Aloha Sprinklerinos,
Something a little different today.
If you have been following this series (all previous posts linked below) you will have noted that I take inspirational words/typography from Pinterest and we have a little chat about how we can incorporate it into our own lives.
Well this week, rather than using the a pin already found, I decided to make my own. I would like to encourage you to pin it on whatever board you see fit (if you like it of course) and then we can all add to the world of inspirational words! Yay! I've made two versions so please pin the one you like best. I wonder which one will win?
Please pin whichever quote looks most appealing to you.
So this is a quote that I think my Dad told me when I was about 9 and struggling with my school work and it's stuck with me for nearly 20 years.
The idea is that if you carry on doing all the same things, nothing will ever change. It pushes you to try something a little different and reap the rewards of a new outcome. It's really, really easy to get stuck in a rut (believe me, I'm Mrs Rut!) and begrudge things in your life, but more often than not, it's something we can change ourselves. For example, whilst I was in Orlando, every single time I had to put swimwear on I would think, 'Urgh my thighs are so jibbly'. It's all very well thinking they're jibbly but then if I carry on just sitting about thinking it, they're not going to change. I need to do something different, like a smidge of exercise here and there!
Think about something you're not happy about in your life today. Now think about something you could do differently to help it. I'm not suggesting playing the lottery in the hope of paying off all your debts, but achievable things, like swapping a fizzy drink at lunch time for a bottle of water, or swapping watching Hollyoaks (who watches it anyway?!?!) for 30 minutes of extra homework.
Is there anything you can do differently? Will you be pinning either of these quotes?
This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Kittenish Behaviour. If you would like to find out more about advertising on this blog, click HERE.
This is just what I needed! We are about to set out on an 80 mile walk for charity this morning and its going to be a challenge - Izzy's Big Walk! Would be fab if you could possibly tweet as we are trying to raise as much money as possible for two great charities. Thank you :) xx
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ReplyDeleteHehe loves it xx
I always love motivational monday it helps get me going on a monday morning!
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ReplyDeleteI'm really glad to see this post today! I've recently had a major change in my life and because of that, a huge lack of motivation and a lot of can't-be-bothered-ness, I stopped going to the gym and started eating a lot of yummy (but naughty) things! I've been moping about feeling 'jibbly' for weeks now but haven't done a single thing but eat MORE yummy things to make myself feel better! For some didn't work...that's weird. Yesterday I decided to get my gym membership running again and have recruited my sister-in-law to come with me and we're working off our "jibbly" bits and kicking each others butts into shape! Day 2 and I'm feeling pretty darn good!
ReplyDeleteI'd also like to say that you are absolutely stunning, jibbly bits and all! <3
xox Bridget
Thank you for this post, it's just what I needed! I really love all the motivational mondays, they give me so much energy and change the way I think a bit! Keep it going, this series is great!
Thank you, lousie your posts are always down our frowns upside down
I don't usually comment on these posts, but this is so true, and so beautifully written. Thank you <3
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the motivational Monday posts! I sit in bed every Monday morning and read them and they put me in a good, motivated mood! :) xx
ReplyDeleteThis is so true for my uni work! I shouldn't leave everything till the last minute and expect good grades when I know that doesn't work!
ReplyDeleteThis is so true, thank you Louise! Your Dad was so wise to tell you this so young!
i'll remember this to help me get in the right mindset for revision thank you x
I'm pinning both of them because I think they both apply to me right now! Wish me luck in actually applying them to my life! xxx
Such an inspirational quote! & well worth following :)
I love this quote! I can't find it on your pinterest to repin though :( xx
ReplyDeleteLucy Loves To Blog
Love this quote! So insparational
I always need this on a monday haha, seriously :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
I love your Motivational Mondays, because they're actually really motivating! More than once was it exactly what I needed. This summer I am taking the opportunity to live and work in London for a while, which is both really exciting and terrifying at the same time, but I am willing to get out of the boring city I've always lived in (and even more, to get out of Germany!) and I can't wait to experience the big city life :)
Such an interesting quote, think the first appeals to me more as it looks more simple and almost child like. love reading your motivational mondays as i find them really inspiring so keep up the good work!:)
ReplyDeleteYou are the best Louise :)I love the second one!
