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Thursday, 16 May 2013

Looking Ahead

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

With Spring blooming and the promise of Summer on the horizon, we're all getting pretty excited around here.

(Darcy last year in her first pair of proper shoes and thrifted dress. Love this little outfit)

Last year was my second Summer with Darcy but my first being really confident as a Mother. The first was sleepless nights and long days learning a lot. In 2012 things were a lot more fun with trips to Liverpool, days out, Darcy's first steps, cutie games and a lorra lorra personality!

This year I want things to be just as brilliant, if not more. I'm seriously excited!! Since I have a deep and weird love for list writing, I thought I would share some things I have been daydreaming about recently. 

To Do This Summer

Tea Parties in the sunshine. Darcy is in love with her little tea set (she has three infact!) and likes to bring me little cups of imaginary tea and cake when I'm working. We've never taken them outside but I'm looking forward to it.

Making Daisy Chains. A little crown of flowers in those sweet curls would be just too precious. 

Walking on the Beach. Matt's parents live really close to a gorgeous sandy beach and I can't wait to feel the sand between my toes, collect driftwood and search for shells.

Dress Up. I can't help but buy Darcy a million sweet dresses. We're just waiting for some warmer weather to model them all. 

Projects. I have an old piece of furniture that I have been wanting to sand and paint for months now but want to do it as a family activity on my patio.

Iced Drinks at Starbucks. Yes, I know it's a huge commercial chain but I really bloomin' love it. 

Park Hopping. My friend Marie told me about this. You basically jump in your car and visit as many playgrounds as possible. Big fun!

Liverpool. My old university city will always hold a special place in my heart and every time I visit I love it just a little bit more. I want it to be special to Darcy too, she's half scouse after all. 

Wicksteed Park. This is an old amusement park/adventure playground/scenic area/arcade type place that my parents took me to when I was little and their parents took them too. I want to continue the chain and tell Matt and Darcy all my childhood memories.

Friends! This is a biggie. Last Summer I had some BRILLIANT days with different friends and I want more and more and more of those. I could do a whole blog post on all the highlights from last year, but this is not the time. Our life is so enriched by the friends we have in it and we want to nurture and enjoy those friendships even more.

Gardening. I've talked about this before but I want to really make our garden a space to enjoy. As well as taming the bushes and plants, I'd like to add a trampoline and a hammock. We've already added a water table which Darcy loves and I will share with you soon. 

OOTDS. With Summer comes lovely floaty dresses, bright colours and fun accessories. I've had quite the wardrobe revamp so would like to document some of the outfits I wear. 

MeetUps. Vidcon and Summer In The City are both happening this August and I can't wait to attend both. SITC was one of the most surreal and fun experiences of my 2012 so I have a lot of expectations for it!

Enjoy local things. I live in a really nice area (I think anyway) and I love all the little things about it. I love my neighbours, the corner shop, the local green spaces and all the trees we have around. This summer I'm going to really appreciate the place in which I live.

And that just about wraps things up. 

What are you looking forward to this summer? I feel so excited for life at the moment, I wish I could bottle this feeling and share it with you.

:: Some of my favourite Summer 2012 posts ::

(That last one isn't summery but I wrote it in the summer and was pleased as punch with it)



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  1. I look forward to going to the beach, having a picnic, being in the great outdoors and just enjoying myself!

  2. I literally can't wait until summer after this post! X

  3. Brilliant list! I can not wait for summer and I can not wait to see all your posts on this stuff!

    You're the greatest!

  4. This post has really inspired me to make this summer one of the best and you have some lovely ideas such as the beach and going to different events that I want to do too.

    Love this post loads!

    Becky xx

  5. We're heading into winter here, but I'm really looking forward to wearing all the winter clothes that haven't been pulled out of my drawers in months!

  6. This will be my last summer as a mummy of one so want to do as much as possible with my daughter as it will be harder to do stuff in winter with a newborn and 5 year old. I'm sure there will be plenty of forts being made lol x

  7. I love this post! So heartwarming and positive :)

    Big woooohooo for Summer 2013 :)


  8. That's quite a fun summer you have planned! I bet darcy loves it, she is so precious :)

    International 750 Follower Giveaway
    BreezeyBee Blog

  9. Brilliant list! Sounds like your homing to have loads if fun xx

  10. Your posts make us feel warm and fuzzy, Louise!!

  11. This is an Amazing Summer List and i look forward to the post that follow you on your Summer Journey

    Carrieanne x

  12. I love your list! This summer I want to do things I've never done before and vlog about them on YouTube! I'm excited to see how many things on my list I can do :)

    Emma xx

  13. What a lovely post Louise! I'm looking forward to evening dog walks when it is still warm and the sun is setting :)

    Megan x

  14. I love this post :) Darcy looks so cute! I'm really looking forward to summer, it has been raining over here for days :( Great post!


