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Monday 12 January 2015

Motivational Monday || Head Space

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Woohoooo another Monday and another chance to try hard, work hard and reach your goals and targets. What's not to be excited about here? I jest, I know not everyone is a Monday person haha.

I don't know about you but I'm an over thinker. I am constantly busy thinking about people or things or events or conversations or arguments or projects or trips - it's EXHAUSTING!!

Last year I poured myself into everything. Every single thing. I feel like I gave so much to so much that I never had any left. I'm not talking financially but emotionally. Sometimes it's worthwhile taking stock and holding back a little bit, reassessing where all your energies are going and re-distributing.

Last week a couple of things happened which really made me think. I wondered if I have made the right choices with people or projects and poured my time and love into the right things. I felt frustrated and wound up. I think I might not be describing it well but that's because I am still a bit confused and het up myself. I haven't ironed it all out in my head yet but when I do, I'll try and explain it better. 

Until that point, and who knows how long it will take, I have come to a decision. 

I am going to give myself and my love and my time and my energies to only the people and projects I think are worthy. Worthiness can come in multifaceted manners but mostly, if you are kind to me, care about me and are a good egg yourself, you're in! Pretty simple! Bonus points if we can laugh, sing and adventure together too! Project-wise, I've already chosen what things I will be working on for the first half of the year so that's an easier choice.

Life is short and energy is precious. Don't waste it on the people who do not appreciate or reciprocate. There is no need to continuously work at something that doesn't work. Sometimes the best thing you can do is stop, smile and leave it.

I'm not suggesting you be a massive d*ckhead to everyone you don't quite like or feel hard done by, just that if you want or need to, walk away from it. Still be gracious and kind and pleasant (all energy neutral emotions) but no need to go full blast at things or people that don't deserve it. 

I hope you all have wonderful weeks full of peace, motivation and happiness! I have posts today, Wednesday and Friday. 




  1. Thanks Louise, this really helped 😊😊

  2. This was wonderful! great post :) x

    1. Well said, I'm going to remember that quote! x

      Beauty Aware

  3. Great motivational Monday Louise, I love the quote x


  4. This is so on point Louise! I needed this so much. I agree on everything because I'm an overthinker myself and most of the time I tend to give way too much to people who didn't deserve all the effort after all. As always, great Motivational Monday post!

  5. Love this motivational Monday!
    Its not easy giving do much of yourself to someone who doesn't appreciate it.
    Thanks Louise x

  6. This is wonderful! - I hope you're doing well, and I appreciate this. A lot. Have a good week!

  7. I've had to make similar decisions in my life recently and I know how hard it is. It's definitely a good choice to make to put yourself & your health and happiness first and I support you all the way in this. There's no point in pouring your all into people who lap it up but don't reciprocate. Much love xx

  8. This was honestly the perfect way to start my week. I need to start focusing more on the important things and less on the trivial and mind-fogging things. Thanks Lou! 😽

  9. Ooh loving this message! I do over think as well and do give a lot emotionally but I think like you say it's important to only make room for the people who matter and still be kind to everyone ❤

  10. I really enjoyed reading this Louise, I hope everything is alright in Glitter world as you are one of the most down to earth you tubers there is!

    Amazzable xo

    Find me at:

  11. I always look forward to my Monday evening (In NZ) reading Louise wisdom. Have a Fabulous week Louise. Here is a pointless smiley just for you =D.

    Kim x
    My Wonderland (

  12. AMEN SISTER!!!

    Sophie xx

  13. Very wise words as usual Louise, I completely agree that we should try to use our energy on things that are worthwhile, and if something goes wrong, the most mature way to handle it is to admit defeat in a gracious way, as you said! Have a great day :)
    Hannah x

  14. Couldn't agree more with this! In the past, I've always been scared to not be super friendly to someone, even if they didn't treat me very well. I've only realised over the past year or so that it's just much better to surround yourself with people who make you happy and not with those who make you feel like you are putting so much effort in when they just aren't. xx

  15. ah this quote is so relatable to me right now! great post doll!

