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Monday, 11 May 2015

Motivational Monday || Beauty

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It's Monday, the start of a brand new week and a chance to set things straight and be passionate and productive. Hurrah!

I've been thinking lately about what makes a person beautiful. 

I spend a LOT of time obsessing over beauty. I love beauty products, I make beauty videos, a lot of my friends are beauty bloggers & vloggers, I scroll through beautiful images on instagram, I look for the beauty in each day and, like a lot of women, I think about my own beauty. 

There are things about myself that I love and I'm glad I have but there are also things I don't like. I have naturally very flushed cheeks, I'm a bit squidgy-fatty and frankly, I'd like to be a bit shorter. We all have a list of things that we think lessen us or that we view as defects. 

For many years I've been the 'fake it til you make it gal', who would focus on the good and ignore the bad, leaving me feeling good and confident. Except, when you peal away the bravado, those insecurities are still there. 

As I edited my vlog footage from New York, all too many times I noticed things I didn't like about myself. There is a bit where I'm surprised with a helicopter ride and as I put my hands over my face in shock, my neck and cheek look really red and fat. That's what I noticed. I wasn't seeing the beauty in the amazing gift or the joy of the surprise, but the colour and size of a small portion of my face. I felt they were ugly. 

I've thought about that clip a lot. I've thought about the people that were with me. My manager Maddie who looks after me above and beyond the parameters of her job, my friends Alfie and Joe who feel like family and my friend Drew who was just so excited for the surprise. Those people didn't look at me and think my rosey cheek was gross. They didn't even see a rosey cheek, they just saw a Louise being happy. And when you really think about it, what's more beautiful than just being happy? Nothing. 

The point I'm making is, all those things you think are ugly, just aren't. Yes focus on the good and ignore the 'bad', but also, accept that the 'bad' isn't 'bad'. Accept that you are scrutinising it far more than anyone else is and that most people don't see you as a collection of features but as a person that they love or like or find fun or interesting. 

You are a person and that alone is enough to be classed as beautiful. 




  1. I'm the same Louise, I have bits of my that I love and bits that I don't.. But they're what makes me well me :) hope you have a lovely week! :) Em xx

  2. I feel like sometimes the things we're most insecure about, nobody else even notices.

  3. Such a lovely post Louise, I've felt really insecure recently and so this was so nice and helpful to read x

    Sophie x | SophiesMakeupBlog

  4. Thank you Louise. I needed to read this today. You are beautiful! I look forward every Monday to Motivational Monday! xx Love from SA!

  5. Sometimes I do feel myself down with my self confidence. But I always try to remember those friends and family who can see the beauty on me that I cannot see. :)
    I think you are gorgeous, Louise. And your pink cheek adorable!! I wish I could have this natural blush, btw hahaha

    Kisses from Brazil! xxx

  6. This is a beautiful post and all so true. Everyone has their own list of insecurities. But in order to realise our own beauty, we need to accept that they are a part of us and we are all imperfectly perfect. You are a true inspiration Louise xx

  7. Such a great post! :) I think it's so easy to just look at yourself in the mirror and point out what you don't like about yourself! I remember one day I felt super self conscious about my hair and just hated the way it looked and everything about it, and then, out of nowhere, when I walked into the kitchen my flatmate (who usually doesn't notice or comment on anything beauty/fashion related) went: "I really like your hair today" I instantly thought he was joking, but he wasn't and it made me realise how subjective everything is, especially beauty.

  8. Motivational Mondays make monday my favourite day of the week! Love you Louise, thankyou so much for your positivity! Xxx

  9. I absolutely loved this Louise, thanks for keeping it real xx

  10. This is such a beautiful message! We should all be able to embrace the flaws we have and accept our lovely features! I love motivational Mondays!

  11. Oh Louise I loved this! You'll be surprised to know - your rosy cheeks is one of my favourite things about you, I think it's sweet and makes you all the more beautiful!

