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Monday 26 September 2016

"Bottle Feeding or Shit Tits"

Oh Hai, 

A story about breasts for you today. 

Saturday night was great. It was one of those nights that's supposed to be a glass of wine at your local that turns into an evening of laughs and memories and 'omg's remember when..'s'. So good. Except for one guy. I won't name and shame him because that'd be a low blow so let's just call him, 'Richard'. Shorten that to whatever you like. 

My friend Hazel came up from London and her and I were going to have a girlie drink and a natter. Nice. Then, I invited my guy friend and he had a couple of friends there already, one of them being 'Richard'. So, a group of 5. Me, Hazel, Guy Friend, his Matey and 'Richard'. Got it? Ok. 

(A really old snap of me holding a drink - I think Zoe took this at Fleur's house a million years ago! - because I didn't take any pictures whilst we were out. Also, my 'shit tits' are in this which I thought was appropriate.)

Wine flowed (room temperature rose Echo Falls for us classy ladies thank you) and spirits were high. Chit chat, 'bants' (I hate that word) and story telling. Lovely. Richard seemed friendly. Took an interest in Hazel's love of script writing, asked about Darcy because he too has a little girl from a relationship he is no longer in, joined in with general socialising. Fine. 

Onto the second bottle and the subject of religion crops up. I'm a Christian and happy to talk about that. I'm not happy to try and persuade or force anyone to feel that same way as me though. I'm also not going to 'prove God exists'. I can certainly talk about Him and debate it all but, crazily enough, my powers don't extend to summoning the Good Lord into the village pub on a Saturday night. Hazel, Guy Friend and Matey don't have a faith and were happy to go with the, 'You believe what you like and we'll believe what we like and we're all cool', vibe. Lovely. Richard though, no. He wasn't letting it go easily, not til we all knew he was a, in his words, 'militant Atheist'. A lot of placating from me, 'Look it's fine, I won't change my mind and I'm not trying to change yours' and then eventually a firm topic change from the others and we were back on track with light convo. Phewf. 

The night carried on in good fashion, all sat on stools around a high table and the general hub-bub of pub life carrying on around us. Later in the evening, Matey's wife joined us (loveliest lady ever, Hazel and I decided) and the subject of having babies came up (they aren't there yet). Wife said, 'as long as you help me through the night with bottle feeds!', in a jovial tone. Matey said, 'Nahhh, you'll be breastfeeding!', in a matching tone. 

All of this felt fine. It was their thing. Frankly, I don't care either way how that lady feeds her future babies, she can do whatever feels best to her. I know 'breast is best' and that there is a lot of evidence to support that, but if a lady chooses to bottle feed her baby, I think that's up to her. Basically, I support both. Darcy was breast fed for a week before we had some serious health issues and had a stay in hospital. After that, it was bottles for us. I think I would have liked to have breast fed for longer but nature had other ideas and I was actually quite relieved to now be able to share the load. 

So, back to last night. Wifey and Matey are having a quippy little chat and we're all sort of chuckling along. Then Richard, good old Richard, steps in with an absolute beauty, 'It's bottle feeding or shit tits!!!'. 

I think in his mind, he was doing Wifey a favour and trying to sway Matey to bottles so that he would have to help more in the night. I think he thought he was saying something good or useful. 

Rage bubbled inside me. I erupted. 'DID YOU JUST SAY 'BOTTLE FEEDING OR SHIT TITS'?? ARE MY TITS SHIT RICHARD???', I said that as I grabbed both my boobs and kind of aggressively shook them at him (#WineRegrets). He looked instantly awkward. 'What's wrong with you? Tits aren't there for your personal sexual pleasure! They're for babies!!! NO WONDER YOU'RE SINGLE!', bit (too) harsh past-tipsy-me, bit (too) harsh. Sorry Richard. 

The situation was placated by my guy friend and everyone calmed down and moved on. I apologised to Richard for being so shouty and tried to explain that I'm just really passionate about women's bodies. I'm sure if he had a blog, he'd be writing about me too haha. 

I've thought about it this morning. Should I have semi-yelled at a man I'd only met that night in a pub? Probably not. Do I still feel the same in the cold sobriety of the morning? Yes. Yes I actually bloody do. 

'It's bottle feeding or shit tits'. No. It's bottle feeding or breast feeding. It's feeding. It's loving your baby with all your heart and making choices that are best. If you can, breast feeding is so worth it. It's bonding and nourishing and doing what your body was beautifully and wonderfully designed for. Your body has just grown and delivered an infant and your breasts are (hopefully) full of milk to sustain it. 

(Found this on my FB from 2011. Darcy after a feed, note the bottles and my enormous drink and cereal since feeding meant you were basically trapped for 30 minutes at a time ha. I wish I'd had actual pictures of me breast and bottle feeding.)

If you are unable, for whatever reason, bottle feeding is available. When I bottle fed my tiny Darcy, I felt that bonding sensation. I cradled her in my arms, held the bottle to her lips and watched her drink. I was keeping her alive, watching her grow, cuddling her warm body, it was lovely. I'm sure her Dad felt the same when he fed her, a task we were able and happy to share. 

Feeding, however you do it, is lovely. We're clear on that. 

You know what's not lovely though? Having a man put his sexual preferences ahead of your maternal instinct, your dignity or your self worth and spouting off about it. 

Child birth and everything after is beautiful and worthwhile but also, for many women, quite distressing, upsetting and esteem knocking. Your tummy is wibbly, your vagina/stomach may well be in stitches, you've just gone through crazy pregnancy changes (more hair/less hair, stretch marks, swollen feet, varicose veins, weight gain, spotty skin, the list goes on) and all in all, physically, you're feeling exhausted. 

You need love and reassurance. You want to be told that you're incredible for bringing new life into the world, that you're glowing (yeah it's sweat and grease but a lie here and there doesn't hurt), that your partner has never loved you more, watching you care for that baby. 

You know what, your 'tits' might change. They might be bigger or smaller, they might hang lower, they might not feel as sensitive sexually. They might actually stay the exact same. Ultimately, whatever you do to them, they will still just be your breasts. A part of your body to be loved and cherished. 

They will not be, 'shit'. They just kept a human alive for goodness sake! 

My breasts are not meaty toys for a man to play with. Of course I like a sexual partner to enjoy them in the appropriate moments, but they don't exist for his soul pleasure. They exist for me, for my children. 

I'm disgusted that Richard felt that breast feeding equals 'shit tits' and I'm disgusted that he voiced his opinion so brashly. When I questioned him on it I said, 'Does the Mother of your little girl have shit tits??'. 'She bottle fed', was the reply. Lucky her I guess, lucky the man she once married didn't have the opportunity to make her feel like crap. 

If you are a lady reading who has breast fed or ever does, I salute you. It's hard!! It takes determination and strength and love. I also salute your tits, whatever shape or size or, lolz, 'shitness' they are, I think they're bloody fantastic. 

And, 'Richard', if you're reading this, my tits, despite their brief stint of supplying my baby with milk, are fucking fabulous



Edit - 12 hours after original post.
Richard has messaged. He, like a lot of us in our lives, made a flippant remark after a few drinks. He fully supports whatever way a woman wants to feed her baby and fully supported his wife in her choices with their child. He's glad this post has sparked support and love for women and their bodies and has apologised for any offence caused.

Personally, I of course still stand by the sentiment and message of this post. However, there are now no bad feelings towards Richard and I'm glad he is with us in our love of bodies, babies and self worth. Richard, apology accepted, you're alright! x

This post is dedicated to my good friend Clare who exclusively breast fed her baby girl, Hope,  for 5 months, with just one breast (the other wasn't playing ball). It was rough but she did it, happily and lovingly. I hope she never meets a 'Richard'. 

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  1. I love this so bloody much! Especially the end bit! You go girl!

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  2. I'd like you to know I fist pumped after reading this. Well said Lou. <3

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Brilliant post Louise! I breastfed for 2 weeks and it is hard work and felt guilty for stopping. Well done you for standing up to this man. He sounds a right 'Richard' xxxxx

  5. Love this ! <3
    Women should be proud of their bodies , and if men had to go through childbirth/feeding we'd never hear the end of it ! Louise you're fab , stay true to yourself & ignore "Richards" lol xxx

  6. I don't think you were too harsh at all. He definitely needed putting in his place. Even if he thought he was being funny, someone needed to show him that he wasn't!

  7. I heart this so much. I breastfed my kid and loved it. It was about the only thing that went well after a rubbish pregnancy and birth. My boobs are a bit saggy but that's what push up bras are for. Literally couldn't care less.

  8. You go girl! Loved this post xxx

  9. This was great! I'm so glad you said something!

  10. Oh Louise! I can just imagine you saying that to Richard!!! And good on you girl. I breast fed my beautiful baby girl for 2 months and it was a wonderful feeling, unfortunately I had to stop as it have with great pain that I could no longer take. I didn't want to bottle feed but seeing her dad have the same smile I had made it all worth it. I can't knock either of them they both have their perks. I'm thankful I haven't been in the shit tit situ although I have had to do the MY EYES ARE UP HERE NOT DOWN THERE routine too many times. Finally a massive congrats to Clare!

  11. This post is amazing

  12. Thank you Lou, you beauty!
    I would have done the same, and im not naturally shouty. I tell you what i am though, ive been breastfeeding for 3 and a half years and my boobs are great. I'll tell you what else, my husband is nothing but supportive, grateful and loving of my body for all reasons, sustaining our child AND his attraction to me. "Suck on that" Richard.

  13. Yes, Louise!!!! This was a fantastic story and I loved it

  14. I absolutely love this. I am currently 21 weeks pregnant and am so looking forward to trying to breast feed. I don't believe either is better than the other but if I can breast feed I will if that means 'shit tits' then bring them on. I couldn't think of anything prouder than to know my 'shit tits' nourished and fed our daughter for the first few months of her life. What a 'Richard'.

  15. This was exactly what I needed to read on a shitty Monday morning! YES LOUISE, thanks for being the true definition of girl power!!

  16. Amen to that. People quickly forget what amazing things a women's body can do. Tits are fabulous for many reasons. Read this whilst breastfeeding!

  17. Louise, this is why I Love you 😂 Good on you for saying that! Harsh as it might seem, he sure as hell won't be saying anything of the sort again 💜

  18. I'm proud of you, Louise. This man sounds like a right... Richard. Good for you for telling it like it is.

  19. Love this! I breastfed my baby for 16 months and my fabulous tits are now small, droopy flaps of skin! I love them more than I did before because for me they symbolise keeping my baby alive and helping him grow. It makes me so angry that someone would think they were "shit tits" because of what they look like rather than focusing on the fact that they gave a human life!
    Thanks for this Louise! X

  20. Preach!!!! Currently breastfeeding a seven month old and sometimes dislike my new breast and other times marvel at them. Thank you for standing up for women everywhere and I hope if I ever met a Richard I would have the courage to do the same xxx

  21. Preach!!!! Currently breastfeeding a seven month old and sometimes dislike my new breast and other times marvel at them. Thank you for standing up for women everywhere and I hope if I ever met a Richard I would have the courage to do the same xxx

  22. Absolutely love this. As a mum to be, this pisses me off. It's a woman's choice whether she wants to breast feed or bottle feed no one else's. I will be breast feeding my baby boy when he comes and if someone makes a comment, well he's not their baby so they don't get a say in how I feed him xx

  23. Bloody brilliant!

  24. Absolutely bloody brilliant post! Well said! I have to admit I really wasnt a fan of my boobs after 8 weeks of breastfeeding but I'm so happy I could keep my little boy alive and well. That's what they're for after all, anything else is a bonus!!

