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Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Amazing Advertisers | | April 2013

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

How on earth do these months keep rolling by so fast? Soon it will be Autumn and I'll say, 'remember back in April...' haha.

As always, we have had some gorgeous blogs gracing the side bar this month and now is the chance to get to know them a little better and have a look around their slice of the net- they'd love to have you.


This month my Ultimate advertiser has been Barbie and Pie and the first thing I want to say about her is- I AM SO JEALOUS OF YOUR TEETH AND HAIR. Ok, now that's out of the way, this blog is a little gem and I think it's going to do really well. I love how the reviews aren't super overload-you-with-facts but you still get all the info you need in a chatty-talking-to-a-pal way. I also feel that I can relate to this blog as the fashion posts are aimed at curvaliscious women like me with a deep love for skater style dresses. Since you have a spare moment (you must do if you're purusing the blogersphere right now, why not hop over and have a mooch for yourself. It's nice. 

Dana is a blogging WonderWoman (see what I did there?). Not only does she have a goooorrrgeous beauty and lifestyle blog, an amazing e-book, an ETSY shop and a blog design service, she now has an app (HERE). Is there anything this lady can't do? Her blog (and the rest of her online empire) is a visual delight so hop on over and check it all out. 

Blushing Appraisal is what I would call a 'classic beauty blog'. It offers individual reviews of products (something I need to get back into), regular updates on beauty treatments and a lot of well thought out, accurate information. This blog is a great place for people who need the facts in a friendly and pretty environment. 

When Aimee's Grandfather passed away and she inherited his camera, she decided to put it to good use and start a blog. Firstly, I LOVE that. Her grandfather may not be here now but because of his gift, something beautiful has happened and we can all benefit from it. Secondly, this is a lovely blog full of reviews, life and happy moments. I'm all about the happy. Love love love. 

Lindsey is a little love. Her blog (oh so surprisingly) is about life, beauty and music. Being a non musicy person I thought it wouldn't be my taste but how wrong I was. Lindsey aspires to play to thousands and I really hope she does. I love it when people have a goal that they actively work for or try to achieve, it motivates me to achieve mine too. Go and see if she motivates you. 

Charlotte's Web is a blog I've been reading and loving forever. I'd read her even if I hadn't had brief twitter chats with her and even if she didn't advertise over here. To fill you in- lifestyle blog with a bit of everything yadda yadda yadda. Really, I just want you to hop on over to read her 'perfection and passports' post. It really strikes a cord and is something I think we can all relate to, warts an all!

Oh no, another blog to get sucked into and spend all your time reading! This 'little bit of everything' blog is the kind that you end up flicking through for about 25 minutes and then wonder what you were meant to be doing. EG. It's addictive!! Also, I now want to go to a wedding fair, despite being married over 2 years now. Dagnamit. Go have a looksie.

Stacie is a long time amazing advertiser and a long time inspiration. Suffering from Pulmonary Hypertension, Stacie is documenting her fight for life in a frank, detailed but relatable way, as well as sharing beauty ideas, life snippits and information about transplants. I've learnt a lot about this blog and often think about Stacie and her journey. 

This Canadian beauty blog is informative and easy to read. I have enjoyed the mix of beauty chats (drugstore makeup dramas!), life chats and reviews. This blog is fairly new so do go over and show it some love. If your a video junkie, there is a coinciding youtube channel for you to watch. Woop!

And that's the ladies of the sidebar! Are any of them new to you? Do you enjoy finding new blogs to love? 

If you would like to advertise on Sprinkle of Glitter, all the information is up top in the Sponsor tab. Some of the slots (mainly for bigger packages) have a little bit of wait time due to their popularity so please book early to avoid disappointment. 



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Barbie and Pie. If you would like to find out more about advertising on this blog, click HERE.

PS- Blogger is refusing to spellcheck so I'm afraid now you are all privvy to my terrible spelling abilities!


