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Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Mummy Must Haves - Batiste, Liz Earle and No. 7

Aloha Bloggerinos,

As you can imagine, life with a newborn bambino is busy. Yes, they sleep, but when she sleeps, I like to sleep or I have to do all the boring housey things that can't be ignored and so pampering/hair/makeup/even a shower (!) seem to have been pushed to the bottom of the priorities list.

Despite needing to spend my time looking after Baby Glitter, doing boring housey stuff and sleeping, that doesn't mean I want to look a wreck and so have been finding and using products that suit my new needs. I'm thinking about making my 'Mummy Must Haves' a bit of a feature, because I think they could be applied to anyone who has a busy life/doesn't want to spend tonnes of time getting ready and wouldn't just be for Mummy's. What do you think? Yay or nay?

Batiste Dry Shampoo For dark and deep brown hair (rrp £3.05) :: Dry shampoo has been my saviour ever since I was in hospital to have Baby Glitter. As you can imagine, after 2 days of labour and a traumatic delivery, I hadn't exactly stayed fresh and with all the problems I had, the most I could manage the next few days was quick rinses in the shower, not a hairwash in sight! To combat this, I turned to this absolute gem. Why I haven't used it before fails me but better late than never.

It's super easy to use too, which is clearly a must when in a rush. You simply hold the can about 30cm away from your roots, spray, massage in with your finger tips, leave for a minute or so and then brush through! Within moments I feel much fresher and more presentable- wohoo!

I just had a quick looksie on the Boots website and noticed that Batiste also do a range with different scents (not for me as a scent freak) and also one with silver and one with gold shimmer- definitely something I will be checking out!! Alllsssooo, in celebration of the Royal Wedding, Batiste have brought out a limited edition union jack can (pictured above) that you can buy exclusively in in Superdrug  for a mere £2.19. Hurrah!

No 7. Quick Thinking Wipes (rrp £7) from Boots :: I buy these when Boots do their £5 Off Vouchers because I can't justify spending £7 on wipes (unless they are the AMAZING ones from MAC..drools). I have used these loads over the last 3 weeks, they are a godsend when you don't have time to properly cleanse and tone. Naughty but speedy. They smell nice, take off all my makeup and have enough moisture too the, (I say that because some brands of wipes feel really dry and rubbish).

Liz Earle Skin Brightening Treatment and Moisturiser :: I shan't go into a mini review or anything because I have done a proper Lou's Review on these HERE and HERE.

I've used the Brightening Treatment Mask a few times since Baby Glitter's arrival because it can be done in well under 5 minutes and it really does perk my skin up, which after a night of not much sleep, is a real necessity. I feel a bit more 'sorted' for the day once I've done this and like I have had a little treat.

I loved the Skin Repair Moisturiser from the moment I first used it and have been luxuriating in it ever since. This was my favourite product I took with me to the labour ward because it made me feel a bit more like Louise and less like a big wobbly mess. Also, the hospital was unbearably hot, so my skin was crying out for help. Sadly, I've run out of this now and am gutted. As soon as I get some pennies, I shall be buying another.

So Bloggerinos, have you tried any of those products? What do you think of my new feature? A keeper?




  1. Well I'm hardly a yummy mummy like you but am rather busy and have a horse, who is like my baby ;) I think your mummy must haves sound like a good idea! I couldn't live without dry shampoo! It is the best invention around. I have been known to use talcom powder when I run out which isn't as good but it makes do :) Hope you are enjoying being a busy mum!

  2. I lucky enough to have no- one but myself to care for but I still thought this was a great post. I have seriously never heard of Batise Dry shampoo, definately going to add this to my shopping list. Thanks for enlightening me. Hope all is well with Baby Glitter xx :o)

  3. Ahhh i would litreally die without batisste LOVE it..

  4. This would be a fab feature, great for those who are pushed for time like yourself :) xx

  5. I bought the no 7 wipes when they had thier £5 off vouchures. They last for ages too i just finished mines yesterday too.

    I would buy them again when teh vouchers are bck but i am the same i wont spend £7 on wipes.


  6. Great feature! I love Batiste, so handy for those mornings you wake up late or lazy :) xxx

  7. This is great. For a mom or for the lazy girl....which is me :-)

  8. Fab feature. A keeper indeed.

  9. Hi, I actually found a really good and cheaper alternative to Batiste dry shampoo. I did a post on my blog about it a few weeks ago.

    I actually prefer it over batiste. :)


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx

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