Aloha Sprinklerinos,
In my Christmas obsessed mind, the minute Bonfire Night is over, I can go 100% crazy for tinsel, cards and fairy lights. If I'm totally honest, I've been thinking about them since September, but once November the 6th rolls round, I feel like I have a full festive license.
(Image ::
I've always been one for Christmas. I love the magic and the warmth of it all. I love the way family comes together, and the traditions that are upheld. When I was younger, my family life was pretty up and down to say the least, and so I never spent Christmas in one place or had any notable traditions, I just slotted in with whoever's house I was at and celebrated their way.
Now that I have my own family (and my wider family is a lot more settled and happy), I enjoy making new traditions that we can honour each year and embed into our yuletide memories. Since Matt and I have been together for many years now and this will be our 2nd Christmas with Baby Glitter, I thought I would share some of the ones we already have, and some that we are going to put into action this season.
Old Christmas Traditions
Decor. Buying Baby Glitter a new tree decoration each year. There's never a theme, just one that we think is beautiful. Then, when she leaves home as a grown up lady, we'll give her them all and she'll have a ready made set for her own tree, full of meaning and sentiment.
Films and Party food. Matt and I get a bit giddy over miniature party food. You know the type- mini pizzas, mini quiche, mini hotdogs, mini samosas etc. Since it's the season of indulgence, we take ourselves off to the supermarket, buy a couple of boxes of party food, pick a film and then sit with only the fairy lights on (Darcy is in bed by now), eating our party food and watching a film. High on calories, low on disappointment!
Parties. If there is a Christmas Party to go to, I'm there! I'm like a magnet to them. My favourite thing for them isn't actually the being there, but the prep. I like to make platters of food to take and pick something glitzy to wear and then step out into the cold air and feel excited for the evening. In my books, it's a pretty magical feeling.
Baking. Every year I have grand plans that I will be a total domestic goddess and bake treats for all the family. Every year it fails miserably in and every year I cry, then laugh about it. I doubt this year will be any different!
Carol Service. The church our family goes to is wonderful all year round, but at Christmas it is extra special. The service is so popular that you usually need to arrive about an hour before-hand just to secure a seat. It's lit up with twinkle lights and the smell of hot mince pies drift round whilst children dressed as angels run about gleefully. I love it. Last year Baby Glitter was a bit too tiny to dress up, but this year I can't wait to see her in fluffy white wings and a halo.
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New Christmas Traditions
I'm going to stick to just three so that we can really focus on them and not get too lost.
A good deed. This year I feel like I have really ingratiated myself into our local community. I know my neighbours, I'm friends with the local playgroups, I like my hair salon, the man at the corner shop is always nice to me and the postman smiles. I feel very rooted. To kind of say 'thank you', I'd like to do something nice back and I've decided that I'm going to ring around local care homes and ask if I could go in and maybe offer my nail painting services. I have an insane amount of nail polish and would love to offer a bit of pampering. If they say that's not possible, I'll ask if there is anything else me and Baby Glitter can do. We're willing and cheery.
Pinning. 2012 was the year I discovered Pinterest (thanks to THIS lady! Check her out please) and am officially hooked! I've decided building my 'Christmas Glitter' board will be a certified tradition since it makes me so very, very happy!
Crafts. Making things with paper and glue and glitter makes me insanely pleased. This year, Darcy is old enough to join in (she's rather partial to putting stickers on coloured card) and so we are going to get our arty hats on and see what beauties we come up with. I'm sure I will instagram them (as I do most things), so if you'd like to see, I am @Sprinkleofglitr on the app.
Christmas traditions is something I could talk endlessly about but I think I will leave it there for now. I would absolutely LOVE to hear what your traditions are and if you will be setting any new ones.
Ahh this has made me so excited for christmas! Im watching The Holiday with fairy lights on right now, sooo festive :)
Love that film .. I know what I'm doing this evening now!
Deleteaha same here! Best christmas movie ever!
DeleteThe nail painting is so nice, your such a lovely person Louise, hope you and matt and baby glitter have a wonderful Christmas xx
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love Christmas, definitely my favourite time of the year! We don't really have any traditions, usually I spend Christmas with my nan and my mum and then go to a party with the rest of my family later on in the evening but thats about it. Although I do love the traditional Christmas food and films eeeeeek x
Oh my god, that first picture is just amazing. Totally captures the "magic" of Christmas, as you put it.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you have your own little family to make your own traditions and seasonal warmth with :)
- Erin xo - One girl's attempt at creating 365 different make-up looks in as many days
I love these pictures, They are so festive! Excited for Christmas!