ReplyDeletexoxo Have a wonderful Easter Monday with your precious Family!!!
D-awww! You are a true inspirationlist (if thats a word? you get what i mean ... it think ....)
ReplyDeletelove you xoxo
Louise you are a great inspiration. thank you for being who you are! :) xxx
ReplyDeletemy blog:
This is what I need at the moment, away from home and working stupidly hard. Thank you Louise!
Lauren x
What a lovely little quote, very motivational indeed! Lucky Baby Glitter, having such an inspirational mum! x
I really liked this I pinned the second one really nice writing too! x ♥
Great quote, really can relate to this right now, thanks for sharing Louise!
Oh I really like this quote, I think I might push myself to change how I am and achieve what I need to now!
ReplyDeleteOne of my new favourite quotes so thank you, Louise :)
Jamie ♥
Hey Louise :) Thanks for posting this, I've heard this quotation a few times and it's always made me think about current situations I'm in and forces me to look at how I can change things or make my life easier/better for myself. It really is a great post and is a great way to motivate changes.
ReplyDeleteI will definitely be pinning up the first one. Strong font and gets to the point without the distraction of the (pretty) yet swirly writing.
Lots of love, hope you had a fab time in Orlando.
Jayde Paris xxxxx
Ah just what I needed! Thank you Louise! Really made me think and I'm sure will help me alot in the next few weeks!
Nice post Louise, love your blog :)
I do really love your monday blogposts! Its nice to have a new lesson at the beginning of every week for me to think differently about the week ahead!
ReplyDeletePipp xx
These motivational Mondays are one of my favourites, I often can't be bothered with the start of the week but these really cheer me up :)
ReplyDeleteEmily x -
This is so true! It was also someting I was told as a child and has stuck with me for a very long time!
ReplyDeleteMaxine, xx
I love your Monday posts, albeit that bit more on a cheeky bank holiday.
ReplyDeleteWise words :) x
Thanks, Louise! I quite like these posts. I know I can get stuck in ruts and this year I have been trying to push myself to live a bit more. And I've ventured off into a completely different career than where I used to be!
ReplyDeletewow this actually opened my eyes a little, I definitely want to make a few changes! I should probably swap sitting on the internet for actually doing some work. And I agree about the Hollyoaks thing... i really don't like soaps anyway! x
I really needed this. I was just sitting in bed trying to decide if I really needed to go to the gym. If you want to change something, or work on something, you've got to work at it. Thanks, Louise. Happy Monday!
ReplyDeletePS I did pin it! :D
I absolutely love this series you have going. It gets me through the week and keeps me feeling positive! X
ReplyDeleteWonderful quote x
Love the quotes - I always get excited when Monday roles around because I know I'll be seeing 'Motivational Monday' in my Bloglovin' feed! :) xx
ReplyDeletefirst time commenting here! good quote, because you are the only person who can take a proactive role at changing something in yourself. this is something i'm working on right now... or rather since i got pregnant and had my daughter... she gave me the motivation to face my fears and anxiety and although i've had a few hiccups along the way, i feel that i'm making progress with dedication!
ReplyDeleteI love how this mondays post is just that smidge more personal! Motivational as always :D xxx
ReplyDeleteLove motivational mondays!! very inspiring :) xxx
I love your motivational mondays posts! You always manage to inspire people, even when you aren't trying! You inspired me to start my own blog and I would love it if you could have a quick look. I know that a lot of people will ask you this, but it really would mean a lot to me! Thank you x
you're so great! i don't have pinterest but i would post the top one, love that font!
ReplyDeleteand i'm definitely needing all this motivation because my A2 exams start in about 6 weeks. scared! love you louise!!
Ah this is so lovely! I am kind of stuck in a rut at the moment I have a mountain of revision/work I need to do but feeling so overwhelmed so nothing is getting done. I'm gonna take some inspiration from this post!
I really needed this quote today! I've just made a huge decision that's going to make for a lot of crazy changes in my life. It's so daunting, but words like these help reinforce that it's worth all the risk-taking. Thanks again, Louise!
ReplyDeleteI felt bad all day til i saw this guote,
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to thank you for this guote, it really helped!