  12. Beautiul Motivational Monday post as always.

    I feel like I can really relate to this one. I'm a fitness & health blogger on my own blog & instagram and from time to time I catch myself thinking my physical progress isn't going fast enough or as well as other fitness girls. I find myself thinking my abs aren't visible enough to be a fitness blogger.. which really is ridiculous! Since when should my physique define how "good" of a blogger I can be?!

    Thank you for your post, it's always a pleasure!
    All the best, Debbie xxx

  13. I absolutely needed to hear (read?) this. Louise, you are the absolute best.

  14. Such an amazing post!

    Check out my new blog :)

  15. Such a lovely Post! I feel as humans, we can always be so critical of ourselves sometimes. We need to remind ourselves that we are beautiful! :) X.

  16. Thank you for this. I've been having a lot of trouble lately with the same sort of thing. It get to the point where that all I would see. It would eat away at me. Yesterday I started to think, "f**k it, no one else notices it" and I'd like to think that I'm right. I hope I can start moving past the obsessing and be a lot less stress. [heart]

  17. It can be so hard to accept that people don't notice these things about you when you spend so long disliking them about your self! I am guilty of finding a picture or video of myself and instead of thinking what a great day/time/event it reminds me of, I instantly notice the little things that bug me and your right -other people probably don't even see them!

    Baking Fashion

  18. This was so wonderful to read Louise. I've had lots of issues with accepting who I am and my body, but now I've come to realise people who care about you do not care about those small little insecurities, they will love you more than you can imagine.
    I'm all about spreading positivity and happiness, so this was a wonderful Monday post to read :)

    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Beauty

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. You've been such an inspiration for me ever since I found your YouTube channel. And now you are making me identify myself with you even more. I'm about the same height as you and also overweight. Most of my friends are shorter than I am and they are so skinny compared to me...It is hard to regard yourself as a beautiful person in a society where beauty seems to be measured based on your weight.
    However in the end, there are probably bunch of people thinking you are beautiful and they don't even see the faults you see in the mirror.

    Louise, you're beautiful the way you are. :)

  21. This has to be one of my favourite motivational Monday posts. This is so honest and true. A lot of people, including myself, don't realise that no one else cares if you are a little red. They like you for you. I am going to always come back to this post when I am feeling a little down. Beautiful post.

    Beth x

  22. Amen ! It really annoys me sometimes when people go on and on about "oh we all have imperfection, just embrace it". Because really who says fat rolls, a crooked tooth or a spot is an imperfection, society ? The media ? Calling these things imperfections perpetuates this idea that there are things that we need to change about ourselves in order to fit in and be the best versions of ourselves possible. It only feeds most women's insecurities about their bodies.
    We are all human and we all different, and attracted to different things, someone will always think we are pretty and I cannot agree with you more when you say that nothing's more beautiful than being happy. I love this quote by Roald Dahl, I'm sure you've heard it already but it says :"A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely." I like to read it ever now and then, just to remind myself.
    Great post as always, big hugs from France !

    Bisous, Charlie

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I think that we become so used to and good at picking out our own imperfections, that we see things that no one else see's - I've heard that looking in the mirror and making yourself pick out all the good things you see is good to do!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

  25. I'm slowly accepting all my imperfections too, it's taking time but I'm seeing results! Love the sprinklerino community - so much love and support!

    p.s. really really really loved that picture!

    Jackie xx

  26. Thank you Louise for yet another amazing 'Motivational Monday'. I worry far too much about my various insecurities (taller than any other female in the room/my face being longer on one side than the other) that I often forget that it's whats inside that counts.

    "the things that make me different are the things that make me"

    Clarey xx

  27. Well....that actually made me fill up a little bit as I generally get a bit emosh about the whole confidence issue since having my son. Yesterday I tried to take a selfie (Not something I do a lot of) as I wanted to show of the Glitter Lips I had applied at Birmingham Beauty Show. I currently have at least 20 of a very similar photo on my phone now as I was picking bit off each one that my friend said were all great! What has life come to now for this to happen to us?
    Great post Great words

    Yorkshire Pud xx

  28. This is such a great message to be sending out Louise. I love how you said to accept that 'bad' isn't 'bad'. This is something that I can struggle with so it's lovely to hear this. Thank you Louise x

    It's That Time For ... My Weekend Casual Outfit!