  15. I'm moving to London in the summer and I'm beyond excited for my little adventure! :)

  16. Every single thing in your list sounds wonderful! Looking forward to a few summery vlogs :)

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  17. Can't wait for all your summer posts / vlogs. It's getting into Winter here in New Zealand so it'll be nice to know someone, somewhere is enjoying a Summer!

    Rachel is Elsewhere

  18. I hope you have a great summer Louise!
    Sounds like you have lots of exciting things planned :D

    Emily x

  19. This has made me so excited for summer too :)

  20. Ohh Summer where are youuu!?

    xoxo Appie |

  21. Aww I can't wait for summer!!

  22. I love Wicksteed Park! I can't wait to take Isla but I think I'll be waiting another year when she's turned 2. These all sound fab Louise, you're going to have a lovely summer! oxox

  23. AWWWW!!
    From the looks of it, your summer is going to be filled with fun and smiles!! You should vlog some of them so we can see you and baby glitter having a blast! :D

  24. Hi Louise, where did you get that blue flower top you were wearing the 3d pinterest video? Just love it, you look stunning in it.

  25. Everyone seems happier in the summer, I'm excited for day trips to the beach! x

  26. I'm excited for so much but mainly for my little man to arrive at the end of June! I'm so excited to go for walks with my pram!

    Oh dear, just set my self off again with the tears.. Damn you pregnancy hormones!

  27. thanks to this post i have officially decided to make it my mission to experience a british summer asap as i have so far only experienced your crisp and delightful winters. however, i think for my next post i shall do a 'to do this winter' list.
    thankyou for the inspiration! x

  28. Great list of ideas! I can't wait for summer :) dreaming of chilling on a beach already!

    Imogen - A rendezvous with you

  29. I love making lists! It makes my life so much more productive! I hope you have a lovely summer, and I can't wait for all your posts! You're always extra sassy in summer videos/posts!

    Beauty Baroness ☮♥

  30. Okay - you got me really excited for Summer! I'm more of an Autumn girl, but I'm trying to do things this year to make Summer feel more special. Also - I love iced drinks at Starbucks lol. I want one now.
    - Danielle

  31. Your girl is so adorable! Have a great summer!

    Check out my OPI nail polish giveaway!

  32. Pretty long list huh?
    I would appreciate if you could check out my new post and let me know what you think :)

  33. This post just got me massively excited for the summer :) My plans will be decorating and "nesting" in my first ever home with my boyfriend and finally being able to enjoy our own little garden...fingers crossed for better weather!

  34. Hope you have ana amazing summer, I think writing a list of the things that you want to do is a great idea! xxx
    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  35. i like the tea party idea. very cute!

    - Janine

  36. I'm half scouse too! Wish I could visit Liverpool so easily but unfortunately living in Australia makes that a bit difficult. I will visit one day! I want to see where my dad grew up

  37. Your post makes me wish it could be summer instead of winter in South Africa! Such cute things to do!

    - Amber

  38. I'm excited to go to my family's lake house! There's nothing better than laying out on the lake with a drink in your hand :)

  39. Looking foward to summer now ! Thanks Louise ! :) x

  40. I'm SO excited about summer! It's my second with my Lily, and she's just taken her first steps recently, so I've got high expectations!

    As usual, thank you for such a fun, happy, lovely post!!!


  41. lovely! I'm going into winter (hello, South Africa)

  42. i love this post, gets me in the mood, im so excited!

    Im a new beauty blogger and id love it if anyone could check out my blog and maybe follow, i will always follow back!:-)xx

  43. That sounds like a great plan for the summer! Have fun :)

    Louisa's Notebook

  44. Hello Sprinkle Glitter,
    I'm currently working on a fashion related dissertation for my MSc, and I'm doing a survey concerning the attitudes of young ladies towards luxury brands ads. If you, or any of your lovely followers, has five minutes to spare to answer it, that would be of much much help :)
    Here is the link:
    Thank you very much

  45. Love your Summer list. I have to do lists for everything or i end up doing nothing all day. Woopsy! Love that your blog has more than one topic, makes it a lot more interesting. Enjoy your Spring/Summer. XxX

  46. I love planning for the future! You and you're family are going to have so much fun! <3

  47. gah! Daisy chains! LOVE it and totally remember making those for my wrists, ankles, hair, etc. Have fun!

  48. we all should learn to properly plan ahead!


