are so lucky that their parents aren't at eachothers necks all the time. Lots of love. xx

  171. You know what love, you didn't have to apologise because it is your life. We watch your videos because you are one funny and kind person and your private life shouldn't affect any of us because it really is none of our business. I'm really sorry to hear this and it came as a shock to me because you always seem so positive and happy in your videos but like you said, we don't know what happens behind it but I'm truly glad to see that you are taking this so well and are in good terms with Matt. Just know we all want the best for you, Darcy and also Matt :) stay strong, be happy, do what's the best for you :) lots of love xo

  172. Dear Louise, Dear Matt, Dear future Darcy
    Hearing you voice your inner thoughts is very personal, thank you, always! That is very brave of you! I (we) am (are) not here to want you feel pressured. Of course we are there, we are like friends: we don’t expect you to be perfect, no such thing exists! It’s just a matter of how you show yourself the world. And I (we) am (are) sorry if we didn’t notice or are struggeling to understand. Well, now that you are so confident in telling us, I see no reason to scam you for telling us, you are confident and seem happy. You made decisions that brought you to a place were you can safely say: „Okay, that feels nice, better than before. I think I’ll stay like this and see what happens. =) „ Personally, I think you are great (pssst, you are my idol and you inspire me in so many ways for so long, I can’t write that here) and will continue to be so. For your, Matt’s and Darcy’s inner well being. Thank you.
    I know you probably didn’t want any kind of message under this blog entry, but hearing you saying that you feel pressured by us moved me more than I can say. Please, Louise, please don’t let it come the main priority to please us, but enjoy doing videos that we happen to enjoy, too!
    Lot’s of love to everyone!
    Sincerely, everyone.
    And my humble person, Muriel
    (For some reason, it won't publish this note, I'm trying again. If by any inconvenience you should come across the same message another time, please don't accuse me of spam. I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience.)

  173. I know you didn't want comments, but I felt I had to say something anyway! (sorry!)

    10 years can definitely change a person. Being 25 is a completely different stage in both your lives from when you were 15. All you can do is be the parents you can be, and I think you are doing a fabulous job. Being apart my just bring you together in the co-parenting sense.

    At the end of the day people are people and people change. that's not something to apologize for. You guys are making the right decision for you and Darcy and that is something to be proud of. :)

  174. My sincerest apologies.. Something like this isn't easy to get through, especially when you're in the public like. I wish the best to Matt and yourself.

    Becky @ BKYStewart ~ Eclectic Lifestyle Blog

  175. Sorry to hear this but I'm glad you are both on good terms with each other and are supported and this quite difficult time. All the best to You, Matt and Darcy xxx

  176. Just remember this is not a topic you should feel like you have a to hide or be embarrassed about. People are going to hate, but a majority with remain by your side and continue to support you. It all depends on who you choose to listen to. Good luck x

  177. Love you

    check out my newest post

  178. I'm sorry to hear about this. I wish all the best to you, Matt, and Darcy.

  179. I can't quite believe how sad and shocked at upset I feel for somebody I only know through a computer screen. Sending lots of support to you Louise, Matt and little Darcy. And I'm so happy that you're handling it in such a unique and glittery way, you guys will be fine, I know it. xxxx

  180. so sorry to hear this ily and wish u the best future u amazing woman with love annabel

  181. Louise, this is the hardest thing you will ever have to write hopefully. The honesty and courage you show by writing this shows that you are a true role model. I think that people shouldn't be ashamed of separating with a partner in this type of community, being honest about this is all you needed to do to show us that being single or separated is a positive thing.

  182. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx

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