    This Girl Loves Chic




  16. Nice blog post today chick; nothing better than a bit of motivation this Monday to set me up for the week. I agree that you get to a certain age or time in your life where you feel that your time could be better spent with those who make you feel happy and spend less time with those to devalue you at every turn. We all have those people in our lives who bring negativity but who we can't really slam the door in the face of; they may be a relative or a work colleague.
    Hope you have a good week chick and don;t allow yourself to be stretched too thinly across all your priorities. much love x

  17. I absolutely love this quote Louise! x

  18. This is something that I find that I do myself, I always put too much time and energy into every little thing and sometimes end up wearing myself down. My last term at uni was horrendous and I thought I wouldn't be able to finish this last part and graduate. Sitting down and reassessing as shown me I can as long as I can take a step back sometimes that I can :)
    This post is just lovely Louise xx

  19. What a great thought, this is something I need to put into practice myself. I constantly find myself being such a yes man and it just leaves me exhausted! There's nothing wrong with prioritising.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts Louise, they're always insightful :) xo

  20. I have trouble doing this too. What great advice ! I think I could really take it to heart ♥

  21. Fantastic motivational Monday, so glad I read this today!xx

  22. I definitely needed to read this today, thank you. Feeling extra inspired to work towards the things I really want this year, and leave the negative things and things that are out of my control behind. xo

    LJLV | UK Personal Style

  23. Such a good post, and excellent advice - there's no point wasting time on people who aren't bothered to spend their time on you! Love your Motivational Monday posts, Louise!

    Ciara x | Ciara Pocket

  24. Great post Louise! So motivating! I've been busy writing blog posts all morning and this has just given a second burst of energy! X

  25. you continue to be so inspiring and amazing. I love you so much Louise!

  26. This was wonderful! I think one of my favorite sayings that kind of goes along with what you're saying is "There's a difference between a reason and an excuse". So many times I've been caught in a situation where I've been treated not as well as I deserve, but I have this tendency to rationalize it all away. "Oh that person is going through a really hard time right now, so ..." But that's not okay. You can understand the reason for someone's behavior but that's not an excuse.

    xx Kathryn

  27. love this, always do what makes you happy hun. very inspiring.

  28. Thank you so much Louise, I feel like i have been the same way recently but i just couldn't put it into words and make sense of it. So thank you so much for this post, It helped a lot:):)

  29. This hit the big one. I will overthink situations to where I feel exhausted (most times when I haven't even taken the physical steps to starting anything). I will jump into a project or invest my time into someone who motivates and excites me at a particular moment. Some time will pass and as the true colors, or intentions/actions/characters, of a person start to appear, I will take a step back and distance myself physically and emotionally. Because I've shared so much and jumped in head first, certain aspects had disappointed, stunned, saddened, angered, annoyed and all around burnt me out in a whirlwind of emotions. Mostly it's the result of blinders and seeing the best intentions in everything. My thought is that I would NEVER, or at least not intent to, treat or make people feel the way I have felt coming out of a situation; as though, I was cheated and made to feel less than, or lied to, which is what pains and confuses me the most. In the past, I never wanted to disappoint people, so I've pushed myself to always make time and be there for everyone, even when looking at it now may have not been absolutely necessary. But I continue to do it, because I want to know I at least tried to be and do my best. If it doesn't pan out, I try to view it as a lesson and carry on to better things.

    Hang in there Louise. This was a great post and a good way to start a new year with a better focus on the more precious things and people in life. People and situations will always change, but if we have a center/core/focus to come back to, the chaos will eventually dissipate and all will align. Happy New Year Love. :)

  30. This is SO important x

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I need to live by this post much more than I do now.

    I'm in a situation where everyone's telling me what I need to do, and to a degree, they're right, but they're not looking at things from my point of view, and not sympathising with how I feel, and what I want from my life.

    I just want to be happy, but everyone around me and is just, "money, money, money."

    Thanks Louise, this post has made me smile.

  33. I love this post, I overthink things waaaay to much. Need to take some advise from you.



  34. I made getting a control of my anxiety a new years resolution last year and I'm so much happier now. Sometimes you just need to realise who's good for you in your life and who is causing unnecessary stress.

  35. I love your blog posts so much, huge help! ♡Love ya Louise♡ Have a great day everyone♡

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I was feeling really motivated today (with my fitness side of things etc) so i just couldnt wait to read your motivational monday and you did not disappoint! (like you ever could haha)
    This post is quite relevant to my life at the moment so thank you :)

  38. Monday's always seem to be better after reading your posts xx

  39. I looks forward to mondays because of these posts <3

  40. thank you this helped

  41. You are such an inspirational person Louise, thank you!
    The Other Dream Girl xxx

  42. This was such motivational, lovely post! thank you <3 xx

  43. So true Louise. It's like you have written down all my feelings in one post. Sometimes you need to stop, take a moment to assess the what you are investing in and change it. Love you so much.

  44. I love this post Louise! Last year I was the total opposite. I didn't push myself into any situation that I didn't want to do. I said no to too many opportunities. My new years goal this year is to say yes, but only too things that I will benefit from and have an experience where I can say I took something away from. I always love your blogs and vlogs! They are so motivational.
    Love always!

  45. Hi Louise, well you totally get into my mood today, and what I mean is that I'm thinking way too much today, overthinking about my ex, about school (+stressing out about grades) and just simply feeling bad because of it.. It makes me feel sick.