  25. This was such a great post! loved reading every bit of it

  26. Writing this comment as I nurse my 5 week old newborn at 6am, after a long night of, you guessed it, lots of nursing. This is literally the best post. Surprisingly, the thing I am most self conscious about after birth isn't my tummy, thighs, or nether regions. It's my boobs. So thank you, Louise, for giving me a stern talking to and convincing me my tits are not shit! :)

  27. Writing this comment as I nurse my 5 week old newborn at 6am, after a long night of, you guessed it, lots of nursing. This is literally the best post. Surprisingly, the thing I am most self conscious about after birth isn't my tummy, thighs, or nether regions. It's my boobs. So thank you, Louise, for giving me a stern talking to and convincing me my tits are not shit! :)

  28. This is my favourite post of yours so far!

  29. I have and still am breastfeeding my little baby-boy at the moment - and intend to continue until he is about 1 1/2 years old. Until now I have only experienced positive or neutral reactions to me doing so -- which frankly I feel should be the norm. Everybody is entitled to her/his own opinion -- but if you got nothing nice to say, then just don't say anything at all. But comments like Richard's that openly judge, discriminate against and therefore - I feel - are stupid, narcissistic, b***sh*t ---- are really enraging. I think in this situation you were more than right to voice your opinion - even if you shook your boobs in his face (he really didn't deserve that kind of pleasure...) and semi-yelled. Anything else probably wouldn't have had enough effect on this self-centered kind of person. You go Louise! Love your Blog and Videos, I have been watching them from the beginning on. Very happy and curious about you allowing your "Online Persona" to mature !

  30. I love you! I'm a 2nd year student midwife and agree with absolutely everything you have so wonderfully and truthfully written. Ditch the Richards!! Xxx

  31. YES! If 'Richard' knew anything at all he'd know that pregnancy affects your breasts not breastfeeding! Currently breastfeeding my 8 month old with no signs of stopping anytime soon. It's been an honour to nourish her and sustain her with my own body how it was intended and I dread the day that we stop. Thankyou for standing up for your fellow mothers, love that! ��Xx

  32. I fed two children, one for 7 months and one for 13 months and have to say my tits are great even though I am now 65 years old. Did no damage whatsoever and can honestly say I have seen young women with far less natural support then mine (38G). "Shit Tits", this guy knows nothing.

  33. Well said Louise and what a 'dick' Richard is. I have breastfed all 3 of my babies. I admit I really struggled at times. I am a H cup which made feeding hardworking and I was always worried I would suffocate my baby but was assured by a breast feeding consultant this wouldn't happen. My second child and first son really enjoyed his milk and as I fed on demand I felt like I constantly had my tits hanging out!! I had severe mastitis but persevered mainly through stubbornness but I continued until I was forced to stop when I was 6 weeks pregnant with my 2nd son and hospitalised with hyperemesis. I was severely dehydrated and everything I had was going into making milk putting me and the pregnancy at risk. When I look back I feel so proud of what I achieved. It was bloody hard work but so worth it. I'm not happy with my body but that is due to losing all my confidence as my husband has spent years making fun of me. I am trying hard to get him to leave since I have woken up to the fact that I am a victim of domestic abuse.

  34. This is the best, I can't believe some people can be so incredibly narrow minded, especially as bringing life into this world is one of the most magical and special things you could possibly do. I know a lot of women go through times of feeling low and lacking self esteem and there has to be much more support for each other and reminders of how amazing our bodies are. F*ck people like that! Yes all over our tits are fabulous, lactating or not! Immy x

  35. I just love this! Yes you were absolutely right to shout at him! What a 'Richard'!

  36. I've been grappling with the issues of self love for years. Issues such as anorexia and such things been on and off issues for me. Thankfully, I'm currently in an awesome place, supported by an awesome man who really does love me regardless of how I look which is something joyous and amazing. However, I've always had a little bit of fear about how much pregnancy and the aftermath can change your body. I'm desperately keen to be a mama (in the right time!) but I've had a niggling worry about 'shit tits'. This has helped put that to rest because damn, yeah my boobs are for my future babies! And I have enough faith in myself to believe that I'll pick (or may have already picked) the kind of husband who'll be wholly loving and supportive in that. Big up Louise, I love the new you! x

  37. I love this post! My mum tried to breastfeed but it just wasn't a viable option for her, me or any of my siblings. I don't think anyone should be shouted at for choosing either to breastfeed or bottle feed. Breasts are for babies, first and foremost. Richard, dude. Not cool.

  38. I think this is my favourite post of yours that I've ever read! If we don't speak out against horrible opinions like this, how are people who spout them ever going to learn? I think I would have to have said something too!

    Steph -

  39. Damn,he sounded like a first class douche...
    You did the right thing in my opinion. How can you change unwanted behavior if you don't address the unwanted behavior?

  40. Well said! Both here and in the pub :) I tried to breast feed my first daughter but my boobs as you most eloquently put it weren't playing ball, and I bottle fed from about 3 weeks. On my youngest I breast fed with no problems at all. I bonded equally with both my girls, and my tits were shit before I had kids, in fact they're better now than they were before. What a poopy head 'Richard' is, it's a shame that it's probably a view lots of men have. We need to speak out about this ignorance, and bloody well done for doing so!

  41. Just when I thought I couldn't like you any more than I already do, you went and published this AMAZING blog post. Totally agree with everything you said. I'm a breastfeeding, single mama and proud! Some men are such idiots - you were right to nickname him d*ck...I mean Richard on here. Have I thought about what a future male I meet will think about my post baby body, stretch marks, extra wobbles and more? Sure. But what I also thought is if they don't like it, they're not good enough for me. I've done something magical, I've grown a human and they can either accept that or go on their own (not so) merry way. I love breastfeeding my son and haven't once thought 'oh I hope I'm not ruining my boobs for a future partner' because they're my boobs and my baby's food source. My mum actually said that breastfeeding improved her boobage (think I've just made that word up) so up yours Richard! I hope he actually reads your post Louise. Thanks for standing up for us mamas and women! xxx

  42. Ironically, it's not breastfeeding at all that causes the girls to change as we age. It's the prostaglandins released during pregnancy & childbirth, regardless of how the child is fed.

  43. Fab post all women should be celebrated because we are all amazing. This Richard sounds "charming" lets hope he does read your post Louise.

  44. I applaud you! Like you, I wanted to breastfeed my baby (now 8 months), but as he as 5 weeks premature he was incubated and tube fed for almost 3 weeks, and made it impossible for me to then get him to latch on. Lots of tears and sleepless nights (and 2 bouts of mastitis due to a poor latch and not being drained effectively), I switched to bottles. I didn't have any trouble establishing a bond with my son, and he's happy and healthy regardless of breast or bottle! Would I had rather I breast fed him? Everyday, and I still blame myself for it not working properly. However, each individual woman knows her body and baby the best, and is capable of making the best decision for themselves. I think the age old adage works here; no uterus, no opinion!!

    1. Well said Louise! Personally I think you weren't too harsh because he had no right to be saying that at all!

  45. YES Louise! The change in your blog and on youtube isn't only a good change for you but also for us women. We need to read and talk about the stuff that is thrown our way, that we have to go through every day. This kidn of posts and talks will not only educate and spread awareness to women but also men.

  46. This is bloody amazing Louise!! You are such an amazing woman and if you feel a bit bad for shouting at him, oh well!! He was so rude and ignorant. I hope when I have a child that I never encounter a 'Richard' too. X

  47. Amazing post ���� but it's sole pleasure not soul lol

  48. You are incredible Louise. And your storytelling skills are so fab, I adore reading your posts :) This is such an amazing message that needs to be spread <3 x

  49. Bloody brilliant! I don't think you were too harsh, I'd say you were spot on - I'd have had much the same reaction about both the religion and the breast-feeding. The guy sounds like an utter nitwit! x

  50. This is a very appropriate rant and I love you for not shying away from the topic to keep other people comfortable. Way to go Louise!

  51. As mother of two who never breastfed i would just like to add that i still have 'shit tits' just from being pregnant! do i care, no! does my husband care, no! Its nothing a push up bra cant fix! so 'Richard' lucky for you that you dropped on with a wife who still had great tits after kids, cos i can assure you there aint many of them, breastfeeders or not! Good on you Louise for giving him an earful x

  52. Recently there has been a case in Poland where restaurant threw out a client because she was breastfeeding inside, which they deemed to be "inappropriate" in public spaces. This is another thing that should be talked about: breastfeeding is completely natural and, as you said, healthy for the baby. Women's bodies should not be sexualised to the extent where we can't feed our babies without being accused of being... Shitty?

  53. I'm really proud of you Louise for voicing your opinion to him instead of keeping it to yourself! You inspire me to stand up for what I believe in and feel strongly about, thank you xx

  54. Bottle or breast? Fed is beast.

    I breastfed for 3 months, then it got too much & so i decided to switch to bottle to share the work load. (Not that it worked out that way) now my 'shit tits' touch my knees & I couldn't be prouder. Thankfully my partner loves me for who I am & is grateful I was able to give our daughter the best for as long as I could. Stupid Richard.

  55. This is brilliant! Breasts doing what they are designed for should not be shamed. Loved this post xx

  56. I love this post so much (especially the last line which did make me chuckle!). Me and my husband are yet to have babies (we hope to one day!) and I'm not sure which I'd go for but I don't see how anyone thinks they have the right to comment on the choices anyone else wants to make for them and their child. I just feel sorry for the lady who is married to him if he is that narrow minded!x

  57. a brave soul to write about this subject. I would have shyed away. Thanks for stepping up for yourself and all women

  58. I LOVE how the new content is surfacing all the Mummas!! YESSS Louise fab post, and YESSSS Mum's!! High flipping 5!!! Much love, a sleep deprived Mum of a 3 month old. Xxx

  59. I know there is a fat chance you'll see this comment but you're a huge inspiration to my blog Louise! I've only recently discovered Sprinkle of Glitter but I feel like I've known you much longer. You're an old soul. XOXO!

  60. I am currently having to Exclusively Pump to feed my baby and while it's still breastmilk, it's fed in a bottle and therefore sometimes I get nasty remarks about bottle feeding my baby. I get really upset. Firstly because it's no one's business and Secondly because it was heartbreaking to not be able to nurse. Having to defend my difficult choice is the last thing I feel like doing. I applaud you for standing up for your beliefs. Motherhood is effin' hard enough without the constant judgement.