ReplyDeleteSita xx
I'm with you on the excitement of party prepping! It's sad that the prep is sometimes the best part.. Every Christmas morning my family and I watch the Holiday Inn with Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire. It's a Christmas Classic! Lovely post, put me in the holiday spirit:)
ReplyDeleteI adore the idea of buying baby glitter a tree decoration every year, I'll try to remember that one for when I have kids x3. We don't really have Christmas traditions in my family so I'll probably have really over the top Christmas' when I have a family of my own ^.^
ReplyDeleteAlexi x
I'm going to really get into Christmas this year, including hanging my Christmas bunting!x
Sooo cute buying Darcy a new christmas decoration each year! I still have special ones from when I was little! I adoreee christmas! Xx
ReplyDeleteSuch lovely ideas and will no doubt fulfill many hearts aglow with your caring heart!! Every moment with your darlings will become memorable during the holidays! I love Christmas and all that comes with it!!! May you and your family have a most splendid time during the holidays!!! Love the pictures.....beautiful!!!!! <3
ReplyDeleteThis post totally got me in a festive mood! I'm watching love actually right now, while I'm mentally working on my christmas list, best time of the year!
ReplyDeleteRose xxx
I love the christmas films! x
ReplyDeletei've been excited for Christmas since September too! Absolutely love the idea of a new christmas tree decoration for baby glitter each year -so sweet :) xxx
I love Christmas too, I can't wait until I have a family of my own to share it with. At the moment my family is all disjointed and the actual day in question normally ends in tears but I love getting ready for Christmas anyway! Especially the glitter.
(Sorry for being a Debbie Downer!)
Christmas is my favourite time of the year :) love your traditions, its very kind of you to give something back to the community. We're spending our first christmas alone as a couple this year so will have to have a think about what traditions we need to put in place xx
ReplyDeleteI love your traditions, both old and new! Totally agree with the party food one and I love the idea of making a decoration collection for Darcy, that's such a good idea. I also think I'm going to take inspiration from your good deed and give something back too. You're such a lovely and genuine person xx
ReplyDeleteAghh I love Christmas! Thanks for boosting my love even more"
ReplyDeleteAw, Louise~ This made me SO excited for Christmas! Your blog never ever fails to make me smile! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with Baby Glitter and Matt! xxxxxx <3 <3 <3
ReplyDeleteThat nail painting idea is so lovely, I hope someone takes you up on your offer.
ReplyDeleteI do like a lot of things about Christmas and try not to be bitter. However, I can't help thinking about people who have no family or who can't afford a lot of nice things and how they must feel that Christmas and the 'everyone must be happy and in a perfect family and have millions of presents' message on TV and in magazines is shoved down everyone's throats from October.
Anyway, Rant over. It's really nice that you are trying to help people who may feel like that so good for you :) I should do the same.
awww louise! this blogpost has defiantely got me in the christmas spirit! i saw the john lewis christmas ad today, this is the sign that its sociablly acceptable to start looking forward to santas visit!:D
This has made me so excited add to the fact that I saw the Cocoa Cola advert on tv tonight which officially means christmas is on the way.
ReplyDeleteTraditions in my household are old and ancient and we've been doing them since I can remember:
- We have new pjyamas and slippers on christmas eve every year, this signifies christmas for me
- We also have a massive cheese feast on christmas eve, I don't exactly know whats christmasy about it, it's just something we've always done LOL.
This year will be a bit up and down because my sisters baby is due on the 29th and its likely to be early LOL
Stacie xoxo
ehrm mah gawd. This makes me so excited for christmas! I live in a very snowy state in the states, and I'm so excited to see the fluffy snow and cuddle up in sweaters. xL
ReplyDeleteThis is so festive, can't wait for christmas :)
I really want snow and Christmas! I've been getting excited since November 1st rolled over! I just want to go wiiild and start buying loads of presents for my parents and mostly my sister. It's so easy to shop for my sister.