    But your post helped, it's good to remind those normal things to others sometimes.

    Hope you're having a lovely day!

  46. I really like your Motivational Monday posts. It's something I look forward to every week.

  47. This is lovely, and I've found myself in the same situation. After leaving high school, I realized that a lot of the people I hung out with were not worth my time. They put me down, and I thought, "Why do I put up with this?" Since starting college, I've met some incredible people who are worth my time. I decided to make myself happy, and that's why I'm in London studying now. I've decided to drop the things that make me unhappy and focus on what does. I hope you're finding out what makes you happy, and remember, this is only the beginning of the year! WE HAVE A WHOLE YEAR LEFT TO MAKE THIS THE BEST YEAR EVER. There's my motivation. Again, great post.

    Maggie D. xx

  48. Everything you said in this is so true at times. x

  49. Thankyou for this Louise, certainly made me think twice about things. Love you! x
    Eva x

  50. Love your motivational mondays..they always put a smile on my face. I'm a big overthinker and this had definitely helped me think more clearly <3 Love you Louise :-*

    Love Charlotte xxx

  51. LOVE IT . xox

  52. Love Motivational monday! Thank you louise X

  53. Love you Louise x

  54. This is such a brilliant post & I love love love the quote <3 xx

  55. Great advice, looove your blog! Xxxx

  56. Ah, your Motivational Mondays really are the best way to start a week. And this really helped, thank you xx

  57. I always love your motivational mondays but this one resonated with me very much. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I am the kind of person to give everything into friendships, often losing myself a bit in the process and it's indeed important to recenter and remember what really is important for you, what and who will make you grow and actually "get rid" of people who only take in your life. But it sure isn't easy !
    Anyway, great great post Louise, as always.

    Charlie xx

  58. I think headspace is something that we all take a bit for granted sometimes.

    Lizzie Dripping

  59. I really need to start living my life by this mantra. I spend half my life worrying about trivial things that I really shouldn't be letting bother me. Even my school life constantly comes back to haunt me in my thought with the what-ifs and should-haves, and that was ten years ago.
    I really need to re-teach myself to hang onto the good, and to only re-visit the negative if it is absolutely necessary.

    Kezia-Eloise |

  60. I love Motivational Mondays, these kind of posts always give me somthing to think about x

  61. I love the quote, really nice post :)

  62. Well good for you Louise! You want to feel good about the things you're making an effort on so why not choose the important things!

    Meme x

  63. Omg, this is so lovely. We can't write here all of our thoughts about this post. :3

    Love you!!!!! <3

  64. Such a good idea Louise - I can relate completely. The song that I play that represents these feelings is Jessie J - You don't really know me. It's almost a form of people pleasing, when you put all of your energy into other people, and help their ideas and projects. I think sometimes you have to take your emotions out of the situation, and put a business head on and think 'is this worth it'.

    Blog With Laura | My Blog

  65. I did a little motivational post over on my blog but I'm not a motivated person so I don't think it worked! haha. I really do love your posts though Louise, look forward to them every Monday!

  66. Such a great post. It's so true, sometimes we give so much to others that we can actually be taking away from ourselves. I hope you find a good balance and heaps more happiness.
    Sian xx

  67. This is a great post with wonderful points! I am such a pushover and people-pleaser, but lately I have kind of come to the same realization that I don't have to make space in my life for people who aren't going to do the same for me. I tend to give so much of myself to people, and don't always get that in return so that has been hard. However, I have found such great friends in college who genuinely care for me, so I feel like I'm in a much better place as of late!

    Kendra | It's a Bug's Life

  68. This is really motivational quote for me. I so loove it! can you post more? :)


  69. great post louise, love your outlook on life! x

  70. amazing blog post lousie

  71. Great advice to keep in mind, especially on a Monday


  72. Great advice Louise! I'm definitely an over-thinker too, but like you said, it's easier to let things go sometimes so i'll have to put that into practice!
    Chloe x

    Chloe | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  73. You definitely have the best words in this matter, like really we all tend to worry about things that aren't even supposed to be near us but some people like to trouble us for fun- it's like their energy pill.
    I love the way you write. Love you, Louise. <3

  74. This is such amazing advice, and I agree with everything you said! Best put it into practice now haha :)
    Jess :)

  75. I LOVE this blog Louise! Such amazing advice, and I'm sure it will help me and many other (if not all) Sprinklerinos out in the world! <3 Love you!

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Such great advice and so true!

