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Monday, 1 October 2012

Amazing Advertiser Update

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Autumn is flying by, non?

A couple of people have been asking where my 'Amazing Advertiser' post is as you enjoy getting to know the folk in the side bar a bit more and I thought I would keep you in the loop because that's what being a Sprinklerino is all about.

I usually run ads from the 3rd to the 3rd and do all the bookings myself. I have been doing it this way for a year now and it has grown (hurrah!) to be quite a big job. With everything else in life getting busier and busier (Baby G is now a toddler dashing about and I have 2 YouTube Channels) I was finding it increasingly difficult to manage and felt like I was struggling to keep on top of things.

At some point during this week I will be introducing a new way to book ads which is easier, safer, more accurate and in some of the packages - cheaper. 

The ads currently in the side bar will remain there probably til about Friday (unless I have some free time on Weds or Thurs) and then will all be removed. To rebook slots (with the exception of those who pre paid last month), there will be a new, fair, shop like system - I promise you'll love it!! Before then, I will also do September's Amazing Advertiser post- hooray.

So, I guess this is my way of saying, 'Hey there, my hands are up, I've struggled this month. We need a new way and it's going to be great'.

Have you read any of the side bar ladies blogs? You should, there are some crackers in there!




  1. You could always just hire me to sort it all out, I'm a keen organiser ;) but I spy you are taking the passionfruit ad way! which is so cool! xo

  2. Sounds like a good plan m'lady :) Thanks for having my ad up for the last 3 months, been the best thing for my blog :)


  3. Ooo looking forward to hearing about the new system & I love the Amazing Advertiser blog post :')
    Love you blog tons!
    Niamh X

  4. aww i love how you keep us in the loop! that's why we love you louise!! :) xxxx

  5. Its cute how you keep everyone updated, i dont think anyone minds anyway, we all love you :)

    Sophierosehearts x

  6. Ohhh so those blogs on the side are paid for by the bloggers to bring a bit of traffic their way? That's really cool :) I don't really understand how a lot of this stuff works because of being new to blogging so it's good to learn about it all. It's also really cool that you're giving your readers ideas of other blogs to read and helping the other blogs too!

    I really admire your work Louise.
    Jacquina @

  7. I discovered Mrs Thrifty and Charlotte from your sidebar, and from theirs several other lovely bloggers! :D

  8. Hello Louise!! I am french, I really like your blog and the spirit of it! Your you tube channel is my favorite! So I linked your blog in my last post to create more French Sprinklerinos... You are amazing,

  9. I discovered charlotte from your sidebar!! It's so good!!


  10. Ooh sounds good, looking forward to your next post on the new system then. I've never been aware of the blogs linked in the sidebar really but I'm def going to check them out! Hope I get around to booking an adspace in the future :) xx

  11. I look forward to seeing how these changes improve things.

  12. Hej kære, besøger du faktisk denne webside regelmæssigt, hvis ja, så vil du uden tvivl få en god oplevelse.


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx

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