ReplyDeleteA Bite of Glamour
I loved this post! It was so beautiful to read hun :-) I'm excited for holiday season too..after a bad year It's nice to have something like Christmas to look forward too! xxx
ReplyDeleteGreat post, I've been excited for Christmas since the 26th December last year (I'm a Christmas fanatic) and this has made me even more excited! I love your traditions, especially the one where you buy Darcy a Christmas decoration each year, I think that is such a cute idea :). X
This made my heart melt. Yours will too at the care homes - my nan was in one last Christmas before she passed away and people would come in to do the same. Even though cancer made her unresponsive you could see how happy and grateful she was. You'll definitely be making someone's mum's/nan's day xx
ReplyDeleteSuch a lovely post Louise :) Im with you on the long Christmas season, for me the second Halloween is over I'm in Christmas mode!xx
ReplyDeletei love christmas too! this is such a great post! got me so excited!! :)
You're such an amazing person Louise, Darcy is lucky to have such a wonderful mother! xxx
ReplyDeleteThis post is so heartwarming once again! I live in Australia and always dreamt of a White Christmas. I can't even wear a Christmas sweater without drenching in sweat. It is a little bit early but I hope that you have a beautiful Christmas! x
I love Christmas! Reading about the ornaments you want to give Baby Glitter reminds me of the ornaments my Aunt buys me each year. Every year she buys a plain ornament (usually purple). She then gets a glue gun and writes my name and the year on the ornament. Then she roles it through glitter and ta-da! A very individual, glitter-y ornament!
ReplyDeleteI hope this gives you some ideas.
Such great traditions! My birthday is on Christmas, so I take it upon myself to do something very generous or kind around that day. It makes me cheerful to see others cheerful.
ReplyDeleteI love Christmas so much, this has got me in such a festive mood!:-D Yay omg I'm so excited!! I need to start doing Christmas posts on my blog!! Yayyyy xxxx
ReplyDeleteSo glad I'm not the only one that gets overly excited as soon as bonfire night is over! Lovely Christmassy post that has got my right in the mood for Christmas now! x
ReplyDeletewow sounds lovely!
ReplyDeletewe normally drive round the bug houses with extreme christmas decor outside on christmas eve eve! then on christmas morning we eat croissants and white chocolate fingers! definitely the most wonderful time of the year!
Project Rattlebag
Create post, I love Christmas so much, I will be doing crafts and all sorts of things
Great post im so cant wait for christmas to come!;)
aw i love your Christmas traditions reminded me of being a kid again!! i cant wait for Christmas!!
How wonderful that you are creating new family traditions during the holidays. I like the ideas of baking and doing good deeds.
ReplyDeleteThe idea with the christmas tree ornament is just *aaaawwwwwwww* so sweet. Who wouldn't love that?!
I absolutely love Christmas traditions, family & friend time but its way way too early for Christmas now x
This is so nice! It really got me in Christmas mood. I would like to start some new traditions :)x
ReplyDeleteAhhhhh Christmas makes me so giddy! My current tradition is watching the old cartoon version of The Grinch under a duvet at about 6 in the morning, when it's far too early to open any presents. I'm absolutely refusing to buy any mince pies until December 1st this time as I don't want to go overboard and be bored of them by Christmas. Traditions I'm carrying on include everybody having a stir of the Christmas cake mixture and making a wish for the year ahead as they stir, and a home-made 'santa sack' (basically a glitzy pillow case with our names on, sewn by my Granny!) to be opened together as a family at the foot of the parents' bed before having breakfast, getting dressed and opening the "tree presents". Next Christmas will be my first Christmas as "Mummy", and one of the things I'm most excited about is getting to see these traditions live on!
ReplyDeleteawww this has really got me in the mood for christmas xx
I can't wait for Christmas. Dressing up. Eating numerous amounts of food without feeling guilty (until next week). We buy the Christmas TV guide and set all the christmassy movies- not really a tradition but we do it every year! Love the pictures too! x
ReplyDeleteOh, I remembered another tradition that you might like to do with Darcy! On top of the usual mince pie for Santa and a carrot for the reindeer, my Mum would mix dry porridge oats with glitter and keep them in a jar labelled "reindeer food". Before bed, my brother and I would sprinkle some on the doorstep/down the path a bit, so that the reindeer would know where to land. Inexpensive but totally effective way to get kids excited about Christmas Eve! She also continues to send me a 'Christmas Eve present' - as children my brothers and I would get a new set of PJs and a game to play/DVD to watch together. She's a little young to appreciate it now, but in a few years I bet Baby Glitter would love that!