  78. This is good advise, so glad I read this

  79. Louise, you're the best!!! Great post!!!

  80. This is the way I have started looking at things recently and it is so much more peaceful, and when I read this I was like "YES!". Loved this post Louise :)

  81. Great quote :) I also like "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent." BOOM take that 2015 xx

  82. Louise I love this post! So true and similar to the advice I give and need to follow myself!!

  83. I so needed to read a lovely post like this! Great advice!

  84. I read this post after an especially hard start to this week. I also think too much and give more time and thought to people than I usually do to myself. One of my best friends is always telling me to get out of my head, not worry about things, and just let them happen naturally. I'm going to try to do this and only give space to the "good tenants" in my life if I do worry about people. I love your posts so much, especially today! It was exactly what I needed to cheer me up and get me through this week.

  85. Lovely post and I agree completely ! xxx
    Dreams and Sunshine

  86. I get what you mean, I'm on the same boat. But I think mostly my problem is that is very hard for me to let go of those things even if I know it's not working out because it's either something I love or something I really want in my life. So I'm focusing on learning to let go of people/things that are not meant to be in my life, I guess. I don't know if I'm making any sense. Hope you find a way to clear up some of that space and share what you find along the way :)

  87. Such a lovely post Louise, I love your Monday posts :)

    I often think similar things...wonder if I am losing my way somewhere, and realise I just need to take a step back. When I am lost in a fog of whatever I am focused on in that moment, I often find myself thinking "life will be more settled after" *insert "the wedding is done", "I've changed jobs" "we've moved house" etc*. I find this concept really hard to describe, but if anyone ever finds them self thinking of "life will be better once...etc", then you might know what I mean? The thing is, there is always something new to focus on once one thing is done. Once one thing is complete, I'm onto the next "life will be better once...", aghhh that's what life is I guess!

    Woah, that sounds deep! I am a mostly happy person with very few real worries, so why do I always find myself thinking the above? So thankful for my Husband who can see when my brain is in a pickle and will sit me down to blurt it all out and try to clear my head!

    Waffle over! Love, Abi xx

    1. I know what you mean, I feel that way when I'm in school (I study engineering) 'cause it's hard to manage my time and be able to do other things. But I think the conflict lies in not being able to be in the present so I keep thinking about the future, this quote from C.S. Lewis helped me to be able to push a little more/do my best. “If we let ourselves, we shall always be waiting for some distraction or other to end before we can really get down to our work. The only people who achieve much are those who want knowledge so badly that they seek it while the conditions are still unfavorable. Favorable conditions never come.”

    2. Since what we think would be the favorable condition will never come (which I suppose it's only an excuse for ourselves) I find it better to work at whatever I got going at the moment and make the best of it. I hope I could add another perspective and best of luck! :)

  88. I love this post.

    First of all, I always thought I was weird because I love Mondays - they feel like a new start to a week of wonderful opportunities! Glad to see other people think similarly :-)

    Second of all, I think it's really important to keep your mind busy with things (and people) that truly matter. I went probably two whole years thinking about a betrayal that really left me wounded and this took up SO much of my energy and emotional strength that I could have well used on something a lot more productive.

    Now that I feel like I finally got over it, I look back and see what I got from all of that wasted time. Nothing. Ts post definitely hit home for me. Thanks for sharing. xo

  89. Youre just precious! Do whatever makes you happy love! Feel love and give love. Moderation is key! <3 ya Louise

  90. You are so wise....quite beyond your years. Little Darcy is a very lucky little duck to have such a sensitive, intelligent and adoringly kind mummy!
    Xoxoxo to you and yours.


  91. I admire your enlightened words and every word I read from your motivational Monday posts, makes my days just a little better :) thanks! <3

  92. Without saying it anywhere near as eloquently as you, this was one of my New Years Resolutions this year. There are a few people who I was letting get to me far far too much towards the end of last year, and it was making me very tense and anxious every time I had to be near them. I've decided not to give them the satisfaction of being in my head and affecting me this year. I know I'm a better person than they are, so I should just carry on doing my own thing and nevermind if they hate on me. Haters gonna hate!

    Rachel x
    The Inelegant Wench

  93. This really struck a chord with me Louise. 2015 is all about being healthy, happy and stress free. I think the very fact that you question yourself and the things you do makes you a decent, aware human being and an intelligent, conscientious role model. I had a little reevaluation of my life choices and people I decide to surround myself with at the end of last year. I've taken a little time and worked things through in my head and I can honestly say that i feel much happier and stronger because of it. Just remember..... “Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter and Those Who Matter Don't Mind.” Dr Seuss

    Georgia x

  94. Love love you !

  95. This is really inspirational Lou. I am sure everything is going to go well for you. Always love you x

  96. What a lovely post Louise! Im going to save this and read whenever i feel down in the dumps!
    October born


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx

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