  1. I know what you mean - Time flies :)


  2. I have had a look at all these blog and I have to say I have fallen in love with them all!
    Thank you, By the way your blog is so amazing and inspriring.

    Rebecca :D xxx

  3. i swear it wasnt that long ago that i was wrapping christmas presents

  4. Tine certainly does fly!! Will make my way through these xx

  5. Every month I find a new blog to get utterly addicted to through your amazing advertisers posts!

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  6. Oh Louise, you are my favourite x

  7. Your blog is my absolute favourite! I love you!

    ruby xx

  8. ooo I am already loving these blogs and adding them to my reading list...thanks Louise :)

  9. I've read a few of these, but I love finding new blogs!

    I really love your blog and videos too Louise!

  10. Time does fly! I wish it would just slow down!

    fashion/beauty blog

  11. Love your posts, wish I could have a good blog and youtube channel like you and zoe when Im older :) x

  12. First of all...I love the 'I hope you feel beautiful today' pic! Perfect way to start the day.

    And thank you thank you thank you for suggesting these blogs. I needed a few more to follow -- and if their blogs are as good as yours, I am in for a treat.

  13. I have just started my blog so it's good to know about other blogs and who to follow! These blogs look really good so I'm going to take a look! Love your YouTube channel as well Louise!

  14. Hey Louise, i really really love your blog and i also pressed the cheeky follow button on all the blogs you spoke about in this post, you inspired me to start my own blog too, a month and a half ago and i really enjoy it, would you mind checking on that too :) your and Zoe's blog video from a while ago really helped me and i even got my first freebies :) Love from Estonia, really cold Estonia! :) <3

  15. Thank-you Louise! You always have such lovely things to say! There are a few blogs I haven't seen yet so I will make sure to check them out :D

    Stacie xoxo

  16. I love looking through these posts and following lots of lovely new people, thanks! xxx

    Maddy from

  17. i love all your posts so much


  18. I love your advertiser posts a lot. I've discovered some of my favourite blogs because of that (: thank you so much
    your great!

  19. Yay new reading material, I love that when talking about your advertisers, you can tell your genuine affection for them, it's really lovely!

    A little bit Unique - Blog // Please vote for me in the Company blog awards, best fashion - newcomer


  20. It's always great to discover new blogs through these posts, thank you! xx

    Curls and Swirls Beauty & Lifestyle

  21. Time will definitely fly by much faster now that I've got a few of these blogs to follow! Thanks for sharing them with us Louise, before reading this post the only blogs I followed were you, Zoe and Fleur haha!

  22. I know exactly what you mean about time - it's crazy how it flys! I feel like I just started this semester and now I'm done my exams!! Just checked a few of these out and love them! Thanks for the recs :))


  23. Checked all the blog out, love this series of posts! Great way to find more interesting bloggers!

  24. You have a nice blog!
    If you want, we can follow each other! You can follow me if you want to and I will follow you back :)

    Check out my makeup blog!

    xx Oksana

  25. Nice post! I love checking out new blogs I have never come around. =] xx

  26. I have them all open in tabs right now. Awesome new finds xx

  27. Def discovered some new blogs to follow thank you!

    PS Giveaway on my page right now Open internationally!

  28. Thanks for recommending these blogs! I will check them out immediately!

  29. Thank you for all the blog tips! :D

  30. NICE :)

  31. Thanks for having my blog hang out in your side bar for the past month Louise!!!
    <3 <3 <3
    Follow my Fashion Blog on Bloglovin!

  32. I had a look at all the above blogs and all of them are just amazing.. Good job by them.

  33. Great blogs :) xxx

  34. Thank you so much for the list with the blogs, I was searching for some good blogs to follow and now I found some!!

  35. Graphisads is leading Advertising agency of Outdoor Ads Delhi India, its use various techniques for advertising their products in the market and amongst the target groups.


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Sprinkleofglitter xxx

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