ReplyDeleteThe candles and baubles are so nice! The brighter the better x
ReplyDeletei'm SO exited for Christmas !!
ReplyDeletexx Liyana
PS : i just wanted to let you know that i'm having a MAC giveaway
on my blog to celebrate my first month of blogging !
Ah these sound so cute. I love the tradition of buying Darcy a new Christmas tree decoration each year!
ReplyDeleteDaniella x
Love this post Louise. Looking forward to any other Christmas themed posts you have planned! :D xx
ReplyDeleteThere's something incredibly magical about the spirit of Christmas; heart-warming, joyous and full of love. My favourite time of the year! My little Christmas tree's twinkling away in the corner of the room as I type this :)
ReplyDeletethis is so amazing!♥
I think that's a lovely idea to visit the care homes, I bet you'll brighten their day!
Great traditions! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!! <3 xxx
This blog post has already got me in the mood for christmas. I actually can't wait. I always used to do the making of the decorations but that has kind of died down since I've growm up ( a bit) now although I still have that christmas spirit. I'm planning to watch all of the christmas movies like miracle on 34th Street and other classics. Baby Glitter will look adorable in her fluffy white wings and a halo. Although christmas is a while away, happy early christmas! :)
We have a similar tradition to yours regarding Christmas Decorations, we also buy our girls decorations each year. Well they chose them and we buy them. I hadn't thought of giving them back when they move out so they already have memories and decorations, I will borrow that idea now if I may?
ReplyDeleteAlso each Christmas we all, even the husband, get new fluffy pyjamas, and Christmas Eve, after myself and the youngest have been to church, we have a evening service around 6.30ish, we all have a shower/hairwash and get into our pyjamas and watch a Christmas film together, I always have difficulty finding a new one each year, so I will be looking into this soon. Then my oldest, who is now eighteen will read to us all 'Twas the night before Christmas', she has been doing this for as long as she can read, then the kids are off to bed and hubby and I get all manner of things ready for the next day.
Each year my Mother In Law takes daughter out to a Pantomime, before my youngest she took my eldest, who is now too old. When littley is out of the way we put all our decorations up, we started this tradition with the eldest, and get the tree all set up. When Gracie gets back we get her to put the star on top of the tree. Before that it was Eveigh who did it, now Eveigh gets to life Gracie up as she can't reach, so is still part of this tradition.
This year will be the first year we are having a real Christmas tree, I'm so excited.
We have many more traditions, I won't bore you with any more!!!
Hi Louise:),
ReplyDeleteI see, that you love christmas and the whole season as I do too:) I always enjoy to read your post and so I've decided to nominate you for "The Liebster Award" - check out my channel and read the post to know what to do:):
Wish you a nice day:)
I really really love your idea of giving something back to people who are just nice to you. That's sooo lovely! :)
I thought I was the only one who got excited about Christmas in September! Haha, I am totally in love with this post and all you Christmas traditions, so cute!
ReplyDeleteLauren x
In my family we have a fair few traditions, one that's died out recently (insert frowny face) is where my grandparents would make a story and the characters in the story were the names of my dad's old tree decorations from when he was a kid, and throughout the story there would be hints as to where each decoration/character was hiding in the house.
ReplyDeleteOne that's still going is sitting as a family and watching The Polar Express after dinner on Christmas day, or buying Christmas PJ's for each-other and opening them on Christmas eve to wear that night.
Christmas is by far my favourite holiday :)
Early merry Christmas to you!
Alice x
I am SO excited for Christmas! And baking is always top of my list! I'm making jam and chocolates for all my friends and family this year :)
ReplyDeleteAimée Xx
Every year me ans my brother tidy up the sitting room on Christmas Eve so that Santa's impressed by how clean and tidy it is and wont trip over anything - we still do this now and we're 17 and 13! I love baking things for people (although it goes wrong a lot too!) and decorating and the songs and just EVERYTHING! Loved this post Louise! xxx
ReplyDeleteEvery year, me and my family all put the christmas tree up on my birthday as it is 12 days before christmas, we then take it down on my step dad's birthday as his birthday is 12 days after christmas, it gives me more to look forward to when my birthday is coming up! :)
ReplyDeleteI too am christmas obsessed, Your christmas sounds wonderful. I can't wait till I am all grown up and can start my very own christmas traditions x
Great Christmassy post! I think I'm officially in the Xmas spirit. Thanks x
Oh soooo Christmassssy!!!! :D xx
ReplyDeleteLove, love the idea of Baby Glitters' tree decoration-set!