  29. Such a lovely post.

  30. I think we all see the worst in ourselves, and I don't know if that's ever going to change unfortunately. Being mindful of it and reminding yourself that it doesn't matter, and that no one else sees what you see is a good first step.

  31. I used to dwell over everything I felt was negative or unattractive with my body. After a while, I realized that my friends didn't see any of those things, they just saw their friend. Now, I can look at my imperfections and still know that I am cute as heck. LOVE this post, very relevant. :)

    Abby xx

  32. This is such an important post!
    Everyone is beautiful in their own ways!

  33. This post is so lovely! I don't know what to say really other than that you ARE beautiful, inside and out. Everyone is :) As long as you smile and let your eyes speak for you, there is no reason you shouldn't be beautiful. People are never ugly, they sometimes only act ugly.

    I love you x

  34. This is such a lovely post Louise. I love how you're saying that the bad stuff isn't bad instead of just to hide it. You are such a beautiful person though, both inside and out xxx

  35. Great post! its funny you say you want to be shorter because that is something i always wanted as well. All of the women in my family are pettite and when we would do family pictures, i was always this giant in the back row, but over the years i have learned to appreciate my height and my long legs. also, my petitie relatives are jealous of my height, espcially when i reach things off a tall shelf for them with ease. its funny how we tend to think the grass is greener when what we have and dont appreciate is what someone else wants. thanks for these lovely monday reminders of our own value and you are a great role should be very proud!

  36. I love sprinkle of glitter posts , there so inspiring and cheer up my day :-)

  37. When I feel self conscious, I try to put myself in someone else's shoes and think about if I was a different person the first thing I'd notice about somebody would not be the little things we get ourselves down about. Decent people don't think like that :)
    E x

  38. you're an inspiration Louise. xx

  39. I love the motivational Monday! I am SO unmotivated today since its been raining here for a solid week so this was inspiring to me! (

  40. I loved this post and it's something I really needed to motivate me! This is one of my favourite posts ever

  41. This is such a positive post, I love it! I love reading your blog, you somehow always spread a happy vibe and that makes me happy too(:

    -Charlotte xo (

  42. This is a lovely post! I think you are beautiful Louise!

  43. I love this post, in life sometimes you can spend ages being upset about 1 particular part of your body you don't like, other people probably don't even notice and think you look gorgeous all the time. You view yourself with much more scrutinising eyes than others do! I need to remind myself of this a lot.

    Your blog inspired me to create my own- although I am still abit nervous :)


  44. Really really well said, Louise. Everyday I work on loving myself more, but there's always those days where you seem to only notice the bad. But I love what you said: the bad isn't bad. I'm going to remember that :)


  45. I would love for you to be an advocate for girl guiding and their Free Being me campaign. You are everything I want to tell to our young members about being yourself and loving who you are!! Keep up the amazing work xxx

  46. This was perfect for today. Everyone has something they don't like about themselves but a little motivation can go a long way, also I think it's super important to realize that not everyone notices what you notice, they probably aren't looking anyway.

  47. I think that we all constantly try to be the girl that we admire or the girl that gets all the attention because as humans its what we are attracted to. We sort of lost a sense of who we are along the way somewhere. Media plays a huge part on that by grouping girls into what's the ideal sexy, pretty, beautiful, and so on. We fail to see that we all have something that makes us beautiful. You are the only person who can define your own kind of beautiful and we need to learn to love and appreciate ourselves.


  48. 'The happiest girls are the prettiest' - this quote is SO true! Beauty most definitely comes from within.