    1. Firstly, well done for pumping, secondly BRAVO for exclusively pumping! Breastfeeding is hard, expressing and bottle feeding is like super badass hard mode! I am breastfeeding my daughter and after a really rough start and almost turning to full time formula i know how hard of a struggle it can be. We are good now but I'm back at work so she takes a bottle during the day. Sorry that you have experienced abuse for bottle feeding your baby. This is not on. Please remember it is the vocal minority doing this and they don't represent a majority view. Let's face it, the majority couldn't give a chuff how we feed our babies as long as they are happy, healthy and full. Thing is these normal people who are just happy to see a healthy and happy baby don't come shake your hand and congratulate you, they really should though! Well, not everyone as that would be time consuming and weird, but enough to outnumber the vocal few. Keep doing what you're doing!

  61. Oh my god Louise, this made my Tuesday morning commute to work much more enjoyable! I partly just wanted to swing my bra around above my head- but seeing as it's only Tuesday, we can give that a miss! Thanks for being so inspiring! X

  62. Louise you're the best! Absolutely agree with every single word you said. You're so correct - women's bodies are these awesome things which keeps little humans alive. Glad you got the message across to Richard, and that he now agrees with you on this one. So much respect for you.
    Holly x

  63. Loved good post so much! Literally just read it in the dark while holding my precious 15 month old daughter to my breasts feeding her. It's my favorite time of the day. I get to sit down and have her snuggle into me (finally without her wriggling out of my arms) and know that I am giving her exactly what she needs to grow strong. Did you know that when your bub is ill (like mine is now - just a cold) your milk adapts slightly to be able to help fight off the illness. As mother and baby are exposed to bacteria and viruses, milk includes antibodies specific to those antigens.
    I must have the shittest tits as my little one is 15.5 months and I'm still going strong and don't plan on stopping till she/we are ready. You go girl...X

  64. Hurrah!I breastfed our boy for 6 weeks, until I was forced to stop because of some digestive issues he had. I loved every minute of it but was also relieved when his Daddy could share the 'shifts'. Baby no2 is on the way and I will definitely be breastfeeding again if all goes well. My tits are also fucking fabulous ;) xxx

  65. Just found this post on Twitter and absolutely love it! I can't believe that comment. Makes me quite happy to be single tbh! I'm still breastfeeding my two year old and perfectly happy with my decision. Love your response!

  66. Love this post !!

  67. Well done Louise, however, from what you've described I think he was perhaps trying to encourage his bootle-feeding friend and helping her along. breast feeding in no way results in bad boobs though, it makes them bigger so it has the opposite effect entirely (totally agree). But with the influence of alcohol on both parties and his positive motive of encouraging a breast-feeder I think the situation was responded to too aggressively and yes, he was wrong but it shouldn't have developed into a bit of a rage. However, alcohol has those effects and I think we can all do things that are a bit 'iffy' when under the influence xxx

  68. I love this, made my morning honestly. Best bit has to be, 'ARE MY TITS SHIT RICHARD???' XD

  69. Love this blog post. Im not a mother and cant relate but what youre saying is very true... men should remember that boobs arent there for them.. theyre for our babies! I have to say though that it is unfair to be mad at Richard, i dont think he meant offense by it.. sounds like he was drunk and trying to be funny... he probably didnt think about what he was saying! X

  70. I'm really enjoying this more grown up version of your blog, I wasn't a 'Sprinklerino' at all but I'm definitely a Louise fan!

  71. This is hands down the best blog post I have ever read! xx

  72. Looooove this Louise!

  73. YES LOUISE! I am loving these new blog posts. I'm glad you voiced your opinions on breast feeding in general. It's the most natural thing and one day I hope that I'm able to give my children the love and nutrients that come from breastfeeding.

  74. (2 of 2) You have a significant following - you have a responsibility, NO a social feckin duty to tell the truth. I see in previous posts you write about being the victim of bullying… From where I’m standing this looks like bullying, thinly disguised as girl-power – only this time you are the bully. I can only presume that this post is actually about you & your own body hang-ups, & not my lovely, sensitive friend at all. I’m presuming my comment will be deleted - but if only a handful of people see it & it gives them reason to question the veracity of future poison you chose to vomit-up at the expense of someone else’s well-being, then good. Or maybe you will take 5 minutes from your day to reflect on the effect this has had on him, & next time, it will make you stop & question whether to publicly & unjustly run someone down on public social media before you ACTUALLY do it… Perhaps you’ll take this post down & apologise to the guy in question next time you see him (because your patronising & half-ars*d edit to the original article doesn’t cut it). Richard has no idea I have done this btw, & I have chosen to do it anonymously to spare him further upset.

  75. The first of my comments were deleted :) Shame 'Richard' doesn't have the same level of control over what's written about him

  76. Oh how I admire you. You're fabulous. Don't let the trolls get you down. :)

  77. I'm not a troll. This guy is a personal friend of mine, he didn't say what she's saying he did and this post has hurt him deeply. Louise is a fabricator who has used someone for the sake of a (good?) blog article and posted the content in such a way it is barely even anonymous. She is nothing more than a bully

  78. Absolutely loved this post! You go girl!!

  79. I thing what you did was absolutely amazing.Women get too often negative criticism about their bodies by men like Richard. Its our duty to defend other women and ourselves too.Good job Louise!!!

  80. I only managed to breast feed my son for a week as he became dehydrated and I had no choice but to bottle feed him. I don't regret going down that road, because as you have said, you are feeding your child which ever way you choose to do it and THAT is the most important thing. Shit tits or no shit tits, your child(ren) is more important.

    Well said, Louise! Well said.

    Natalie xx

  81. Ok so I've never even had a baby and I think this is one of the best blog posts on the topic! I salute you for taking on this Richard guy. I would've done exactly the same, tipsy or not. Mother or not. What you're saying is so true and important for people to understand. Ironically, I wish more people had the balls to speak out about this as you have. Just like your tits, I think your new content is fucking fabulous!

    Lots of Love

  82. I really like this post. All for women being proud in their bodies and something I aspire to do and try to instil in myself - hope Richard wasn't too offended. Know the wine was flowing but I feel like you kind of skirted his atheism (which he was obviously passionate about) but allowed yourself to rant - not sure if this is just lost in the telling though. That said, I liked Richard much more by the end of the post.

  83. JessPrettyFlowers1 October 2016 at 18:46

    I have only just read your blog for the first time tonight (I live in Australia so it's currently night here (early hours of the morn));your blog not only made me chuckle because your way of writing is like a friend telling the story but it really helped me as I have just finished breast feeding after 15 months and my chesticles (lol) do look different. I am still adjusting to how they look now that my milk has dried up. Feeling way better about my pretty helpful/life giving boobies after reading your blog, so thank you! God's design is pretty amazing. <3

  84. Great great great post Louise, your writing of RL is beautiful I'm so chuffed that you can share these times with us <3

    Mel ★

  85. Hello everyone,
    I'm from USA, I and my husband got married for more than 11 years and have gotten two kids. thing were going well with us and we are always happy. until one day my husband started to behave in a way i could not understand, i was very confused by the way he treat me and the kids. later that month he did not come home again and he called me that he want a divorce, i asked him what have i done wrong to deserve this from him, all he was saying is that he want a divorce that he hate me and do not want to see me again in his life, i was mad and also frustrated do not know what to do,i was sick for more than 2 weeks because of the divorce. i love him so much he was my everything to me without him my life is incomplete. i told my sister and she told me to contact a spell caster, i never believe in all this spell casting of a thing. i just want to try if something will come out of it. i contacted Dr Iyaryi for the return of my husband to me, they told me that my husband have been taken by another woman, that she cast a spell on him that is why he hate me and also want us to divorce. then they told me that they have to cast a spell on him that will make him return to me and the kids, He cast the spell and after 1 week my husband called me and he told me that i should forgive him, he started to apologize on phone and said that he still live me that he did not know what happen to him that he left me. it was the spell that he Dr Iyaryi cast on him that make him come back to me today,me and my family are now happy again today. thank you Dr Iyaryi for what you have done for me i would have been nothing today if not for your great spell. i want you my friends who are passing through all this kind of love problem of getting back their husband, wife , or ex boyfriend and girlfriend to contact Dr Iyaryi ,if you need his help you can contact him through his private mail: And also Reach him on WhatsApp Number: +2348056932763 Thanks Dr. Iyaryi

  86. Strong Love spell to get your ex back fast.
    I’m extremely happy that my broken Marriage has been restored…
    "We recently made up, even though it was difficult. It's been more than a month now, and everything feels like it’s returned to normal. He has begun to treat me better, and it’s been a healing process for both of us. The nightmare that had lasted for almost 2 years before we broke up is finally over. It’s like we fell in love all over again! We’ve both put the past behind us, and are trying to move forward – and for the first time in a long time, the future looks a lot brighter.
    I can’t express in words how grateful I am Dr Unity! It’s like we’ve finally rediscovered those things about each other that made us fall in love in the first place. All of the worrying and stress has simply vanished. Thank you Dr Unity for saving my broken Marriage and brought my husband back to me!".
    Me and my husband are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Unity. If you have any problem contact Dr.Unity now and i guarantee you that he will help you.Email him at: ,you can also call him or add him on whats-app: +2348071622464.
    Sarah, 26 years, Memphis, USA.

  87. This is my favourite post of yours. My ex-boyfriend was a 'Richard', and tried to justify it by saying that it was what his female friends had told him in confidence i.e. that breastfeeding had 'ruined' them. He then wondered why I felt terribly anxious about ever having children with him! As you say, breasts are for children not men - and the males around us should be supportive of whatever we go through as mothers in order to provide for our kids, and not berate us for things out of our control!

  88. Did Richard like his pseudonym? :')

  89. Are you going through a break-up or divorce? Do you need your Ex back fast? do not cry anymore, contact Dr .Unity powerful Love spell that work fast now!! I was hurt and heart broken when my husband breakup with me, and i could not know what next to do again, I love my husband so much but he was cheating on me with another woman and this makes him break up with me so that he can be able to get marred to the other lady and this lady i think use witchcraft on my husband to make him hate me and my kids and this was so critical and uncalled-for,I cry all day and night for God to send me a helper to get back my man until i went to Texas to see a friend and who was having the same problem with me but she latter got her husband back and i asked her how she was able to get her husband back and she told me that their was a powerful spell caster called Dr.Unity that help with love spell in getting back lost lover back, and i decided to contact the same Dr.Unity and he told me what is needed to be done for me to have my man back and i did it although i doubted it but i did it and the Dr told me that i will get the result after 24hours, and he told me that my husband was going to call me and i still doubted his word, to my surprise my husband really called me and told me that he miss me so much, Oh My God! i was so excited, and today i am happy with my man again and we are joyfully living together as one big family and i thank the powerful spell caster Dr.Unity for bringing back my man and i decided to share my story on the internet that Dr.Unity is best spell caster online who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, If you have any problem contact Dr.Unity and i guarantee you that he will help you,Email him at: ,you can also call him or add him on whats-app: +2348071622464 ,visit his website: .
    Mary Wilkie from USA

  90. Hello, I'm here to introduce someone to you all, his name is Dr.Ekpen Temple a spell caster that help me restored my broken relationship, I saw an article on the Internet someone talking about him how he help her in her relationship, today I'm a beneficial of that article, so that is why I'm also talking about how he has helped me so that someone out there that is facing the same challenge can also contact him for help. Here is DR EKPEN TEMPLE contact info: or on Whatsapp number +2347050270218.