ReplyDeleteI have stolen...taken some of my favourit ornaments from my parents house (if they'd only thought about giving them to me voluntarily when I moved out...) and those are my favourites. They always get a special place on the tree and are stored away with two to twelve extra layers of wrapping paper to keep them safe.
My only christmas tradition is doing a 'tour' around the village dropping in on all of my relatives drinking hideous drinks that they think 'young folk' like, bacardi breezers and snowballs a plenty
ReplyDeleteAw! Now i want christmas haha!
ReplyDeleteOne tradition that we've had since I was pretty young is that my mom always buys lots of cookies, sweets, and especially chocolates for the holidays. It is the one time of year our table is always covered with amazing sweet things to eat, and since it is only once a year I don't feel so guilty indulging =)
ReplyDeleteChristmas is the best time of the year. Full stop. No debates. It's a great excuse to make things and give them to people. Also, I think your idea of doing a good deed is lovely.
ReplyDeleteFrankie xx
Ooh, sounds like so much fun! I love Christmas traditions!
ReplyDeletePip x
That is a lovely idea to volunteer your services Louise :)
ReplyDeletei spend a lot of time with the older generation in my job, and sometimes they just enjoy a little bit of company especially when they dont have alot of family!
Lovely post as always!! Love how you are going to be doing some good Christmas deeds, such a sweet idea!!Hope you have another amazing Christmas this year! :) ♥
ReplyDeleteWon't repeat I loved this post as much as I love all of your posts [woops I just did]. Christmas has to be my favourite time of the year :) 'The good deed' shows you're an angel xx
ReplyDeleteAwwwww I love this post!! I adore christmas, easily the best time of year! Have a great christmas, its always better getting to be santa ;) :)
I love everything about this post <3 I start getting excited for christmas from September Xx
ReplyDeleteloving these pictures.
awwh the idea of the tree decorations for baby Glitter is sooo cute!! I love Christmas too, am so excited already :) x
Oooh I feel so festive now (any excuse). I love the bauble tradition.
ReplyDeleteI also love crafting. In fact, I've made a homemade (very easy) Advent calendar for my nephew over on my blog. Have a peek if you get a min x
Great post I'm so excited for Christmas too :) even more so this year having a new baby there love the traditions you have may have to make some up of my own now I have a little family . Sophie xx
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I'm not the only one who goes crazy for Christmas so early on! Bring on the fairy lights, that's what I say!
ReplyDeleteAw, it's lovely hearing about all your traditions (in an admittedly I'm-very-nosey sort of way.) My mumsy and I are off visiting family in Newcastle for Christmas this year, so it won't be what I'm used to tradition-wise, but it'll certainly be fun to have something a bit different - and to be in a city I absolutely love!
Oh. I've gone giddy again.
Xx. Emma @
Every year, my mom, dad, brother and I get together (my brother nor I live with our parents anymore), usually the night before Christmas Eve, and have our annual "Red & Green" meal! Quite self explanatory; we make a meal of foods that are red and green! Sometimes it's lasagna and salad, or pesto loaf with red potato, etc. And we always turn off all the lights and burn a bunch of white candles in the center of the table! It's so wonderful and we always have such a memorable time :) It's the little things like that I look forward to every year! Blessings to you and your sweet family! - Jenna
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to not be the only one already excited for Christmas! My husband and I already exchanged one early present. I got him an Orioles baseball tree ornament and he got me a Hello Kitty Santa ornament! I'm thinking this could be a new tradition for us, exchanging ornaments for the tree! Can't wait to go out and buy our tree so we can start trimming it! :) Yay!
Oh My! Your decor idea for Baby Glitter and tree decorations just made me cry! What an utterly gorgeous idea :)
ReplyDeleteFor us tradition is a big thing (especially since losing my Mum last Christmas). No Christmas chocs are to be eaten (even though they have been bought weeks in advance!) before Christmas Eve. The tree goes up no longer than 14 days before the big day (I like to build the anticipation) and it is always always decorated with either Christmas music or a festive film playing in the background. Christmas Eve is spent with mulled wine, watching Carols from Kings and I always spend some time thinking about and toasting with a big glass of red, how lucky I am to be able to experience festive cheer and also thinking about those who are no longer with us.