  49. i will be making a summer bucket list post soon as last summer, i didn't really meet up with people so i want to feel like i have accomplished something! i already have a few things planned, i think this summer will be very good:)
    beuaty/lifestyle blog

  50. Louise can you do a meet up in the end of July as well? I'm in the UK then and seeing you would make this trip sooo special, I know so many people probably ask you about doing meet ups but yeah haha :)


  51. This is the cutest thing ever!! Your daughter's beautiful! It's obvious that yor daughter has an amazing future coming to get her!!xo

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Darcy's so cute :)
    I'm excited about my summer trip to Paris and LONDON! yay! It'd huge to ran into you and meet you in the city!


  54. My parents always used to take me to wicksteed park too! I used to love the ladybird roller coaster ride when I was little haha. Can't wait to see all your photos from this summer X

  55. She is such a beautiful toddler! Have an amazing summer and hopefully I'll see you at Vidcon, wait are you going?! I assumed you were but you aren't on their list! xx Rena
    Kiss and Make Up

  56. I just got even more excited for summer (as if that's even possible)! I love reading "looking forward to summer"-posts at the moment! :-) x

  57. I share your list writing love. Lists are so satisfying!

  58. I love Iced drinks at Starbucks too! Soya Hazelnut Coffee Frappuccinos here I come :P Love your blog.

  59. Darcy is beautiful! Such a good picture too.
    I've heard Wicksteed Park is supposed to be good! I haven't been myself yet though but maybe I will in the summer too :)

  60. such a great post, some really fun things on your list here, especially like the sound of park hopping XD xx

  61. this inspired me to do a "summer to-do list" thanks :D

  62. Hi Louise. I think this is my second ever comment to you. I just wanted to say a quick hello. Hello! I made a blog today which I have been debating about for over a year now. I have been a fan of yours for about that long too - Infact I remember it was just after Darcy's first birthday because it gave me loads of lots of great ideas for my little girls first birthday. Like the heart shaped bread :-) anyway I have finally bit the bullet and wrote my first post, I have been doing research all night about how to get my blog up and running and also watched yourself and Zoe's YouTube video which was a great help. So I just thougt id say hello and hopefully you will see this. If you would like to read my first post it's just a get to know me one. It is ( I think - it's all still abit confusing) take care lovely Louise xxx

  63. Those sound like such good ideas. I might just try some this summer. Thanks Louise! x

    Zoe // The Caribbean Flower

  64. I look forward to your blog posts during summer then! (I look forward to them anyway but you get what I mean) <3

    Holly |

  65. I love this post!

  66. Wicksteed Park! I had all my birthday parties there from about age 6 to 12! I loved the pirate ships and the helicopter ride!!

  67. Great plans you have, Louise!
    For me there are "only" two things I want to do this summer: First, spending more time outside in the sunshine, because last year I was trapped in a laboratory from morning to evening without any chance to even open a window.
    And second, finally (!) going to London for the first time :D Super excited about it!


  68. I used to go to Wicksteed Park all the time when I was younger! I used to love the skip on a rope, it is clearly the best ride around. My mum and dad used to go there too! Love it xx

  69. Definitely a few thing I want to do too in that list, Mostly to make the most of the summer, which i never normally do!

    Pipp xx

  70. Just looking at her little face cheers me up, so I can't imagine how big your smile would be! I need to start making plans for my Summer, instead of leaving every thing to the very last minute all the time. Such a lovely photo of Baby Glitter too.. such a sweetheart xxx

    Gemma | ♥ International MAC RiRi Woo giveway on my blog!

  71. Great list Louise! Very exciting indeed! :) In Australia at the moment we're actually approaching winter! However, I'm moving to the UK in about 2 months so I guess I can join in this summer list! :D I think for me, being a newbie to the area, I'm just going to go exploring and fit in as much tourist-y things as I can before uni starts up in September! Maybe I'll start doing a few OOTD's as well! Oh, and find a job... poo.

    Bring it on!! :D

  72. Love your blogs!!

  73. Sounds great! After all exam stress, I vowed to make this summer as chilled as possible but at the same time as active because i won't see some of my friends very often because we're all leaving school!

  74. That summer list sounds perfect, I can't wait for summer!

  75. I love making lists too, sounds like you've got loads planned for this summer!

  76. I'm moving to Australia this summer!! I can't even tell you how excited I am about it :)
    Great post as usual, and Darcy is growing up to look like the cutest little girl! xxx

  77. Wow, this is truly inspiring! You’ve got all the activities scheduled and organize for Darcy. I was greatly astonished! It seems the schedule is already fully booked. No time for shopping or bar hopping? Just kidding! But the idea is swell! You’re a very cool mom! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

    Our Webblog

  78. Such a heart warming post! Can't wait for you to be able to work through this list and post about it


  79. Great post :) inspired me to create my own list xxx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx

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