  91. I want to thank Dr.Agbazara for his job in my family, this is man who left me and the kids for another woman without any good reasons, i was pain and confuse,till one day when i saw Dr.Agbazara contact, then i contacted him and he help me cast a reunion spell that help my situation with 48hours, since I then the situation has changed, everything is moving well, my husband who left me is now back to his family. reach DR.AGBAZARA TEMPLE via email if you have any problem at:
    ( )
    OR whatsapp or call him on +2348104102662

  92. Hi everyone!!!

    I'm so excited share this testimony here about how i got my ex husband back after a break up. I'm Clara 28 yr old from USA, Am a woman who love and cherish my husband more than any other thing you can imagine on earth continent. My husband was so lovely and caring after 3 years of marriage he was seriously ill and the doctor confirm and said he has a kidney infection that he needed a kidney donor, that was how I start searching for who can help, doctor has given me a periodic hour that he will live just 24 hours left, that was how I ask the doctor if I can be of help to my husband that was how he carried out the text, the confirming was successful, I was now having this taught that since 3 years now we got married I have not be able to get pregnant can I be able to get bring again? That was the question I ask the doctor, he never answer his response was did you want to lost your husband? I immediately reply no I can't afford to lose him. After the operation my husband came back to live and was healthy I was also OK with the instruction given to me by the doctor, after 3 months my husband came home with another lady telling me, that is our new wife that will give us kids and take care of us, that was how I was confused and started crying all day, that was how my husband ran away with his new wife cleanable. Since then I was confuse don't know what to do that was how I went back to the doctor and tell him everything, he told me that, this is not just an ordinary it must be a spiritual problem that was how he gave me this Email: that I should tell he all my problem that he can help that was how i contacted he and I do as instructed. After 28 hours and I have done what he ask me to do, my husband start searching for me and went back to the doctor, that was how we well settle he also told me not to worry that I will get pregnant, this month making it the fifth Month I contacted he am now 3 months pregnant. These great spell cater is a great man,
    if you have any kind of problem you can contact him here on his
    Email: or call him +2348160153829
    Save Your Crumbling Relationship

  93. Hi everyone!!!

    I'm so excited share this testimony here about how i got my ex husband back after a break up. I'm Clara 28 yr old from USA, Am a woman who love and cherish my husband more than any other thing you can imagine on earth continent. My husband was so lovely and caring after 3 years of marriage he was seriously ill and the doctor confirm and said he has a kidney infection that he needed a kidney donor, that was how I start searching for who can help, doctor has given me a periodic hour that he will live just 24 hours left, that was how I ask the doctor if I can be of help to my husband that was how he carried out the text, the confirming was successful, I was now having this taught that since 3 years now we got married I have not be able to get pregnant can I be able to get bring again? That was the question I ask the doctor, he never answer his response was did you want to lost your husband? I immediately reply no I can't afford to lose him. After the operation my husband came back to live and was healthy I was also OK with the instruction given to me by the doctor, after 3 months my husband came home with another lady telling me, that is our new wife that will give us kids and take care of us, that was how I was confused and started crying all day, that was how my husband ran away with his new wife cleanable. Since then I was confuse don't know what to do that was how I went back to the doctor and tell him everything, he told me that, this is not just an ordinary it must be a spiritual problem that was how he gave me this Email: that I should tell he all my problem that he can help that was how i contacted he and I do as instructed. After 28 hours and I have done what he ask me to do, my husband start searching for me and went back to the doctor, that was how we well settle he also told me not to worry that I will get pregnant, this month making it the fifth Month I contacted he am now 3 months pregnant. These great spell cater is a great man,
    if you have any kind of problem you can contact him here on his
    Email: or call him +2348160153829
    Save Your Crumbling Relationship

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    My name is tucker stacey.This is a very joyful day of my life because of the help Dr.Trust has rendered to me by helping me get my ex husband back with his magic and love spell. i was married for 6 years and it was so terrible because my husband was really cheating on me and was seeking for a divorce but when i came across Dr.Trust email on the internet on how he help so many people to get thier ex back and help fixing relationship.and make people to be happy in their relationship. i explained my situation to him and then seek his help but to my greatest surprise he told me that he will help me with my case and here i am now celebrating because my Husband has change totally for good. He always want to be by me and can not do anything without my present. i am really enjoying my marriage, what a great celebration. i will keep on testifying on the internet because Dr.Trust is truly a real spell caster. DO YOU NEED HELP THEN CONTACT DOCTOR TRUST NOW VIA EMAIL: or call +2348156885231 or He is the only answer to your problem and make you feel happy in your relationship. his Via web sit:

  96. Good day,,,,
    Read my testimony!!! Getting ex back after a breakup. Am Cora L. Sanchez 30 from UK, my boyfriend of a 2year just broke up with me and am 28 weeks pregnant. I have cried my self to sleep most of the nights and don’t seem to concentrate during lectures sometimes I stay awake almost all night thinking about him and start to cry all over again. Because of this I end up not having energy for my next day’s classes, my attendance has dropped and am always in uni and on time. Generally he is a very nice guy, he ended it because he said we were arguing a lot and not getting along. He is right we’ve been arguing during the pregnancy a lot. After the break up I kept ringing him and telling him I will change. I am in love with this guy and he is the best guy I have ever been with. I’m still hurt and in disbelief when he said he didn’t have any romantic feelings towards me anymore that hurt me faster than a lethal syringe. He texts me now and then mainly to check up on how am doing with the pregnancy, he is supportive with it but it’s not fair on me, him texting me as I just want to grieve the pain and not have any stress due to the pregnancy. i was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr Ahmed can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a spell for me. 22 hours later, my boyfriend came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my boyfriend are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Ahmed. as it is a place to resolve marriage/relationship issues, do you want to be sure if your spouse is being faithful to you or Do you want your Ex to come back to you Contact.: E-mail: or call/Whats-app: +2348160153829 save your crumbling home and change of grades its 100% safe. I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you.

  97. Hi everyone, How to get ex lover back fast.
    My ex and I were friends for 8 years before we finally started dating. We really had a lot of fun together and I truly believe we can be great for eachother. Yet the timing just wasn't right. We dated for almost 2 years and during that time we both were in university and working so it was difficult to see eachother. And due to that we started fighting and eventually it led to him cheating on me because he was drunk at a party. We tried to move past it but in the end the distrust was too hard for us to keep moving forward and my anxiety caused him to break up with me. It has now been 3 months and we just started talking. He said he misses me and I told him I still have feelings for him but he said he isn't ready. What should I do? I needed help. As i was browsing through the internet i came across a website that suggested Dr.Unity can help get ex lover back fast and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and told him my problems and he told me what to do and i did it and he did a spell for me. 11 hours later, my boyfriend came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my boyfriend are living together happily again. Dr.Unity is the best online spell caster that is powerful and genuine. If you have any problem contact him and i guarantee you that he will help you. Here’s his contact: Email him at: ,you can also call him or add him on whats-app: +2348071622464 ,His website: .

    Tracey ,England.

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  100. WOW!!!
    This is the most wonderful thing i have ever experience and i need to share this great testimony.
    About how i get my ex back after a breakup.
    I never believed it, because i never heard nor learn anything about it before.
    Hey guys my wife and I have been married for 15 years. For over five years I have been dealing with jealousy issues because of flirting and her having emotional type affairs with other men. I felt like my masculinity was in question and if I said the way she was acting bothered me, it seemed to make matters worse or I was accused of being controling. During this period I did state I wanted a divorce if the behavior was not going to end: texting men a night, leaving for the weekend without letting me know where she was going or not responding to messages. We do have a son and basically it's been him and I for the last year on the weekends. She disconnected completely from being a good wife and mother. In April she said she wanted a separation and I said no we need to get into marriage counseling. We did try that, but she was not very responsive and didn't give any effort. Afterward she was adamant about separation and divorce. I continued to say no and that we needed to save our family. She presented a separation agreement and I had to hire a lawyer. Because of the above behavior my lawyer suggested a private investigator. The investigator discovered my wife was having an affair with a close friend of the family who also is married with children. We know the extended families. I feel like I should tell this man's wife about what happened. This adultery has devastated me emotionally, I feel betrayed and I'm physically drained. I know my wife is passionate in terms of her sexuality, and I can't get the thought of them out of my head. It makes me question my own manhood, and I feel very inferior or that he must be a better lover or what ever. The problem is my wife pursued him. She would go to him and she lured him into this adultery. I felt this was coming for some time and could not stop it. She was not only lying to me but also to our son about what she was doing and where she was going. My family is important, my son loves her and as crazy as it sounds so do I. Can you respond with a course of action on how to proceed? I was still have a very huge place in my heart for her. so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr Ahmed can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a spell for me. 28 hours later, my wife came to me and apologized for the wrongs she did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I, my son and my wife are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Ahmed. as it is a place to resolve marriage/relationship issues, do you want to be sure if your spouse is being faithful to you or Do you want your Ex to come back to you Contact.: E-mail: or call/Whats-app: +2348160153829 save your crumbling home and change of grades its 100% safe. I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you.
    David L. Ollis, 43yrs, UK

  101. I think we should be sensitive about the things we read online every day, some are true while some are false. I am sharing this cos I was deceived initially by some fake spell casters who goes around posting some negative reviews about good and genuine casters. They condemn the real ones and secretly provide a referential email to their victims where they can be scammed. It happened to me twice before I became observant.
    I fell to their trap the first time I needed help getting my Husband back, I was about contacting Dr. Wakina for help before seeing a strange review that said negative things about him which got me discouraged and made me contact the alternative email they provided, and I was scammed. I tried the second guy because of my desperation, but he did the same thing and stopped replying my emails. This situation caused me to become so curious to really know the good and fake caster between Dr. Wakina and them.
    There was a huge difference between them, Dr. Wakina is a master filled with wisdom and experience, he gave the accurate reading of my life, even one of my deepest secret. Dr. Wakina restored my marriage like a Boss he is at the exact date, time and location. His work was so magical.
    After the work, I understood why people are so jealous and try to be him. Like I said earlier, there is a huge difference between Dr. Wakina and others, it was confirmed after the spell he did on my Husband. So be careful while searching for a real spell caster. Here is Dr. Wakina contact email:

  102. Hi, love your post! I have breastfed 5 children, all until the age of 1.5 -2 years old. You can imagine(if you want lol) they are not as perky as they used to be. I still wouldnt have changed it for the perkiest boobies in the world! I would have bottle fed as i though i wouldnt be able to breastfeed but my babies took to it no bother. I have loved it as you said for bonding and the miracle of nourishing my babies. They have done a really good job and if you were to ask my husband he would not say they were "shit tits"lol.We should all love our bodies with all of its jiggly wiggly bits. We are all amazing and are all the miracles of childbirth!!! Xxx

  103. My name is Ashley Thomas and I base in USA…“My life is back!!! After almost a year of Broken Relationship, my girlfriend left me with a broken heart. I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide,i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr Uzor, which i met online.On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet,I came across a lot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back,Ex Husband Pregnancy,Cure Cancer,HIV AIDS,And other Sickness,some testified that he can cast a spell to stop Divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony,it was about a man called Luke John, he testified about how he brought back his Ex lover in less than 48hours, and at the end of his testimony he dropped Dr Uzor’s E-mail address , After reading all these,I decided to give it a try. I contacted him and explained my problem to him, and he assured me that i will get my girlfriend back in the next 48hours.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do,Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my girlfriend who didn’t call me for the past (11 Months),gave me a call in just 2 days, my girlfriend came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. Dr Uzor is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try anytime, he is the answer to your problems. Here’s his Email contact: ( or visit his website//

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  105. I live in UK. My life is back!!! After 2 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids, I felt like ending it all, i almost committed suicide because he left us with nothing, i was emotionally down all this while. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr. Ogbefi of solution spell cast which i met on-line. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I came across several of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and also spell to get a good paid job so on. He is amazing, i also come across one particular testimony, it was about a woman called Vera, she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 2 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped his email After reading all these, I decided to give it a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 48 hours, my husband came back to me. We resolved our issues, and we are even happier than ever. Dr. Ogbefi you are a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster, Try him any time, he is the answer to your problems. you can contact him on, he is the best caster that can help you with your problems. And also Reach him on WhatsApp Number: +2349057915709 Thanks Dr Ogbefi

  106. Thanks for sharing, nice post!

    Nếu bạn đang tìm hiểu máy đưa võng nào tốt nhất hay tìm hiểu máy đưa võng loại nào tốt cũng như tìm hiểu về võng điện cho bé giá bao nhiêu thì câu trả lời chính là sản phẩm máy đưa võng tự động ts chất lượng cho bé của

  107. My names is Cathy i want to testify about the great spell caster called Priest Ade my husband and i have been married for 5 years now we don't have a child and the doctor told us i can't give birth because my womb have been damaged due to wrong drugs prescription this got me so worried and my husband was not happy so he decided to get married to another girl and divorce me i was so sad i told my friend about it she told me about a powerful spell caster she gave me his email address well i never believe in it that much though i just decided to give him a try and he told me it will take 24hrs to get my husband back to me and i will get pregnant i doubted him the 3rd day my husband came back to me and was crying he said he didn't want the divorce anymore 3 weeks after the doctor confirmed that i was pregnant he can also help you Email him at or WhatsApp +2347059715465


  108. Henderson Elizabeth
    Dr joy is a trust worthy spell caster and he will be of great help to you. I never believed in spell casting but After 4 years of marriage my husband left me because I lost my womb, and i was unable to give birth to children. I felt like my life has come to an end, and i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time, but thanks to this spell caster called Dr joy whom i met online after my friend Becky Ross told me how he also helped her to bring back her husband in less than 2 days. I believed her and decided to give Dr joy a try and i contacted him on his email and explained my problems to him. He laughed and told me that In less than 2 days, my Husband will come back to me again, and that he will restore my womb and i will give birth to children. At first i thought it was a joke but i took courage and believed as Dr joy has said and it did happen just as this Great spell caster said, My husband called me and was crying, begging for forgiveness. I forgive him and today i am so glad that all worries and problems has gone away, and we are even happier than before, another good news is that i am pregnant now, and very soon we will have our baby. Dr joy is really a gifted and a powerful spiritual man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. I advice you all If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems just Contact Dr joy on his email on because he will always help you to solve all problems. Once again thank you Dr joy. Thank you, thank you.
    you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2347088404185.

  109. Genuine Love Spell To Get Ex Back, And Stop Divorce. I just found out about my husband cheating on me with a co-worker! We’ve been married going on two years. 2kids. lots of amazing momments together. i want to leave, but i love him so much. all i can think about is how nothing stopped him. how he has to see her everyday because they work together. we are both still young and very attractive. but i want my husband, my friend, and the father of my beautiful children. how do i get past the thought of another woman having my husband? Not my fiancé, not my boyfriend, but my husband! i still love him even though he thinks i want to leave i really want him to do better and stop me before i walk out! my husband told me that he doesn’t feel loved anymore, just because of this co-worker he has be cheating on with me that he wants a divorce, i was devastated, heart broken i begged him to listen to me that we can work it out like we always do, but he didn’t listen, he told me that he met someone that loves and understands him, i begged him to consider our kids but he’s did listen. he left and i was frustrated, i began searching for help and answers, then i heard about a man that can Cast a spell to remind him of all the things we have been through together, at first I was scared then i decided to give it a try, and like magic my husband came back, apology and begging for forgiveness, thanks to this man, I’m posting this to help people with similar issues.
    Email him @....
    Whatsapp him or better still call...+2348133873774
    You can also view on his Blogs site...

  110. No need for any corrective lens, dangerous operation, ridiculous eye exercises. In this program, what is done obviously in no longer than 21 days.
    For More Info, Watch This:

  111. OMG!! This is certainly a shocking and a genuine Testimony..I visited a forum here on the internet on the 20TH OF feb 2018, And I saw a marvelous testimony of this powerful and great spell caster called dr bante on the forum..I never believed it, because I never heard nor learnt anything about magic before.. Not a soul would have been able to influence me about magical spells, not until dr bante did it for me and restored my marriage of 8 years back to me and brought my spouse back to me in the same 48hours just as I have read on the internet..I was truly astonished and shocked when my husband knelt down begging for forgiveness and for me to accept him back.. I am really short of expressions, and I don't know how much to convey my appreciation to you dr bante , you are a God sent to me and my entire family.. Here is ..... His Email: or call him or whatsapp him +2347059073543

  112. Desperate urgent effective love spell to win and get ex boyfriend back my advise reveal you all to contact Dr happy for a genuine love spell on that work fast. here is my relationship story my names are
    Melissa Deditch born in Los Angeles Usa.. my boyfriend told me it was over and walk away without any reasons, I was confuse and didn't know what to do. I was desperate, I want him back, I went over the internet looking for ways to get my boyfriend back. I read about many different ways of how to get ex back, but Dr happy caught my attention. I immediately contacted him and explained my problem to him. It was amazing and surprising that 11hrs after the urgent love spell was cast, my boyfriend called me and was begging me to forgive him and accept him back, Couldn't believe, but later after he came to my house and fell on his knees asking me to take him back am so happy that my love is back again. I am testifying on this forum just to let people know that Dr happy is real and genuine. don't hesitate to try him out. thank you Dr happy you are truly talented and gifted genuine spell caster. Contact him now if you need your girlfriend/boyfriend back or your girlfriend moved on to another man, do not cry anymore .. Dr happy is here to help out in relationship problem coz problem share is problem solve:
    Email him at....
    review on his Blogs site...

  113. If you know you not ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I was dying inside for my cheating wife , i had no prove, no one to run to. Everyone thought i was paranoid. until i was referred to a Private Investigator  Mr James . I told him about my situation and He understood me well and helped me spy on my wife.He hacked my wifes Gmail and Facebook account and linked all her WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth.I saw all the evidence and i was heart Broken,I just want to openly say thank you to James for helping me get evidence against her,i feel so hurt. If you need help please contact him Mr James ( via Email. 

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  115. Powerful Love Spell Caster-Get Your Ex Wife/Husband Back contact

  116. Powerful Love Spell Caster-Get Your Ex Wife/Husband Back Fast Now By Dr.Happy.
    My Name is John Cooney from NJ Usa, I want to quickly tell the world that there is a real on line spell caster that is powerful and genuine, His name is Dr happy he helped me recently to reunite my relationship with my wife who left me, When i contacted Dr happy he cast an urgent love spell for me, and my wife who said she doesn't have anything to do with me again called me and started begging me to come back. she is back now with so much love and care. today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the powers to restore broken marriage/relationship back. because i am now happy with my wife. to anyone who is reading this article and needs any help, Dr happy can also offer any type of help like, Curing of all types of Diseases, Court Cases, Pregnancy Spell, urgent love spell,Spiritual protection and lot's more. You can contact him Via his email also His blogs site... for more info, whatsapp/call...+2348133873774
    Visit his Web site...

  117. Powerful Love Spell Caster-Get Your Ex Wife/Husband Back Fast Now By Dr.Happy..My name is John Cooney from NJ Usa, I want to quickly tell the world that there is a real on line spell caster that is powerful and genuine, His name is Dr happy he helped me recently to reunite my relationship with my wife who left me, When i contacted Dr happy he cast an urgent love spell for me, and my wife who said she doesn't have anything to do with me again called me and started begging me to come back. she is back now with so much love and care. today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the powers to restore broken marriage/relationship back. because i am now happy with my wife. to anyone who is reading this article and needs any help, Dr happy can also offer any type of help like, Curing of all types of Diseases, Court Cases, Pregnancy Spell, urgent love spell,Spiritual protection and lot's more. You can contact him Via his email also His blogs site... for more info, whatsapp/call...+2348133873774
    Visit his Web site...

  118. 'After being in relationship with Wilson for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don't believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I meant a spell caster called Dr Zuma zuk and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: or call Whatsapp him +2349055637784 you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS'

  119. My husband and I have been married for 3 and a half years. In June it will be 7 years that we have been a part of each other lives. Recently he found out about a guy I slept with when we were separated and I did not tell him about. Before we got married we both agreed to let everything out and start fresh. I didn’t tell him. I was embarrassed bc the guy and I never actually had sex…just everything that led up to it. not to mention it was my brothers best friend and a huge mistake. well it came out recently along with some lies. A friend told my husband I cheated on him and I have never cheated on my husband nor would I ever. He is convinced I am a cheater. we have 2 beautiful kids and all I have ever wanted is a happy family. my kids and my husband truly are my everything. I can not see a future where my husband is not in it. I want to do whatever I can to save my marriage but I feel my husband is already set on the divorce. I know I could have been a better wife to him….a wife he deserves but now I fee like I have realized it too late. I look at my kids and I hate myself for allowing myself to break my family apart. I know my husband is not perfect and he has hurt me tremendously these past 5 years we have been off and on but we made it through for a reason. I love him and I want to save my marriage, one day a friend of my introduce me to a spell caster online who lift me up gave me hope and with-in 2 days after his spell my husband who told me he needed a divorce, called me and take me back home to me i must say today we are happily as one big family again all thanks to Dr joy a father and a real spell caster.Contact email address Call him +2348100452479.