Lets hear it for festive traditions! :)
Ahhh your post has just got me even more excited for Christmas! Love all the pics!
ReplyDeleteGillian x
Oh dear, its only the 12th of November and already Im aéready dancing around with excitement for Christmas! I bought Christmas crackers and wrapping paper this weekend in preparation...its never too early right? :P xxxx
ReplyDeleteI love making crafty stuff and I've already made some xmas bunting and a bauble wreath for my front door :) would llove for you to check out my blog.
beka x
Just found your blog dear. I love Christmas atmosmphere!
ReplyDeleteHope you'll visit me, I will be so grateful :)
Lots of kisses, Elena
I'm now super excited for christmas! I'm from Poland (but live in the U.K) and found how different the two traditions are! It's so wierdly cool to see different points of view on such a huge celebration! <3 xo
you sound exactly like me!
ReplyDeletei love the parties, the films and all the festive foods!
and by the way its never early for Christmas have watched the Grinch twice this week and also the Polar Express.
But I'm so excited for this year as we are getting a real Christmas tree, which we have never had!
I absolutely love the idea that you buy a decoration for Darcy every year so that she can have them all when she's older, that's such a sweet tradition. My boyfriend and I are the same with party food, you can't beat it xx
ReplyDeleteSuch a nice tradition! be nice if Darcy then went on to do it with her children xx
ReplyDeleteI loved this post! You have got me thinking of all things Christmassy!
ReplyDeleteMy birthday is Christmas Eve so I always get excited for Christmas time and i'm already driving my mum crazy to put the tree up asap!
ReplyDeleteOne of my favourite traditions that we have in my family is that there's a santa's sleigh ornament with glittery fake flowers in it that always sits beside our television. My dad got it for my mum when i was born and it's got real sentimental value for all of us. :) xx
From one glitter fan to another please check out and follow my sparkly inspired blog xXx
ReplyDeleteSome great things in this post, christmas is such a lovely time of year. I'm currently writing a blog and a lot of my posts are christmas related. Would love for yo to take a look x
beka x
so lush xxx
i do love this post! and christmas decorations
I start looking forward for christmas all the time back in September! Your traditions are so sweet, Louise!
I am absolutely addicted to Christmas at the moment! I have just posted a Christmas haul:D Love your blog! xx
Love this post, I'm the same I started thinking about Xmas months ago. My partner and I have bought 1 (or 2 or 5) special tree ornaments each year. We only have a 4ft tree now in our flat but I'm hoping when we have a house and a 6ft tree we'll have collected enough ornaments to fill the tree. This year, for the first time, we put together shoe boxes for the Samaritans operation Christmas child. Happy Christmas to you and your Glitter family. Xx
ReplyDeleteI love Christmas candles and lights!! Makes my heart melt!
I love the tree decoration idea! I totally would not have thought of that and obviously my mum never either as I spent a stupid amount of money on decorations for my Christmas tree last year haha!
ReplyDeleteAlthough I haven't made any of my own traditions since moving out, my favourite family tradition at Christmas time is on the 1st of December we all open our advent calendars together with Christmas music- one specific album we've been playing for years haha- and open a big tin of roses. Best thing ever :)
I am always in high spirits when I see Christmas symbols. It always makes my day very lively.
ReplyDeleteI Love Christmas. I make beaded Christmas balls and I really need to get a new tree this year and make more balls. My Christmas tradition is mainly to work that day. I get paid, but it's not much fun.
ReplyDeletesuch a cute post :)
ReplyDeletexxxxx abby
This post is adorable. Our family do the same tradition each year, buying a new decoration for me. I think it's such a cute idea. Baby Glitter will be pleased when she gets them all I'm sure :)
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower too
Louise, this post has sparked my Christmas excitement finally! I'm definitely going to make a Christmas Pinterest board now! I'm so looking forward to decorating this year, it's my first time living alone, so I get to make it my own happy Christmas style! It's really very exciting.
ReplyDeleteBut this was a lovely post! Very enjoyable! I hope your Christmas season is absolutely lovely with Baby Glitter!
xoxo Elizabeth
(and wow, I said Christmas a lot...)