    Whenever I catch myself (often!!) having a rosey cheek moment I try and imagine I'm looking at a friend in the mirror and talking to her instead of myself - would I ever dare speak to a friend, a stranger even in the negative way I speak about myself? No way! I wouldn't even think those things to start with! Be kind to yourself always <3 happiest girls really are the prettiest! X

  49. I always notice everything I don't like in pictures people take of me, or in videos - it's like I zero in on the ugly and I can't move past it. I still rarely let people take pictures of me or videos because I'm so insecure. I'm trying to move past that, but I can't seem to....this post is very inspirational regardless. it reminds me that I'm not online in those thoughts, and that other people are learning to accept the 'bad' as not bad at all...I'll get there. :)

  50. My rosy cheeks are the one thing I absolutely despise about myself so I completely understand this! Sometimes 'fake it til you make it' is the only way to go, I find you get a small amount of confidence that way and then that little bit grows and grows until you're content with yourself.
    Love you Louise, you beautiful lady you <3 xx

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. I've often been one of those gals who literally lived and breathed "fake it till you make it" but its like, no matter what the insecurities would always fall back. It wasn't until my senior year of high school I realized that was such a small way of thinking and when I looked at the bigger picture I was loved and I would choose to be loved over being beautiful any and every day. I've also always realized that yes, appearance is something you see as a first impression but it's almost like the way you look at people changes the better you get to know them. I see beauty in all the people I love and I think about thag when I need to reassure myself.

    I stumbled across this video a couple years ago titled "On Being Ugly." Its a very empowering video that addresses some of your points and even goes a bit further. At the end of it all i wanted to do was hug my friends and family!! Here is the link! .

    Anyone who may read this comment I strongly encourage you to watch that video!!

    And as for you Louise, I'm glad Darcy is going to grow up with a mum who knows what true beauty is and what matters most! :) You've inspired me to write my own post on this just for my readers!

    Love you!!

  53. Beautiful post. So many times I have thought these things to myself, and you know what? Life is too short. Get up, get out and enjoy life. Stop worrying about how you look to others. "What is more beautiful than being happy? Nothing". Fact.

  54. Thanks for doing this post which is full of inspiration and motivation!
    Please continue to do such posts Louise:)
    Much love from Indonesia!

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  55. Lovely post! And i'll say it again Louise, you are beautiful!!

    Rachel x

  56. I LIVE for motivational Monday! Xxxxx

  57. I think everyone definitely needs that Monday motivation. I love posts like this, so thank you for putting inspiration out there.


  58. Love this post, you are such an inspiration Louise! x

  59. So much love for this post, Louise! Sometimes a little reminder is all you need<3

  60. Why do you want to be shorter? You look sooo good!
    I'm 180 cm/5'11 and have always been insecure about my height, especially when people shorter than me say they want to be shorter. Anyway, you look amazing! <3

  61. Love your Motivational Monday's Louise<3

  62. I really liked this blog post Louise! The message behind it is lovely. I know how hard it can be sometimes when your just feel so self aware and you keep thinking about yourself and all your little insecurities. This blog post really helped me thank you :)

  63. well written louise we have to embrace our flaws

  64. I love your posts like this, you're a beautiful person on the inside & the outside!

    Sarah x

  65. Loved this post Louise! I feel like a lot of us spend so much time being insecure about how we look, that we forget about how truly beautiful we are!

  66. I love your motivational posts. I guess criticising ourselves is human nature but agree that the things we are so paranoid about people see as insignificant - well most of the time anyway! sabiha xx

  67. I really needed this today, thank you so much, what a lovely post :) I generally get quite embarrassed about my cheeks, they are quite chubby (who am I kidding, very chubby) and most of the time they are bright red. All my friends seem to have these model like cheek bones, and I feel like the ugly duckling sometimes.

    Hopefully this post has stopped me obsessing about my cheeks, and take more notice of inner beauty, rather than what is on the outside.

    Your Motivational Monday's never fail to brighten my day :) <3

  68. You always write such inspirational things Louise, thank you so much.
    These motivational mondays always make me smile :)

    Ella x

  69. I think it's always a great reminder for everybody that we're all flawed and that it's perfectly okay. Some days we aren't okay, but other days? We realize we are pretty damn awesome! Just need to remember it's okay to not actually be okay.


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  71. thank you for this Louise, you are so beautiful! I sometimes struggle to tell myself to focus on the good things and it's nice to be reminded that we're not alone in that struggle :)

  72. This is a great post Louise, I feel like I can really relate to this. I also struggle with things I don't like about my self and hearing you say this and saying that people don't really notice makes me happy, even thou I will struggle with my insecurities its nice to see someone talk about it and to say just ignore them.