  120. Greetings to the whole public,i want to share on here on my experience with the great spell caster called Dr AKHERE,he used his powerful to bring back my ex girlfriend, it has been over 6 months ago since my girlfriend left me for another man, we never have an argument i was so surprise when my girlfriend told me on the phone one late evening that it over between us that we can not be together anymore,so she hang up the phone on me,i tried my best to call her to try and know the reason why she left me but she refused to even answer my phone call,i was restless as not knowing what to do anymore,but luckily i was glad when i finally saw a testimony on how this spell caster has restored many relationship together, so i contacted his email
    i told him about my situation and told me not to worry that she will return back to me after he has cast the spell and send it over to me in 24 hours behold my girlfriend came to back pleading for my forgiveness and never to leave me, thanks so much Sir Dr AKHERE,or visit his email


  121. Henderson Elizabeth
    Dr joy is a trust worthy spell caster and he will be of great help to you. I never believed in spell casting but After 4 years of marriage my husband left me because I lost my womb, and i was unable to give birth to children. I felt like my life has come to an end, and i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time, but thanks to this spell caster called Dr joy whom i met online after my friend Becky Ross told me how he also helped her to bring back her husband in less than 2 days. I believed her and decided to give Dr joy a try and i contacted him on his email and explained my problems to him. He laughed and told me that In less than 2 days, my Husband will come back to me again, and that he will restore my womb and i will give birth to children. At first i thought it was a joke but i took courage and believed as Dr joy has said and it did happen just as this Great spell caster said, My husband called me and was crying, begging for forgiveness. I forgive him and today i am so glad that all worries and problems has gone away, and we are even happier than before, another good news is that i am pregnant now, and very soon we will have our baby. Dr joy is really a gifted and a powerful spiritual man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. I advice you all If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems just Contact Dr joy on his email on because he will always help you to solve all problems. Once again thank you Dr joy. Thank you, thank you.
    you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2348100452479.

  122. Hiv disease for the last 3 years and had pain hard to eat and cough are nightmares,especially the first year At this stage, the immune system is severely weakened, and the risk of contracting opportunistic infections is much greater. However, not everyone with HIV will go on to develop AIDS. The earlier you receive treatment, the better your outcome will be.I started taking ARV to avoid early death but I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.As a Hiv patent we are advise to be taking antiretroviral treatments to reduce our chance of transmitting the virus to others , few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information on Hiv treatment with herbal medicine, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from Hiv her name was Achima Abelard and other Herpes Virus patent Tasha Moore also giving testimony about this same man,Called Dr Itua Herbal Center.I was moved by the testimony and i contacted him by his We chatted and he send me a bottle of herbal medicine I drank it as he instructed me to.After drinking it he ask me to go for a test that how i ended my suffering life of Hiv patent,I'm cured and free of Arv Pills.I'm forever grateful to him Drituaherbalcenter.Here his contact Number +2348149277967...He assure me he can cure the following disease..Hiv,Cancer,Herpes Virus,Epilepsy,Hepatitis,Parkinson disease.Diabetes,Fibroid...

  123. My testimony on how i won £4,000,000 with the great help of Dr Davi powerful lottery spell: Call him +55 (11) 97732-4658   
    It's unbelievable how fortunate I feel after finding your website. For the past 14 years, I have been looking for a way on how i will win lottery. Money situation was one of the biggest problem to me. I had a huge amount of debt and I didn't know what to do. Out of complete and total desperation, I contacted many of those so-called individuals who promised powerful magic to win the lottery, witchcraft or black magic. None of them worked and none were as wonderful, affectionate and warm as Dr Davi has been. He is definitely different from the others and I felt immediate hope and strength from hearing about the promises he had to offer. He carries an air of purity and divine strength that is as pure as fresh snow on the ground. I requested Dr Davi most powerful spells and I was relieved right away that I had someone to solve my problems for me. His spells worked wonders,i won (Four Million pounds) my money troubles resolved itself after winning the lottery. My life change over night,i now have my own house and two cars,also i am free from my debts. Dr Davi, I have no idea what I would have done without you being there to help me out. If you are there and you need a powerful magic to win the lottery,Dr. Davi is the right person you need to trust and work with,i promise you that you will also win and share your own testimony. You can contact him via email: Call or text him +55 (11) 97732-4658 

  124. My testimony on how i won £4,000,000 with the great help of Dr Davi powerful lottery spell: Call him +55 (11) 97732-4658   
    It's unbelievable how fortunate I feel after finding your website. For the past 14 years, I have been looking for a way on how i will win lottery. Money situation was one of the biggest problem to me. I had a huge amount of debt and I didn't know what to do. Out of complete and total desperation, I contacted many of those so-called individuals who promised powerful magic to win the lottery, witchcraft or black magic. None of them worked and none were as wonderful, affectionate and warm as Dr Davi has been. He is definitely different from the others and I felt immediate hope and strength from hearing about the promises he had to offer. He carries an air of purity and divine strength that is as pure as fresh snow on the ground. I requested Dr Davi most powerful spells and I was relieved right away that I had someone to solve my problems for me. His spells worked wonders,i won (Four Million pounds) my money troubles resolved itself after winning the lottery. My life change over night,i now have my own house and two cars,also i am free from my debts. Dr Davi, I have no idea what I would have done without you being there to help me out. If you are there and you need a powerful magic to win the lottery,Dr. Davi is the right person you need to trust and work with,i promise you that you will also win and share your own testimony. You can contact him via email: Call or text him +55 (11) 97732-4658 

  125. Dr. Ekpen Temple Your spell worked and brought my husband back to me. You gave me support when I was feeling hopeless. I feel truly blessed to have found your email address. I sincerely hope others will take that leap of faith and let you help them as you have helped me, for those of you who want to contact him reach him on his email address: ( ) OR WHATSAPP +2347050270218 you will never regret contacting him… He is capable of restoring your relationship and marriage problems like he did for me.


    Good day everyone,I can’t hide this great testimony that took place in my life I will love everyone to know it and be a partaker of this, that is why I want to share it to the whole world by placing this advert on classifieds, I am Mrs Karen Brown by name, I live in Chattanooga, Tennessee United State, I want to thank ROBBINSON MOORE for his kindness upon my family life, I never knew that there is still a sincere and trustworthy lender like this on the internet and on earth. Just some days I was in search for a loan of $ 100,000.00, As I was running out of money for feeding, School fees, My business was really going out of capital and my rent. I was scammed about $15,000.00 dollars and I decided not to involve my self in such business again. But a Friend of mine introduced me to a loan firm due to my appearance and doings and also my complains to her. And I told her that I am not interested in any loan deal anymore but she told me that there is still a sincere lender who she will recommend me to, And she gave me the details of this man who is called MOORE ROBBINSON. And I really put a trial and I am most greatful and lucky today, I was given a loan amount of $95,000,00 Dollars by this great firm MOORE LOAN COMPANY. If you arew in need of a genuine, Sincere, durable and a truth worthy loan lender or financial assistance and also you know you can be reliable and trusted, capable of paying back at the due / duration time of the funds I will advice you to send your contact to them via email @[] OR Text +1(414) 454-9493 . And you will be free from scams on the internet. Please I am begging everyone on earth to help me thank Mr ROBBINSON MOORE. And I ill always being sharing this great surprise and testimony that happened in my life everyday to all that need loans. Contact them now if you are in need of a loan: AS THEY ARE EFFICIENT,DYNAMIC AND RELAIBLE.....Again there contact email [ OR Text +1(414) 454-9493..

  127. My wife is back with the help of Dr Trust love spell......
    My wife left me heartbroken, this made me sick and my problem became very very difficult and it made me almost gave up but after the love spell from Dr. Trust, my relationship was restored instantly, I was happy that the outcome was fantastic and effective, only 2 days after Dr. Trust started it all,i got result instantly,my wife was back with full of love and sincerity. Never in my life have I thought this would work so fast. My wife reconcile with me and she started acting completely different, we make love everyday, I feel happy once again, and like never before. It felt so good to have my wife back again, Thanks to Dr. Trust for your wonderful love spell done. Please email him if you need any help in your relationship. or WhatsAPP Or call number (+1 317 762 7416 )

    Also check and contact him on his website now:
    Derek Luke
    From Texas

  128. My wife is back with the help of Dr Trust love spell......
    My wife left me heartbroken, this made me sick and my problem became very very difficult and it made me almost gave up but after the love spell from Dr. Trust, my relationship was restored instantly, I was happy that the outcome was fantastic and effective, only 2 days after Dr. Trust started it all,i got result instantly,my wife was back with full of love and sincerity. Never in my life have I thought this would work so fast. My wife reconcile with me and she started acting completely different, we make love everyday, I feel happy once again, and like never before. It felt so good to have my wife back again, Thanks to Dr. Trust for your wonderful love spell done. Please email him if you need any help in your relationship. or WhatsAPP Or call number (+1 317 762 7416 )

    Also check and contact him on his website now:
    Derek Luke
    From Texas

  129. hello,
    Am writing this article to appreciate the good work of DR Abiodun that helped me recently to bring back my wife that left me for another man for no reason for the past 8 months . After seeing a post of a woman on the internet testifying of how she was helped by DR Abiodun. I also decided to contact him for help because all i wanted was for me to get back my wife happiness and to make sure that my child grows up with his mother. Am happy today that he helped me and i can proudly say that my wife is back with so much love and joy like never before thanks Dr contact email

  130. hello,
    Am writing this article to appreciate the good work of DR Abiodun that helped me recently to bring back my wife that left me for another man for no reason for the past 8 months . After seeing a post of a woman on the internet testifying of how she was helped by DR Abiodun. I also decided to contact him for help because all i wanted was for me to get back my wife happiness and to make sure that my child grows up with his mother. Am happy today that he helped me and i can proudly say that my wife is back with so much love and joy like never before thanks Dr contact email

    I have something to share with you!!! There is a great joy in my heart which I want to share with everyone. My name is Jessica Jackson, from united States. I had a misunderstanding with my lover last year which led us to break up and he never wanted to hear my voice again. He saw a beautiful woman which he find more prettier than me, but as time went on I met god Dr Purity He is a great spell caster. I contacted him through his email and
    explained everything to him. He said that I shouldn't worry, that my lover will come back to me on his knees begging for forgiveness before 24 hours. My greatest joy now is that he actually came back to me and fell on
    his knees begging for forgiveness, and today we are happy and he also cured
    my Sister's breast cancer. Do you have any problem? worry no more because Dr Purity can provide lasting spell solution to any problems:email him or call him +2348070980389 or add him on whats- app +2348070980389

    (1)If you want your ex back.

    (2)You want to be promoted in your office.

    (3)If you want to be cured of HIV, Cancers and other diseases.

    (4)You want to be rich.

    (5)You want your husband/wife to be yours forever.