Awww this post is so lovely :) I love Christmas and thinking what perfect gifts to give people. One of our family traditions was to always go to the cinema Christmas eve to watch a Christmas film-it always calmed my autistic brother down before the actual day. Your idea to go into care homes is such a good one-my nan died in the summer and that was something she wanted us to do for her! I wish I was more socialable but I'm a bit of a wallflower so deffinately enjoy getting ready for a party more than the party usually ha ha!
ReplyDeleteAww this post is adorable! When I'm older and have children I hope to make as many memories as I can for them!
I would really appreciate it if you could come check me out xx
I am new to blogging and I see you have TONS of followers and your blog is amazing... I love everything... I kept wanting to find a LIKE button.. Thanks for sharing everything.............. Happy Thanksgiving !!!!!!! Sherry @ The Rusty Pearl.. (TEXAS )
ReplyDeleteAw, I loved reading this post! I'm so excited for Christmas already! ♥
I watch Love Actually at Christmas and I love it. This was such a lovely blog post Louise! I didn't realise you had one until I saw Zoe mention you on her blog :) Your blog is amazing! :)
ReplyDeleteI love all the traditions you americans have! In here we have a few too but they are nothing like in the US! Lovely blog! x
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely Christmas post! :) I love the holiday...just feel sadder this year because I'm not going home for it :(
ReplyDeletebtw Lovely blog! :)
Lovely post Louise I to love Xmas and all that comes with it !! You should make salt dough decoration with Darcy she would love it and you can keep them forever :)
ReplyDeleteThis is such an inspiring post!
ReplyDelete - Currently hosting a giveaway!
Reading this has actually made me soooo excited for christmas! i love my family's christmas traditions they mean so much to me, and i think the buying a christmas decoration every year is such a cute idea :)
Hello Sprinkle of Glitter!
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog from your hilarious and very lovely youtube page. I really love your blog and I find all that you have to say makes me a very happy bunny, indeed! I have just become one of your many followers and can't wait to see your posts to come.
Lots of Love,
Chloe-jane xx
P.S I think all of your photos here are so pretty and well done! You are a truly talented Mummy! :D
ReplyDeleteChristmas is my all time favourite thing in the world and my countdown starts in about August ! I'm ridiculously excited! Hope you have a good'n!
if anyone could tell me how to follow a blod or become a member or what not, please could you let me know through my blog :) thankyouuuu
So many lovely wintery items! Can't wait to decorate for Christmas!
Our xmas tree is already up since last week. How I love this season!
ReplyDeleteIts nice to make traditions and ive now got one for my own and hope I can get my family into as well and is also helping a charity by starting from this year on the 16th dec ill be christmas caroling but with a twist i'll be signing them while i sing them with a bunch of other people in windsor. There is two charitys that we will be raising money for south east berskshire Deaf childrens Society and soundseekers.I hope to maybe have a video up on youtube which i will link with my blog later on which if your intrested can have a look at.
ReplyDeleteIts nice to know that there is other people out there willing to help out around christmas i hope the care homes allow you to paint their nails i think they would love it
Your such a lovely person :) thanks for making me feel all Christmasy
What a lovely blog post :) I am too getting right into the Christmas spirit!
ReplyDeleteI'd love for you to check out my blog please. :)
Lauren xx
love this post made me excited for Christmas :D
Eeeeee, I love Chrimbo, your post has made me feel all christmassy...I'm off to London tomorrow, can't wait to see Oxford street all lit up!
I have a love hate relationship with Christmas, but I do love a good deed :)
Oh goodness, I absolutely LOVE christmas and all the festivities. Unfortunately my family don't really celebrate in :(. I do love how Christmas brings us all together though, if you know what I mean, I feel like more of a community, but maybe that's only me :) xxx
Couldn't resist but decorate my room already even though it's November. I'm so excited!! :)
My family always hosts a huge christmas party where all the relatives get together. Definatley my favourite time of the year! :)
I am rather excited myself. The image of the beautiful Christmas tree (always real in my family ... ooohhh the smell!) and fire place just gives me the shivers. This year I'm more excited than usual and I can't wait to see my little sister's face when she opens her presents - It's always a picture!
ReplyDeleteLovely post Lou!
I love Christmas Festival. I like to decorate my home during this festival. This time I will decorate my home with acheter sapin de noel artificiel.
ReplyDeleteThank You!!!
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