Thanks Louise!
You´re yhe best! <3
I love these posts!! What font is used in the first image? Anybody know? Thanks xx
Wonderful quote - so inspiring.
ReplyDeleteSometimes it's so easy to get caught up in everyday routines and not give yourself a little push out of your comfort zone and try something more risky and out of your comfort zone.
Great message to remember in times like that! :) Will be banking this one in my head!
Ginger x
Thank you for is Louise it has inspired me to take my life more seriously and change up my life haha I've started taking my beauty channel more seriously because it is something I truly enjoy, annabel rose if you're interested, I've started running and I've started taking my work more seriously. This is all down to you Louise thank you for giving that push in the right direction x
ReplyDeleteActually, this has motivated me in the opposite way you intended it to I think?
ReplyDeleteI'm graduating soon and will be taking my first final exams next week, so currently I'm trying to stay calm and relaxed even though it's kind of a "biggie" for me. I've always had really good grades in school, so to me, this quote means to just do what I've always done to receive those grades (which was a healthy amount of studying and a good night's sleep) and everything will go just fine. I know you probably didn't mean it like this and I will make sure to think of the other meaning (to get out of your comfort zone etc.) in the future once University comes around, but for the moment, this interpretation just serves me so well :)
Thank you! xxx
I love your Motivational Monday posts! x
This is so fitting for me personally right now about to finish university! Very wise words , I love it! x
ReplyDeleteI love this quote Louise :) No wonder you're such a positive person x
ReplyDeleteI love them both!
ReplyDeleteFashion/Beauty blog
I adore this quote and it's so so true as well! Thanks for sharing! X
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this quote. I really appreciate it; I didn't do well on one of my exams but I still got 2 more to go. I felt like giving up on this class, but after reading this I wont give up and I'll do my bestest until the end of the semester. ^-^
ReplyDeleteI love the first quote, my sister taught me this one! I love it, it makes a difference in my life, I was Mrs.Rut as well and working hard everyday to stay out of one so reading posts like this always help so thanks for writing it! :)
My dad always used to say this to me... I will be pinning the top version as I love the font!
I've had this quote pinned for a little while as it's so true. Your post made me have a little think though whilst I'm sat here at work stewing over something...and there ARE things I can change (or try to change) at work which would make the situation better, so I'm going to bite the bullet and do them! Thanks Louise :) xxx
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Added it to WeHeartIt :) Love the quote, it's so true. I feel like it tells about me. I'm going to have a gap year starting in spring 2014, and my biggest dream is to become an au pair in UK. I really really want to do it, but I'm afraid that I get to scared and won't do it... But if I don't make the first move, I'm never getting there. Trying to teach myself that lesson :) So if you're going to need an au pair, I'm here! :D Oh, maybe I just should forget my fears and just go for it. That's what I'll do.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this blog and your TY channel, you're so inspirational!
I love this quote and post so much :) Thanks Louise - and Louise's dad!
I really really love your Motivational Monday posts Louise! You are such an inspirational and lovely person. I love your YT videos and blogposts, after clicking through your blog and this post, i finally got myself to create a blog on English, it doesn't sound so special, but I don't live in an english speaking country, so i was a bit afraid. But I will go for it now. Thanks for being yourself! xx
ReplyDeleteI made a short film based on this qoute last year :) You can view it here . I hope you enjoy it. Molly xo
ReplyDeleteWow oh my goodness, this makes total sense. I haven't realized it until now. This is absolutely awesome. Your motivational monday's are always so inspiring. :)) Thank you. It's nice you take the time to do these types of posts:))
ReplyDeleteI love these posts, I know they are true and exactly what I need to do to make me happier in life but I find it really difficult to actually find the motivation to do the things that I want to do
ReplyDeletereally nice pies of information hats off to you! Thanks plenty once more,Regards
ReplyDeletemotivational workout quotes
Interesting thank you quotes. "I feel an exceptionally surprising sensation—in the event that it isn't heartburn, I figure it must be appreciation." — "Companionship resembles peeing on yourself: everybody can see it, yet just you get the warm inclination that it brings.
ReplyDeleteamazing Article, Thanks for sharing!
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