    (6)Healing of cancer, Hiv/Aids, Herpes and all kinds of sickness.

    (7)If you went to get pregnant.

  132. It just occur to me that I have not done the right thing since when my husband came back to me, I am on this blog to give thanks to whom it deserve, Some couples of weeks ago my life was in a terrible shape because my husband left me and I never believe that I was going to get him back, But through the help of this powerful spell caster called Dr.Ekpen my life is now in a joyful mood, I must recommend the services of Dr.Ekpen to anyone out there that they should contact Dr.Ekpen through these details below: ( ) or whatsapp +2347050270218 because through Dr.Ekpen assistance my marriage was restored.

  133. Hello Everybody,
    My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.

  134. Irrespective of receiving daily oral or future injectable depot therapies, these require health care visits for medication and monitoring of safety and response. If patients are treated early enough, before a lot of immune system damage has occurred, life expectancy is close to normal, as long as they remain on successful treatment. However, when patients stop therapy, virus rebounds to high levels in most patients, sometimes associated with severe illness because i have gone through this and even an increased risk of death. The aim of “cure”is ongoing but i still do believe my government made millions of ARV drugs instead of finding a cure. for ongoing therapy and monitoring. ARV alone cannot cure HIV as among the cells that are infected are very long-living CD4 memory cells and possibly other cells that act as long-term reservoirs. HIV can hide in these cells without being detected by the body’s immune system. Therefore even when ART completely blocks subsequent rounds of infection of cells, reservoirs that have been infected before therapy initiation persist and from these reservoirs HIV rebounds if therapy is stopped. “Cure” could either mean an eradication cure, which means to completely rid the body of reservoir virus or a functional HIV cure, where HIV may remain in reservoir cells but rebound to high levels is prevented after therapy interruption.Dr Itua Herbal Medicine makes me believes there is a hope for people suffering from,Parkinson's disease,Schizophrenia,Cancer,Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
    Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Factor V Leiden Mutation ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease,Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic diseases.Hiv_ Aids,Herpes,Inflammatory bowel disease ,Copd,Diabetes,Hepatitis,I read about him online how he cure Tasha and Tara so i contacted him on even talked on whatsapps +2348149277967 believe me it was easy i drank his herbal medicine for two weeks and i was cured just like that isn't Dr Itua a wonder man? Yes he is! I thank him so much so i will advise if you are suffering from one of those diseases Pls do contact him he's a nice man.

  135. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

    Giaonhan247 chuyên dịch vụ mua hàng mỹ cũng như mua vòng tay pandora chính hãng trên web pandora úc uy tín cùng nước hoa pháp chính hãng uy tín, giá rẻ.


    My name is KAYLEE TAYLOR am from united state, I almost took my life because of my husband who left me and stop picking my calls answering my mails and my messages. He said He do not trust me anymore, I tried to convince and beg him, but he will not believe or answer me until we had a fight and broke up for 6months, after then I realize I can not live without him because of the love I have for him. I tried everything possible to get him back, but non worked for me, some fake spell casters scammed me and went away with my money until I came across this man called Dr IFADE he helped me cast a spell and behold my husband came back after 48 hours, begging me for forgiveness, I was so surprised that spell caster like Dr IFADE still exist. If anyone here needs some help, with all sincerity, contact Dr IFADE today On Contact him via is whatsapp number +2349060120490 indeed you are a priest thank you for making my home a happy home again.i can never stop talking about you sir. DR IFADE is really a great man you can contact him for solution for any kind of problems like
    (1) lottery spell
    (2) ex back
    (3) get pregnant
    (4) cure for any kind of sickness,disease and infection
    And many others contact this great man today and get your Problems solved.

  137. Wow is good to be back with my ex again, thank you Dr AKHERE for the help, I just want to let you know that is reading this post in case you are having issues with your lover and is leading to divorce and you don’t want the divorce, Dr AKHERE is the answer to your problem. Or you are already divorce and you still want him/her contact Dr AKHERE the spell caster now on ( or whatsapp him on +2348129175848 and you will be clad you did

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  139. i believe testimonies are reeal life proofs of miracle signs and wonders because of my personal experiences from other Spell-casters I contact so many other Love spell-casters before but none was able to help me bring back my ex love partner, until few days ago i gave Dr.Oduduwa spellcaster a final try, i love my husband man we had two kids together and i needed bring him back home, to be with me, there to care, love our children growing-up together as one happy family.
    I send message to Dr.Oduduwa contact address, immediately few minutes time, I receive reply message from him, i was so happy because the mail was valid and still working, I explain to my relationship problems to Oduduwa, I ask for his help to bring back my love Anderson back into love me more than ever before.
    Dr.Oduduwa assure me 100% guarantee success,. he explained all Love-spelling required processes to me, I did as instructed. early Thursday morning, that is two days after launching Love-spell on my behalf, Jessica my ex wife call my Cell phone, i was so amazingly happy to answer her phone call because for almost more than 16 months now i have not receive Phone call from wife, no text messages and she have been refusing to contact with me. I'm overwhelmed with joy and happiness in my heart sharing my testimony out here,
    I use this medium to say my thanks to Dr.Oduduwa
    I have good intention sharing, I believe this information will motivate and save marriage relationship from divorcing, break-ups and seperation. because when two people truly love and care for each other, they will always look for ways to make it work, no matter how hard it's cost for love is stronger.
    contact address Dr.oduduwa:
    (dr.oduduwaspellcaster@gmail. com)
    WhatsApp No.: +2348135842629


  140. I am Miss alisha.,From united states of America.I will start by saying to all that have experience heart break and also cant do with out there lover should please stop here and read up my story, So as you will know how to go solving or getting your ex back from this spell caster..AND AGAIN I WILL WANT TO ALSO TELL ALL THAT THIS SPELL CASTER I WILL WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IS HARMLESS AND DO NOT HAVE ANY SIDE EFFECT, BUT TO RESTORE AND GIVE YOU BACK WHAT YOU DESERVE, COS WHEN I MEET WITH THIS SPELL CASTER THAT WAS INTRODUCED TO ME BY THE WIFE OF MY BOSS IN MY WORKING PLACE, HE MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE CAN CAST SPELL ON SO MANY OTHER PROBLEMS EXCEPT IN GETTING YOUR EX OR MAKING YOUR LOVER TO LOVE YOU MORE THAT WILL SUITE YOU. Last year December, My lover was cheating on me and was not also give me the attention that a man should give to a woman,And really that was troubling my mind and tearing my heart apart to the extent that i was not concentrating in the office the way i use to before the break up by my lover.And before that incident,I always see how my boss use to love his wife so much. I was binging to think that i was not doing the right thing to him that will make him love me forever,So i really gathered my courage and went to my boss wife office to ask her the secret that made her husband love her so dearly,In the first place she refused in telling me,She asked me why i am asking her such a question,That if is it not normal for every man to love his wife.I told her the reason that made me ask her about this question,That my lover started cheating on me lately,When i knelt down before her for her to see my seriousness in this issue that i went to ask her,She opened up to me by telling me that i should not tell anybody about what she want to tell me,The wife to my boss started to say to me that she used a very powerful spell on his husband to love her,And the spell that she used is harmless, But the spell is just to make him love her and never to look for any other woman except her. I QUICKLY ASK HER HOW DID SHE GET TO KNOW THIS GREAT,POWER,DURABLE AND PERFECT WORK SPELL CASTER,she said that a friend of hers also introduce her to him. Then i also ask her how i can meet with this spell caster.SHE SAID EVERYTHING TO ME,THAT THE NAME OF THIS SPELL CASTER IS Dr. AZEN TEMPLE.My next question to her was how can i get this wonderful spell caster,She said she is going to give me the email of the spell caster for me to contact him for my problem,Really she gave to me this spell caster email and i contacted him and explained all to him,And after every thing that needed to be done by the spell caster, In the next two days, My lover that hated me so much came to house begging for forgiveness and i was so glad that i have finally gotten my heart desire..I was so grateful to this spell caster for what he has done for my life.. So i made a promise to him that i will always continue telling the world about his wonderful work towards me and also to other that came to you before and also the people that will also get to you from my story that i narrated online now..I will want to say to the entire world that you should not cry over noting again, That there is a great man that has been helping individuals to restore there Joy and smile in there faces !! The direct email to get this man is :[]or what'sapp +2349038299828 ,This is what i want to tell you all out there,That is thinking that all hope is lost ok..Thanks


  141. I am Miss alisha.,From united states of America.I will start by saying to all that have experience heart break and also cant do with out there lover should please stop here and read up my story, So as you will know how to go solving or getting your ex back from this spell caster..AND AGAIN I WILL WANT TO ALSO TELL ALL THAT THIS SPELL CASTER I WILL WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IS HARMLESS AND DO NOT HAVE ANY SIDE EFFECT, BUT TO RESTORE AND GIVE YOU BACK WHAT YOU DESERVE, COS WHEN I MEET WITH THIS SPELL CASTER THAT WAS INTRODUCED TO ME BY THE WIFE OF MY BOSS IN MY WORKING PLACE, HE MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE CAN CAST SPELL ON SO MANY OTHER PROBLEMS EXCEPT IN GETTING YOUR EX OR MAKING YOUR LOVER TO LOVE YOU MORE THAT WILL SUITE YOU. Last year December, My lover was cheating on me and was not also give me the attention that a man should give to a woman,And really that was troubling my mind and tearing my heart apart to the extent that i was not concentrating in the office the way i use to before the break up by my lover.And before that incident,I always see how my boss use to love his wife so much. I was binging to think that i was not doing the right thing to him that will make him love me forever,So i really gathered my courage and went to my boss wife office to ask her the secret that made her husband love her so dearly,In the first place she refused in telling me,She asked me why i am asking her such a question,That if is it not normal for every man to love his wife.I told her the reason that made me ask her about this question,That my lover started cheating on me lately,When i knelt down before her for her to see my seriousness in this issue that i went to ask her,She opened up to me by telling me that i should not tell anybody about what she want to tell me,The wife to my boss started to say to me that she used a very powerful spell on his husband to love her,And the spell that she used is harmless, But the spell is just to make him love her and never to look for any other woman except her. I QUICKLY ASK HER HOW DID SHE GET TO KNOW THIS GREAT,POWER,DURABLE AND PERFECT WORK SPELL CASTER,she said that a friend of hers also introduce her to him. Then i also ask her how i can meet with this spell caster.SHE SAID EVERYTHING TO ME,THAT THE NAME OF THIS SPELL CASTER IS Dr. AZEN TEMPLE.My next question to her was how can i get this wonderful spell caster,She said she is going to give me the email of the spell caster for me to contact him for my problem,Really she gave to me this spell caster email and i contacted him and explained all to him,And after every thing that needed to be done by the spell caster, In the next two days, My lover that hated me so much came to house begging for forgiveness and i was so glad that i have finally gotten my heart desire..I was so grateful to this spell caster for what he has done for my life.. So i made a promise to him that i will always continue telling the world about his wonderful work towards me and also to other that came to you before and also the people that will also get to you from my story that i narrated online now..I will want to say to the entire world that you should not cry over noting again, That there is a great man that has been helping individuals to restore there Joy and smile in there faces !! The direct email to get this man is :[]or what'sapp +2349038299828 ,This is what i want to tell you all out there,That is thinking that all hope is lost ok..Thanks