  73. wonderful monday post as always! keep up the great work louise. x

  74. I loved your blog for ages and I just recently started a one by myself so if you wouldn't mind, could you check it? Thank you xx

  75. Thank you for this post Louise. I'm normally not very woried about my appearence but in the last few weks (and specially today) if've been having shelfsteam problems and just overall felling ugly. I really needed this. xxx

  76. Thank you for this post Louise. I'm normally not very woried about my appearence but in the last few weks (and specially today) if've been having shelfsteam problems and just overall felling ugly. I really needed this. xxx

  77. What an inspirational post!

  78. Thank you for this post Louise, your motivational Monday's always seem to help me in some way throughout a week :) ♥

    FloralsAndCoralsx // Our Blog

  79. Thank you for your motivational posts Louise, I find them so helpful and always seem to make me thing positive <3 :)

  80. I love this! It is so uplifting! Thank you.


  81. Thank you so much for this post Louise! It's terrible how self critical we can be at times, I remember reading something a while ago that asked us to think of how we would react if we overheard somebody else talking about another person in the way that we talk to ourselves. Although I think its normal to doubt ourselves from time to time its not healthy to take our own self criticisms as gospel. Thank you for being honest :) also thank you for turning a negative thought into something more positive through this post :)

  82. Love this comment (and the SoG in the picture)

    Lizzie Dripping

  83. Louise, this is the kind of blog post I needed today, I am very critical of myself, people say I need to 'put some meat on me' and 'eat a pie' though people think these are compliments this is not how I see them. I am also a rower, people say I don't look like a good rower because I'm slight and seemingly have no muscle. Us as the human race should surely be supporting each other, not constantly taking digs at how we look after all, every skeleton is the same.

    1. "After all, every skeleton is the same." You're right! I agree with you, but unfortunately not everyone sees it that way..

  84. Hi Louise!! I love you so much and think it's great how you spread positivity everywhere! I've just made a new blog and it's my first ever time blogging! My first post is on positive thinking! It would be great if you could check it out : sorry that it's a bit weird! I'm really scared I won't get any views!

  85. Louise this post is beautiful! I've had thought about this a lot recently and I'm really trying to make myself believe it!

  86. I havent felt that great about myself lately and I really needed to see this! I think Louise is gorgeous and its kind of nice to see everyone feels like this sometimes :) xxx

  87. Louise this post is so lovely. I think I needed this to give a boost to my confidence which is horribly lacking at the moment. Thanks for all the feel-good vibes! xxx

  88. Hey Louise!! No matter whatever bad things you think about, the more you'll feel bad. But at least you've got your chummy who known to be Zoë, Alfie, Joe, of course Darcy, and us your fans!! We're always here for you Mama Glitter!! :) stay happy!! xxx

  89. this post kinda makes me wanna cry :) because of my anxiety, I tend to focus on the bad, but I'm working on fixing that. I'm trying to find good things about myself that I am happy with.. like my eyebrows. As the day goes by, I hope I can love myself completely and accept me for who I am, so that people can do the same.


  90. I think this post was the best way to put this tough subject. I have seen a lot of post on other blogs and social media platforms talking about the same thing but they never used themselves as an example. I believe that if you can't point out you own "flaws" or the "bad" things about yourself it doesn't feel like you really believe in what you're talking about. This post was relatable and boosted my self-esteem and was a great reminder that I may not be perfect but thats OK because I'm happy and I'm one of a kind. :)
    Thank You Louise! xxx

  91. Hello Louise! I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your blogs, especially the "Motivational Mondays". Every time that I read your blogs I feel happier, inspired and ready to achieve my goals and to face my fears. It's like we are doing something together, and I love it. Please keep writing.

    Love you Louise, Tonia xxx

  92. I think this is the best post you've ever written ... so far at least.
    I usually pick out my flaws when I look at old pictures of myself but now I wonder why - I was happy and that's all that matters. :)


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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx

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