  142. Hello everyone, am very happy to share this little awesome testimony about Dr olu a great herbal doctor who help me enlarge my penis size.3.2 cm to 8.3 cm longer with his herbal cream mixture, my girlfriend is now so amazed with the autonomous size of my penis , if you you are also in need of help on how to enlarge your penis to become bigger and stronger I adverse you to contact Dr on his email ( ) you or contact on whatsapp number +2348140654426 because he is one of the best herbal doctor that i can only show you up to, if your penis is 4.2 cm and want to get it reach 9.2 cm within three weeks i Dr olu is also specialized on obey m breast and boobs enlargement i advise you to contact him for help

  143. Hello everyone, am very happy to share this little awesome testimony about Dr olu a great herbal doctor who help me enlarge my penis size.3.2 cm to 8.3 cm longer with his herbal cream mixture, my girlfriend is now so amazed with the autonomous size of my penis , if you you are also in need of help on how to enlarge your penis to become bigger and stronger I adverse you to contact Dr on his email ( ) you or contact on whatsapp number +2348140654426 because he is one of the best herbal doctor that i can only show you up to, if your penis is 4.2 cm and want to get it reach 9.2 cm within three weeks i Dr olu is also specialized on obey m breast and boobs enlargement i advise you to contact him for help

  144. All thanks to Dr omair just contacted this man after my husband of about
    4years left me and to my surprise it took this man just 2days to bring him
    back to Dr omair his the best spell caster around to solve any problem for
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  145. My name is carolina peter USA, Age 32yrs, Are you in need of some help to bring your ex lover back today after trying several means without result contact Dr. tunde love spell caster through his email: or call +2348143581382 who help me to bring my ex back few weeks back. Also specialise in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, BRAIN DISEASE, PREGNANCY, DIABETIES AND MORE.

  146. This is the most wonderful thing i have ever experienced. I visited here online on the 17 june and i saw a marvelous testimony of Tracie Aldana from United States on the forum about the good works DR.tunde I never believed it, because have never heard anything about such miracle before. No body would have been able to convince me about it not until DR.tunde did a marvelous work for me that restored my mairage of 4 years by getting back my husband back i just as i read on the internet. I'm carolina peter I was truly shocked when my husband knelt down pleading for forgiveness to accept him back. I am really short of words to use to show my appreciation to DR.tunde For his a God sent to me and my entire family for divine restoration of my mariage. Contact him now for any kind of help via or you can contact his whatsapp mobile line +2348143581382 Also specialise in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, BRAIN DISEASE, PREGNANCY, DIABETIES AND MORE.

  147. This is the most wonderful thing i have ever experienced. I visited here online on the 17 june and i saw a marvelous testimony of Tracie Aldana from United States on the forum about the good works DR.tunde I never believed it, because have never heard anything about such miracle before. No body would have been able to convince me about it not until DR.tunde did a marvelous work for me that restored my mairage of 4 years by getting back my husband back i just as i read on the internet. I'm carolina peter I was truly shocked when my husband knelt down pleading for forgiveness to accept him back. I am really short of words to use to show my appreciation to DR.tunde For his a God sent to me and my entire family for divine restoration of my mariage. Contact him now for any kind of help via or you can contact his whatsapp mobile line +2348143581382 Also specialise in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, BRAIN DISEASE, PREGNANCY, DIABETIES AND MORE.

  148. My life is full of happiness because Prophet Abulele make me to be happy. My Name is AGUSTINA ALEX, What happened to me is not what I can keep only to myself but to also tell the world so that those that have any problem with their relationship or marriage will get their love ones back and been happy once again. I and my lover had some serious issues which leads to our break up, since after then my life has never been the same, I tried all method to get him back. but they were just waste of effort and waste of time. But one day during my search on the internet, I came across someone testimony about Prophet Abulele. I contact him and explain my problem to him am still very much surprise till now how he was able to bring back my lover within 48 hours. With this great thing that happened in my life I decided to tell the whole world about this great man called Prophet Abulele. For those in need of anything he told me that in his temple there is nothing impossible. I believe him so much. Friends or to anyone reading my testimony, if you need help to bring back your ex-lover/Ex-husband or you want to have your baby please kindly contact him via email; and WhatsApp number +2349022406159. And I promise you that your lover will definitely come back to you

  149. My life is full of happiness because Prophet Abulele make me to be happy. My Name is AGUSTINA ALEX, What happened to me is not what I can keep only to myself but to also tell the world so that those that have any problem with their relationship or marriage will get their love ones back and been happy once again. I and my lover had some serious issues which leads to our break up, since after then my life has never been the same, I tried all method to get him back. but they were just waste of effort and waste of time. But one day during my search on the internet, I came across someone testimony about Prophet Abulele. I contact him and explain my problem to him am still very much surprise till now how he was able to bring back my lover within 48 hours. With this great thing that happened in my life I decided to tell the whole world about this great man called Prophet Abulele. For those in need of anything he told me that in his temple there is nothing impossible. I believe him so much. Friends or to anyone reading my testimony, if you need help to bring back your ex-lover/Ex-husband or you want to have your baby please kindly contact him via email; and WhatsApp number +2349022406159. And I promise you that your lover will definitely come back to you

  150. My life is full of happiness because Prophet Abulele make me to be happy. My Name is AGUSTINA ALEX, What happened to me is not what I can keep only to myself but to also tell the world so that those that have any problem with their relationship or marriage will get their love ones back and been happy once again. I and my lover had some serious issues which leads to our break up, since after then my life has never been the same, I tried all method to get him back. but they were just waste of effort and waste of time. But one day during my search on the internet, I came across someone testimony about Prophet Abulele. I contact him and explain my problem to him am still very much surprise till now how he was able to bring back my lover within 48 hours. With this great thing that happened in my life I decided to tell the whole world about this great man called Prophet Abulele. For those in need of anything he told me that in his temple there is nothing impossible. I believe him so much. Friends or to anyone reading my testimony, if you need help to bring back your ex-lover/Ex-husband or you want to have your baby please kindly contact him via email; and WhatsApp number +2349022406159. And I promise you that your lover will definitely come back to you

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  159. HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF DR Ilekhojie .......My name is Robert Jennifer, from Canada, I want to quickly tell the world that there is a real and effective online spell caster that is powerful and genuine, His name is Dr Ilekhojie , he helped me recently to reunite my relationship with my husband who left me, When i contacted Dr Ilekhojie, he cast a love spell for me, and my husband who said he doesn't have anything to do with me again, called me and started begging me to come back. he is back now with so much love and care. Today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the powers to restore broken relationship and bring them back. because i am now very happy with my husband. To everyone who is reading this article and needs his help, Dr Ilekhojie can also offer any type of help like, resolving Divorce Cases, Court Cases, Death Spell, Spiritual protection. Thank you! Ilekhojies contact or call +2348147400259


  160. HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF DR Ilekhojie .......My name is Robert Jennifer, from Canada, I want to quickly tell the world that there is a real and effective online spell caster that is powerful and genuine, His name is Dr Ilekhojie , he helped me recently to reunite my relationship with my husband who left me, When i contacted Dr Ilekhojie, he cast a love spell for me, and my husband who said he doesn't have anything to do with me again, called me and started begging me to come back. he is back now with so much love and care. Today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the powers to restore broken relationship and bring them back. because i am now very happy with my husband. To everyone who is reading this article and needs his help, Dr Ilekhojie can also offer any type of help like, resolving Divorce Cases, Court Cases, Death Spell, Spiritual protection. Thank you! Ilekhojies contact or call +2348147400259

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    I share this testimony to the partners suffering in their relationships because there is a lasting solution now.

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  169. HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF REAL AND EFFECTIVE SPELL FROM DR Osasu My name is Olivia Jayden, I never thought I will smile again, My husband left me with two kids for one year, All effort to bring him back failed I thought I'm not going to see him again not until I met a lady called Jesse who told me about a spell caster called Dr. Osasu , She gave me his email address and mobile number and I contacted him and he assured me that within 48hours my husband will come back to me, In less than 48hours my husband came back started begging for forgiveness saying it is the devils work, so I'm still surprise till now about this miracle,i couldn't conceive but as soon as the spell was cast,i became pregnant and gave birth to my third child,if you need any assistance from him you can contact him via:email: Or WhatsApp or call him now:
    +2347064365391 . Dr.Osasu also cures: 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 1/2 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) 5. Hepatitis B

  170. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Special thanks to a powerful spell caster Called Dr. Odion who brought my lost lover back with 48hours and since i contact him through email: or WhatsApp +2347038832903. my life has turn around for good, me and my husband are the best couple in world  since i contacted this man for help through email: or WhatsApp +2347038832903. for fast response believe me that you will find happiness when this man for work you...


    Special thanks to a powerful spell caster Called Dr. Odion who brought my lost lover back with 48hours and since i contact him through email: or WhatsApp +2347038832903. my life has turn around for good, me and my husband are the best couple in world  since i contacted this man for help through email: or WhatsApp +2347038832903. for fast response believe me that you will find happiness when this man for work you...

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  174. I’m so excited because my broken marriage has been restored & my husband is back after he left me and our 2 kids for another woman. After 8 years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. i felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that DR.Osasu can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a (Love spell) for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before,All thanks to DR.Osasu . he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that DR.Osasu real and powerful spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact: Email him at:Account: , you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2347064365391,THANKS TO DR. Osasu

  175. I’m so excited because my broken marriage has been restored & my husband is back after he left me and our 2 kids for another woman. After 8 years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. i felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that DR.Osasu can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a (Love spell) for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before,All thanks to DR.Osasu . he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that DR.Osasu real and powerful spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact: Email him at:Account: , you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2347064365391,THANKS TO DR. Osasu

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  178. How To Get Your Ex Lover/Partner/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife Or Husband Back

    I was married for 16 years to a loving mother and wife. We had 2 children together who are now 11 & 13. I reconnected with an old girlfriend from college on Facebook and we began an affair and I left my wife. The woman I had an affair with is a wonderful woman and I love her too and our kids had begun accepting the situation and my wife has kind of moved on, but not in love with the man she is seeing. I thought I fell out of love with my wife and I felt terrible about what I did to her - she is a good woman and I don't know what came over me. I decided to try and get her back and I was recommended to Lord Zakuza for help to get reunited with my wife and within 48 hours after I made contact with Lord Zakuza my wife decided to work things out with me and now we are back together with our children living as one happy family. I really don't know the words to use in appreciation of what Lord Zakuza did for me but I will say thank you sir for reuniting I and my family back. For those in trying times with their marriages or relationship can communicate with LORD ZAKUZA through the below information's.

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